Chapter Eighteen

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Ridley's 'talk' with Principal Nezu consisted of them laughing maniacally for a solid five minutes without saying a word. Once they stopped laughing, he handed her a note and sent the three of them on their way without a word. Tamaki looked warily at the note Principal Nezu had given the spastic girl half suspecting it to be something terrifying like a hit he'd put out on someone. Instead it was just a simple note to the administration office telling them to get the raccoon a student ID and register him as Ridley's sidekick.

"Is that how all of your conversations with Principal Nezu go?" Tamaki asked her curiously. Mr. Aizawa sent her to the office a lot during their first year, Mirio suspected he did so anytime he needed a break from the bubbly girl.

Ridley cackled, "mhm, fun, right?"

Tamaki shook his head at this but he couldn't stop smiling. Everything seemed much more fun with Ridley around.

When they reached the administration office, Ridley handed over the note. The secretary stared at her blankly after reading it before sighing and calling Principal Nezu's office. When the phone picked up Tamaki heard a stream of maniacal cackling on the other end. The secretary sighed and hung up before snapping a photo of Ryland and going to make the ID badge. She returned a few minutes later and handed over a student badge with Ryland's face on it.

"Yay!" Ridley cheered and slipped the tiny lanyard over his head, "you're officially a student, now."

Tamaki chuckled and the three of them made their way to class. They were happy to find their homeroom teacher this year was Ectoplasm. He took one look at Ryland once again sitting atop Ridley's head and groaned. Ryland was currently sitting upright atop Ridley's head puffing his chest out a little to show off his cute new tie and school badge.

"Who let that rabid thing in here?" Chie glowered.

Ridley giggled, "oh hey, you did give everyone at the agency rabies once." She looked up trying to see Ryland but found it difficult as he was atop her head.

The students all within reach of Ridley flew out of their seats and scooted as far away from her as possible. Ectoplasm sat at his desk and dropped his head into his hands. Tamaki thought he heard him mutter 'why me?' to himself.

"He doesn't have rabies anymore, silly gooses." Ridley giggled as she skipped to her seat next to Mirio who was clutching his sides in laughter.

"You were the rabid thing I was talking about!" Chie snapped.

"Well, jokes on you, I got some shots and I don't have rabies anymore either." Ridley stuck her tongue out at the snobby girl causing the rest of the class to die laughing.

"Knowing you did have rabies at some point explains so much." One of the other students noted and everyone broke into a fit of laughter once again.

Ryland sensed the student was being mean to Ridley and held up his tiny hands trying to get his fingers to snap. Tamaki and Mirio looked curiously to Ridley's furry companion.

"What ya doing little buddy?" Mirio asked.

Ridley set Ryland atop her desk and noticed he was trying to snap his little fingers. "Oh. Did you want me to do that?" Ridley held up her hand, her fingers poised and ready to snap.

"NO!" Everyone screamed and scrambled for the door. Once the door became clogged, the more desperate students ran for the windows.

Ridley looked curiously at her classmates before giggling, "you guys all look so silly."

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