5: sushi

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"well i need to meet with jeongin. he needs help with his work." jisung said before leaving felix. he waved bye and walked into the classroom.

"FELIX!" chaewon yelled. he stopped in the doorway and smiled at chaewon. "why don't we join you?" chaewon asked. before felix could answer, chaewon and minju pushed him into the room.

"you brought friends?" hyunjin asked, hiding his cigarette box. felix nodded and sat at the table across from him. "no lunch? you want me to starve?" felix shook his head, blushing hard.

"we brought you food." chaewon said, giving him fried rice. traditional fried rice. hyunjin scoured at the food and opened to see what is was.

"thanks. felix what'd you bring me?" hyunjin quickly moved on from chaewon. felix walked over to hyunjin and could feel the girls glare. he placed the container on the table with his shaky hands and took out plain metal chopsticks.

"i m-made you s-sushi." felix answered. he opened the container to reveal not very pretty sushi rolls, making the girls laugh.

"i wouldn't wanna eat those. looks like someone stepped on them." minju whispered to chaewon but loud enough for felix to hear. he flushed red and gave hyunjin the chopsticks.

"you dont h-have to eat th-them." felix said, sounding so defeated. i cant compete with chaewon! she's pretty and has boobs! no one can pass up boobs ever. felix sighed before he saw hyunjin handing him the chopsticks back. felix looked up at hyunjin with his sparkly eyes, confused.

"is it that ugly?" chaewon snickered. they watched felix take them back and close the lunchbox before hyunjin stopped him.

"feed me." hyunjin said, having both girls jaws drop. felix nodded and opened it back up. he could barely hold the sushi in the chopsticks because of how nervous he was, making hyunjin help him. "like this." he fumbled with felix's hands and aimed it at his opened mouth.

it got to his mouth and he started chewing. everyone watched him swallow it and cringe at the end. chaewon and minju started laughing while felix was about to breakdown.

hyunjin picked up another one and ate it, having the same reaction as before.

"i-if you don't l-like it d-dont eat it!" felix yelled, trying to take it out of hyunjin's mouth. he slapped felix's hand away and fed him one.

"shut up and eat. it's bad but you took time to make it. less rice next time. and why would you put wasabi inside of it?" hyunjin said. felix nodded and gagged at how bad it was. "see? even you think it's ass." hyunjin pointed out. felix nodded and swallowed the food.

"aren't you gonna eat your rice?" chaewon asked.

"no. i don't like traditional." hyunjin said. chaewon glared at felix but he quickly turned his head. if he can't see it, she's not there.

"i-i need to go and uh-"

"no you don't. don't lie, lying is bad." hyunjin said, pulling felix towards him. he blushed and hid his face in hyunjin's chest.

"but they're mad at me." felix whined quietly to hyunjin. he looked at the girls who were whispering to each other then back at felix.

"ignore them." hyunjin said. felix just sighed into the older's shirt, confusing hyunjin. "just tell me if they're bothering you." hyunjin lifted felix's chin so they were looking at each other, making chaewon feral.

"they're looking." felix whisper yelled. hyunjin scoffed and let go of his face. the bell ran, having everyone leave. hyunjin went in the opposite direction from the group, making it easy for chaewon to yell at him.

"you lied to me!" chaewon screamed. felix shook his head and kept walking. "umm yes! you said he likes traditional!" she kept yelling.

"i made a mistake. sorry." felix mumbled.

"it's been a week! i've been spending 5000 won for him to do what's with it?" chaewon asked. felix thought about everything hyunjin did to it. throw it at the wall, throw it away, give it to some random kids.

"he just leaves it. you could've bought him sushi." felix shrugged.

"ugh, we don't have time for your lies. have fun trying to keep him fag!" chaewon yelled, leaving with minju.

oh i will kim chaewon. i will.

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