Chapter Eight

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The Todoroki siblings enjoyed their breakfast quietly. Fuyumi tried to ask her two younger brothers about school but neither one seemed to be very talkative. The trio looked up as their father appeared in the doorway. Shoto and Natsuo got up abruptly to excuse themselves from the table neither one being able to stand being in the same room as their father. Fuyumi tried to keep the peace and pleaded with her younger siblings to finish their breakfast. Natsuo sighed and gave in, Shoto was stubborn and moved toward the exit.

There was a faint popping sound before a bright ball of energy wearing a ridiculous raccoon onesie barreled into him with a giggle. "Oopsie." Ridley's lilting laughter rang through the dining room as she looked down at the younger teen she'd flattened. "Good Morning, Sho-chan!"

Shoto gave the annoying girl sitting atop his chest an unamused look.

"Ridley, what are you doing?" Endeavor sighed, she'd obviously been running when she teleported.

"I was playing tag with the raccoons." Ridley giggled.

Endeavor groaned, "I said no raccoons in the house."

"They're in the garden." Ridley beamed.

"Is that why you're dressed like a raccoon?" Natsuo pondered with a chuckle.

"Mhm, I had to disguise myself so I could join the ranks." She beamed.

"That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard." Shoto grumbled in annoyance, "will you please get off of me?"

Ridley poked the disgruntled boy on the cheek causing him to scowl at her.

"What are you doing?!"

"Trying to fix your face." Ridley shrugged as she poked at him again.

Shoto sighed, "You're annoying."

Ridley grinned and poked him again.

"What do I have to do to make you go away?" Shoto groaned.

"That's a silly question." Ridley was having too much fun pestering the boy. "It's obvious, isn't it?"

Shoto frowned, "Obviously not."

Another more aggressive poke as his lips turned downward.


"Yahtzee!" Ridley giggled.

Everyone else watched curiously. Shoto hadn't smiled for as long as any of them could remember. The surly teen glared up at the bubbly girl. Why did his father bring her here? "Why are you even here?" He growled.

"Well I was playing with raccoons in the garden and I missed my landing, so now I'm here." Ridley laughed.

Shoto sighed realizing he wasn't going to get anywhere. "You're impossible." He grumbled before smiling bitterly, "Can I go now?"

Ridley clapped her hands together and cheered, "Yay! It needs some work but I guess it will do, this time." She teased him as she snapped her fingers on both hands disappearing with a faint 'poof'.

Fuyumi felt something stir within her. There'd been something revealed in Ridley's eyes before she vanished. She turned to her father, "...she's really sad, isn't she?"

Shoto and Natsuo looked to their older sister curiously. "What are you talking about? I've never seen anyone that bubbly in my life." Natsuo laughed.

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