Chapter 15

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Picture of the house shown above ^


We swiftly pulled into the dirt drive way as my mind wandered to all the memories I had at this place as a kid. Not the bad memories, but the good and happy ones.

Suddenly, Gio whipped his head up like he was slapped in the face. "What's going on? Are we there yet?" He let out a huge yawn and I couldn't help but look at his muscles as they flexed through his shirt. His eyes flickered toward me and sends me a small smirk.

I stay frozen as he lifts his hand up to my face. "You are drooling princesa," he states as his grin widens while he wipes some of the dribble off my chin.

I couldn't help but blush in embarrassment. I was about to open my mouth to say something when mason interrupted me.

"Does anybody live here? It looks sort of abandoned. Are you sure it's safe ?" Mason asked as his head weaved around the house.

I averted my gaze to the pitiful small home  as a small smile appeared on my lips.

"No one has lived here in a long time but it's safe," I said with assurances.

"Really how can you be sure?" This time it was Gio that spoke.

I paused before answering "Because this was the house that I grew up in with papa. He never sold it just incase we needed a back up and..." my voice cracked as those terrible memories came flooding back in my head. The fear, the pain, all of it.

I had not noticed that Gio was already embracing me in his strong arms and shushing me to calm me down.

"Just breathe." He whispered.

That seemed to help me because my breathing was starting to get normal again. After a few moments I was back to normal.

"I'm okay Gio," I say as I carful wiped my eyes carful not to smudge my mascara.

"Let me just check if the coast is clear. Who knows a homeless guy may had made themselves a home here." Mason said quickly as he jumped out of the car gun in hand like it was a normal day.

While he inspected inside the house I couldn't help but look at the broken front window and remembering how I broke it and papa scolded me. It brought a small smile to my face.

"You okay?"

Gio's husky voice broke the silence as he looked at me with pure curiosity.

"Yeah I'm just thinking about the past and papa..." say as looked away.

"Good memories?" He asks hopeful.

I then laid my head down on his shoulder as I let out a huge sigh. "Yes."

Just then a mop of sandy blonde hair popped out from the side of the crooked door. "Hey lovebirds! Coast is clear!" He yelled out.

We swiftly get out of the car and I try my hardest not to trip over my dress. I noticed that one of my heals had broken off. It must have been when I fell back at the hacienda.

I decided to bend down and take them off and let out a huge sigh of relief as I stretched out my ankles to ease my sore feet. I was instantly lifted off of my feet as Gio clung me to his chest bridal style.

"Good. Why don't you go get us some food while me and Calina settle in." Gio says in an almost ordering manner.

Mason scoffs. "You gotta be kidding me. We just got here! Do you know how long I was driving?"

"Exactly, which is why you should get some food because who knows when was the last time Calina ate."

As if on cue. My stomach decided to growl that very second. Both men looked at me with smirks on there face and I couldn't help but want to be invisible that moment.

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