21: kill

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a/n: violence and drug warnings


hyunjin walked into lia's house. she'd always throw parties on fridays, so he showed up. it was opened door with tons of people smoking and drinking. this was his brand, his only hobby honestly.

some stared, many scoured or smirked at him, most people were too drunk and high to even care who had just walked in.

hyunjin walked to the kitchen and made eye contact with sakura. she snickered as she put her cigarette out and made out heavily with nako who was next to her.

she walked up to him while dragging nako and laughed loudly. hyunjin just felt the alcohol and weed radiating off of her with her body language.

"y'know, a lot of us hate you." she asked. hyunjin nodded, leaning on a counter. "good. so why the fuck are you here?" hyunjin shrugged, looking around with a nonchalant look.

"just wanted to enjoy myself." sakura scoffed at him as she gripped his wrist.

"felix said he might come so we could get absolutely shitfaced, but he chickened and said you'd be here. low and behold, you're fucking here!" sakura yelled, throwing her hands up.

nako whispered something to sakura in japanese, making direct eye contact with hyunjin as she spoke. sakura laughed violently, nodding as well.

"she asked if you're the guy who broke the kid's heart. he's literally in so much love with you, it's appalling. like, i gag when he talks about your sorry ass." sakura rambled.

"yes sakura, thank you-"

"no, you don't understand how much you piss me off. why were you so annoying, you should've chilled a bit and murdered wooyoung. felix is a fucking twerp who can't even tell left from right. i feel just being nice would've worked."

"ok. thank you again. goodnight." hyunjin grumbled, leaving the kitchen. nako yelled after him in japanese about being a whore just so he wouldn't understand her.

he slumped against the wall and was handed a cup by a nameless hand. the figure turned around the corner and smirked. it was chaewon and minju.

"quick question, are you wallowing and trying to drug yourself to become numb?" chaewon asked. hyunjin mindlessly nodded, sniffing the cup. "it's lean, homemade by lia." she smiled.

"thanks. sakura was just cussing me out." he sighed as he chugged the lean. he shivered after at the sweet and sour taste. "is there candy?"

"yup! and like a violent amount of soju. there was no sprite." minju shrugged. hyunjin nodded, giving them the cup back. "tsk, weak." they scoffed before leaving him alone.

hyunjin held his pounding head as he stammered around the house and landed on a couch. the room was spinning out of control and he was seeing double.

what was in that drink?! he panicked as he rapidly texted his friends for the first time in weeks. he was scared and confused.

"did you have the lean? cause you look like shit." wooyoung smirked. hyunjin straightened out and could only see red. wooyoung was having fun with this loopy, drugged hyunjin, poking his cheek.

"don't fucking touch me! you ruined me!" he yelled.

"no. you ruined yourself. i'm innocent!" wooyoung shrugged. "and i'm gonna steal that little bitch while i'm at it." he whispered.

hyunjin had it. he wound up his wrist and punched him in the chin. everyone around them gasped, seeing blood leak out of his nose and mouth. hyunjin had heavy and raggedy breathing. wooyoung held his jaw and licked his lips with a chunk his tongue bit off.

"you're good, hwang. now, your turn." the two were fully fighting, hyunjin in the lead. no one was rooting for anyone, they wanted violence, except for sakura, she wanted hyunjin dead at the moment.

lia and ryujin walked into the room to see the chaos that was happening, entertaining ryujin. lia was pissed that her party was being ruined by these assholes.

"cut it out!" she cried, seeing blood on her couch. no one heard her, not even ryujin who was right next to her.

lia took a soju bottle and slammed it onto the ground. everyone looked at the hyperventilating girl like she had just committed arson.

"you two, you fucked up my couch!" she screamed. they looked at the chair and knelt down in apology. lia kicked both of their heads and held her hand out. "it's not easy to clean a white couch, you pricks. 55,000 won, now." she demanded.

hyunjin started pulling his wallet out, but wooyoung didn't move. she slapped him and yelled curses at him to make him obey. lia snatched both of their wallets and took every bill they had.

"good. fuck you both and get the fuck out of here!" lia screamed.

"stay the fuck away from him." hyunjin growled, gripping his shirt. lia pulled them apart and flicked hyunjin's head.

they both bowed again and hyunjin left out of the front, while wooyoung was taken care of by some girls. "i don't want him in here, take him to the hospital or something." she scoffed.

hyunjin reached outside and sucked his teeth in. his nose was slightly bleeding and his eye was busted, but he didn't care. he just wanted to sleep this lean pain off.

"i'm sorry, lixue." hyunjin sighed.


a/n: sorry so violent. there will be a resolution i just don't know how :(

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