Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: Sorry it's a bit short but enjoy this adorable picture of the Todoroki kiddos to make up for it...maybe????

"Its Sunday, why are we awake so early?" Natsuo grumbled as he groggily rubbed his eyes and dropped onto the sofa between his younger brother and elder sister.

"Ridley said she had something important to tell us." Fuyumi elbowed Natsuo in the side in an attempt to get him to wake up. She fought off a yawn of her own, it was unusually early and they were all still in their pajamas and half awake.

Natsuo straightened up and shot a glare in their father's direction as he trudged into the living room with a frown and took a seat in an armchair not too far from the sofa. Shoto and Natsuo cast him a dark look and both were tempted to get up and leave.

"Ridley, everyone's gathered." Enji sighed, though he felt somewhat worried. When she'd woken him up in the morning it had nearly given him a heart attack. He'd never seen the bubbly youth look so serious and was worried about what she wanted to talk to them about. Was she thinking of returning to her abusive family?

Ridley poked her head out from around the corner. "I have something I need to show you." She said seriously causing them all to worry, though some of them would be reluctant to admit it.

"What is it Ridley?" Fuyumi asked visibly concerned.

"Sho-chan, push that button." Ridley pointed to a remote lying next to the youngest Todoroki child.

Shoto frowned and pressed the button on the remote she'd indicated and everyone's concern for the girl turned into worry at what they'd all just gotten themselves into. Dramatic music started to play from the surround sound system before it turned into a drumroll.

They all heard a faint poof from the hallway and the Todoroki family hurriedly looked up expecting the bubbly girl to fall from the ceiling. There were two faint pops above and Ridley landed somewhat gracefully on her feet in the center of the room in her hero costume. It was a skin tight silver bodysuit with green accents that really brought out the green in her eyes.

"Introducing Poof and her fantastically adorable sidekick, RYLAND!" Ridley yelled dramatically as a fat squashy raccoon appeared above Shoto's head wearing a lumpy green hand knitted cape and face mask.

Ryland fell onto the youngest Todoroki child's head and the two of them sat in a stunned silence for a moment. Natsuo fell off the couch clutching his sides as he nearly cracked a rib laughing so hard. Fuyumi bit her lip not sure what to do as Shoto and the very unhappy raccoon both scowled in Ridley's direction. Enji looked at his spastic intern and slowly dropped his head into his hands trying his hardest not to laugh at the absurdity of it all.

"Aw! Look Sho-chan, Ryland's like a fungus too and he grew on you!" Ridley giggled causing the boy's face to redden in anger. Shoto slowly got to his feet and gruffly handed her the fat raccoon before turning and walking away without a word. Ridley pouted down at the squashy raccoon in her arms, "maybe he doesn't like that we used your real name instead of a hero name..."

"Yeah, I'm sure that was the problem." Natsuo said sarcastically before cracking up again.

Fuyumi scrambled after her youngest brother in an attempt to smooth things over. Realizing he was now stuck in a room with just his father and the crazy girl, Natsuo quickly made his escape.

Enji sighed and rubbed his temples, "Ridley, in the future could you refrain from calling urgent family meetings for non-urgent matters."

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