Chapter Two

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Being an unwanted child had a few perks. Ridley had very little supervision and could roam around the city as she pleased. She spent a lot of her time wandering to various parks trying to find other children to connect with. Because she was a little bit spastic most kids her age wanted nothing to do with her. Frank had been trying to help her reel it in a little and not be so aggressive with her friend catching tactics, but he wasn't sure the bubbly child was grasping the concept.

Ridley paused at one of her favorite parks as she was wandering home from school. She spotted two boys who appeared to be about her age. The word hero drifted across the playground and a bright smile lit up her face. Were they talking about heroes? Maybe they were playing heroes! With a giggle, young Ridley activated her quirk snapping her fingers on her left and right hand simultaneously. There was a faint tugging sensation before her body vanished from where she'd been standing and rematerialized in front of the two boys.

"Are you guys playing heroes?!" She squealed excitedly startling the pair of them.

"AH! The taller boy with the pale blonde hair and big round blue eyes that appeared to be lacking a visible sclera exclaimed and nearly jumped out of his skin.

The scrawnier boy with the dark indigo spiked hair and the pointed ears vanished completely from sight. Ridley gasped at this, "He can teleport too! That's so cool!" Her golden green eyes drifted downward and she realized he hadn't teleported but had fallen off the bench in terror. "Oh. Maybe not." She giggled as she leaned forward and offered him a hand, "What are you doing on the ground, silly?"

The scrawny boy with the unruly dark indigo hair looked like he was trying to hide under the bench. He was shaking like a leaf and looking anywhere but at the bubbly girl who'd just appeared out of nowhere.

Ridley woke with a smile as she thought fondly back on the memory of when she'd met two of her closest friends Tamaki Amajiki and Mirio Togata. Tamaki was painfully shy. He had severe social anxiety and seemed incapable of recognizing his own strengths and progress in anything he did. Mirio was the complete opposite, he was loud, jovial and one of the most determined people she'd ever met.

She scrambled to get ready for school, hurrying to put on her uniform consisting of a dark teal skirt, a grey jacket with teal accents and a white collared shirt with a small red necktie. After a few attempts at getting her hair to cooperate she gave up and left it in a long tousled mess hanging down her back. Quietly she crept out of her room and headed toward the stairwell hoping to get something to eat on her way out the door as she was running too late to stop anywhere for food.

As Ridley drew closer to the door leading to the kitchen from the servants' stairwell, it swung open abruptly. She lost her footing and slid the rest of the way down the steps on her bottom and hit the ground with a soft 'oof' before giggling at her own clumsiness. The person who'd opened the door, the thirty-year-old private chef hired by her father to prepare the family's meals looked down at her with a sympathetic look.

"Sorry, cher, you alright?" The French man with the pale blonde hair and the kind blue eyes asked as he offered her a hand.

"I'm okay, Liam." Ridley giggled as she hopped to her feet and dusted herself off before offering him a big grin. "I was hoping I could get some fruit or someth-." She cut off as he extended lunchbox to her.

"All taken care of, cher." He winked.

"You're the best!" Ridley beamed and hurriedly hugged him before disappearing with a faint pop as she heard the sound of her father's wife in the next room over.

Beautifully Broken [BNHA]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang