16: the actual detention

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"what are you staring at?" sakura asked. felix ignored her, watching the door waiting for hyunjin to walk through.

"shh! no talking." the detention monitor yelled. sakura apologised and looked back at felix who was frozen.

"i need to go to the bathroom." felix said bluntly. he left with the monitor's permission and started wondering before hearing two familiar voices.

"minju, you know i love you."

"but you don't act like it."

"you've seen how the boys treated yuri and yena. yena had to punch one so they'd stop asking for a sex tape."

felix, being the dumbass he is, sneezed. minju and the other person stopped speaking before looking to see felix standing in the middle of the corridor.

"felix?!" both girls yelled. he giggled and waved at them. minju went back to the corner with embarrassment all over he face while chaewon was pissed.

"why are you here!? it's after school." she growled. felix pointed to the detention room down the hall, making chaewon calm down. "makes sense. did you hear that?" she asked.

"how you're scared you'll be fetishised so you pretend to like hyunjin? yes i did." felix smiled, making chaewon pissed again.

"don't tell anyone! i'm sorry for all i've done and calling you a fag. it doesn't make sense since i'm one as well." chaewon chuckled along with felix. they both awkwardly stood their before minju came around the corner.

"why do you have detention?" minju asked. felix scratched his head and explained. they called bull on the school policies and ended up talking for twenty minutes more.

"i need to go back. see ya!" felix said before running back to the detention room seeing sakura clapping (cheeks) the chalkboard erasers.

"about fucking time lixue! the bitch is taking a smoke break and left me. and hyunjin came in but left to get food." sakura groaned, clapping the erasers in felix's face.

"sorry sorry. there was no tissue." felix lied. sakura scoffed but didn't care enough to ask what the truth was. not today at least.

"pad thai anyone?" hyunjin said, walking through the doors with changbin. he placed them on a desk and sat behind it.

"uhm fuck yes." sakura said, throwing the erasers and immediately grabbing food. "lixue! c'mon, your man is feeding us for free!" sakura whisper yelled, making hyunjin chuckle.

"why are you even here?" hyunjin scoffed while walking over to felix.

"smoking with nancy but she has gymnastics so they let her go." she scoffed. hyunjin wrapped his arm around felix and squished his face.

"no hello?" hyunjin whispered to felix. he shivered at his voice and shook his head.

"what if the monitor sees?" felix asked nervously. hyunjin shrugged and walked them back to his seat. felix sat next to him and watched the door.

"eat up. you're being a buzzkill." hyunjin whined, handing felix a takeout box. felix just took it and started eating cuz what else is he gonna do? "changbin doesn't even have detention he wants to mooch off of me. terrible friend."

"i carried some stuff!" changbin yelled, making felix chuckle a bit.


felix got into his dad's car and looked out the window. he saw sakura and hyunjin fighting while nancy held changbin. his dad turned on the radio and drove off.

"so you swore at your friend. rude." he started. felix nodded, now looking at his lap from embarrassment. "is it because of that tall boy that you walked out with?"

"y-you saw? h-how much?"

"i arrived when he kissed you then the blondie came running to the shorter boy." his dad was so unbothered compared to felix. he was embarrassed and scared about what he thinks.

"please don't tell eomma! she'll cry cuz i'm growing up too fast." felix mumbled in annoyance. his dad nodded, pretending to zip his lips.

"are you two dating?" felix shrugged, confusing his dad now. "so you two just kiss as friends?"

"no he hasn't asked me out." his dad nodded, pulling up to the apartment. "don't tell nayeon noona either. she's a blabber mouth."

"of course. like i said," he zipped his lips again.

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