4: help

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for the next week, chaewon and a different girl would show up with traditional rice and ask a question about hyunjin after lunch.

"what's his favourite colour?"


"his ideal type?"

"someone who cares about him"

"does he like long or short hair?"

"no preference"

"boys or girls?"

"either. preferably boys."

after felix answered the last question, chaewon and yeji looked at him disgusted. felix smiled and left with seungmin.

"they think you like hyunjin." seungmin whispered. felix nodded and hid in his small hands. "don't let them know." seungmin said, looking back at the girls. they were whispering to each other and looking at the boys.

"but i do. why does it matter?" felix asked. seungmin sighed and just walked away to their class. "wait! please tell me!" felix chased after him until they reached the room.

"sit down." seungmin grabbed a paper and pencil and drew three circles. "ok, there are three levels of girls in our school. ones who study hard, your average nerd. then, your actual average teen. talks about interest, does ballet probably and likes kpop kinda. lastly, we have chaewon. girls like her are obsessive and see people who aren't friends with them that talk to hyunjin as an enemy. dont. be. an. enemy." seungmin explained, tapping felix's forehead.

"ok. can i have this?" felix asked, pointing to the paper. seungmin was confused but nodded, sliding him the paper. felix put it in his backpack and giggled at seungmin. whatever that means. seungmin thought, rolling his eyes.


"PREFERABLY BOYS." chaewon kept yelling. her friends just watched as she circled the table. "felix is a boy in fact, a gay boy. and by a poll last year, everyone who's attracted to men said hyunjin was hot. including felix." chaewon explained.

"but felix is the complete opposite of hyunjin. he liked pink, average grades, listens. like the ideal boyfriend. and hyunjin hates pink, a lot, smokes, bad grades and disobedient. they can't possibly like each other." chaeyeon counter attacked. chaewon walked up to her and slapped her. hard.

"you babbling idiot! that's the perfect couple! uwu girl and dark boyfriend! in this case, both boys." chaewon barked. chaeyeon rubbed her red cheek as her and the rest watched chaewon continue walking.

"felix is bi." yeji said, which helped no one.

"yeji, felix likes boobs. EVERYONE LIKES BOOBS!" chaewon yelled, slapping yeji as well. "felix would never kiss a girl. he wouldn't even get pegged by one." she snickered.

"go to lunch with them. he won't mind he's felix." minju said. chaewon squealed in delight and kissed minju's cheek.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH! ugh why are the rest of you guys so dumb?" chaewon scoffed.

fucking hate her. yuri kept saying in her head before just smiling and nodding.

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