1.1 mexico city

456 36 43

»»» song: bring me the horizon - drown

20th June (day of touring 142)

Everybody got their demons. Some being left in the past. Locked away far far away, in the back of your mind. Never coming on the surface unless you get reminded of them. But that didn't last long, trying anything possible to lock them down again. Whether by simply distracting yourself with alcohol, drugs or something non-toxic like food, video games, books or movies. Hoping to never ever having to deal with them again.
Along the lines: out of sight, out of mind.
But unfortunately, they still remained there. Deep inside you. Whether you thought about them or not.
Paraphrased as 'demons'. Because they hunted you and occasionally found you. No matter how far away you ran away from them. They'd always be there with you; inside you.
And they'd remain there forever, if you didn't get the courage to deal with them, instead of ignoring.
And everybody got them. Small or big ones. It doesn't matter.
Hoping for someone saving us from ourselves.


"Curtain Call."
"The Eminem Show though."
"True.. but I know every lyric from Curtain Call so I'll go with that."
"No way!" Tally gasped loudly. Turning her head to Michael. "I don't believe you."
He laughed out at he expression. "Why not? I swear I know them all."
"Okay, then proof it."
His green eyes widened, also facing her now. Seeing her challenging smirk.
"I'm not gonna rap for you. Forget it."
"Ohh c'mon, Mikey!" She pouted, popping out her bottom lip as far as she could. "Please." Pocking his cheek, she continued, even making pleading noises. He backed away -or rather rolled away- from her. Her huffing at his action. "Hey."
She also started rolling then, trying to catch him. But instead crashed against him. Both letting out a groan in pain. "God, you're so clumsy. I'm trying to escape and you hurt me," he whined, pushing her away. The messy curls on top of her head falling right on her glasses. Blocking the view.

The guys were having a day off. Unfortunately, Michael felt sick and simultaneously Tally, too. Just that in her case, it wasn't fever. She got her 'strawberry' days -got the euphemism?
And even though he was pumped full with medicine and she was with pain killers, they decided to stay inside the hotel. Feeling too weak to even move. So they were laying together on the floor, with some pillows and blankets. Feeling miserably together.

Some minutes filled with silence and staring on the ceiling, passed. Her eyes slowly started closing, opening them abruptly again. She felt so damn sleepy each time she got her stupid period. Sleepy, weak and without pain killer, probably dying.
"Mikey ?" she whispered then.
"Yes?" he whispered back, frowning. "Why are you whispering ?"
"You could've been sleeping."
"Of course. Who doesn't fall asleep within five minutes," he said sarcastically, and pulled his blanket further up.
"If you start being all sarcastic and sassy, I'll leave."
He laughed under his breath. "Oh, please. You wouldn't leave a poor, sick, lovely guy alone," he grinned confidently.
"I wouldn't, but I'd leave you alone."
"Are you implying I'm not lovely?"
She giggled and pinched his rosy by the fever cheek. "Aw Mikey, you know you're cute."
Rolling his eyes, he started coughing a bit. His throat itching. "I'm also very sick. Don't you worry getting sick, too?" A brow raised, he glanced at her concerned.
"To be honest, I'm a bit worried. But I'll feel the same as now so.. yolo."
He bursted out laughing, coughing uncontrolledly right after. A bit freaked out, she watched him grabbing his bottle. Taking large gulps of water out of it. "Shit, Tal. Don't say things like this." Worried about another coughing fit, he suppressed another laugh.
"Sorry," she giggled, "But how are you feeling actually? Bit better by now?"
Michael shrugged, turning his whole body to the side. Folding his hands under his warm cheek. "Okay, I think. I stopped sneezing that much. My head aches a bit, though." He sighed, ruffling through his red hair, tousling it a bit.
She nodded. "It's probably the fever."
"I know. And I'm so bored, Tal. Entertain me!" he whined, falling on his back again.

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