Chapter 1

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It is finally here everyone! The first chapter is now out. I hope you all enjoy.

For those of you opening this book. This is a sequel to my book Chasing Red Dawn. Please read that first before moving on to this one or it won't make sense ☺️.

Justin Louis Baldoni casted as Alejandro Vargas pictured above ^


"Ya te dije. No tengo hambre, (I already told you, I'm not hungry)" I almost spit venomously at the man holding a food tray.

"El jefe dio que tienes que comer, (the boss told me you have to eat some food)" he presses as he almost tries to force feed me.

"Dejame decirlo en ingles. (Let me say this to you in English)," I lean up out of my seat so that I was eye level with the guy." I don't give a fuck what your boss wants," I stare before going back to my previous position.

"Pendeja..( Bitch)" I hear the guy mutter before he leaves the room.

I let out a huge sigh, finally able to receive a little quiet for once. How could I have been so careless? I once again fell into Alejandro's clutches. And this time I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to escape.

Luckily, I have only seen Alejandro once since I've been here which was a few days ago. He surprisingly has not hurt me since I've been here...but that doesn't mean that he won't though.

My mind drifts off to Gio and how I longed for his embrace. I shouldn't have stormed off like that. I should have stayed and explained that there was nothing going on between Mason and I. But, of course my stubborn ass had to storm out of the office to make a point that he shouldn't question my love and loyalty to him.

What if that was the last time I was going to see him? I couldn't bear the thought of not seeing him again. I gulped as a lone tear ran down my cheek and I quickly wiped it as if it was never there.

No, I can't start to think negatively because if I do...he would have already won. And this time I'm going to fight back.

I almost jump at the sound of the door opening but decide not to look thinking it's another one of Alejandro's henchman trying to force me to eat again.

I feel their presence get closer to me until they reach my bed and sit down.

"Ellos me dicen que no estas comiendo, (they told me that you won't eat any food). I hear a deep voice purr.

My head whips around and I almost choke on my own spit and as lock eyes with the devil himself. He was wearing his usual white suit and a button down pink shirt to match. I try not to lose my composure now knowing that he is in my presence.

"I have lost my appetite," I say.

"You know...I can speak English too right?" He says with a thick Spanish accent. I could feel him getting closer.

I dare not to look at him or speak. Crap I didn't know that.

"Most of my best clients are from the U.S so, of course I had to learn their language," he says smoothly.

I flicker my eyes toward him and this time his face was mere inches from mine. And I almost flinch at the near closeness, remembering how he would abuse me at this distance. I waited for a blow to happen but, it never did. I look up at him and furrow my eyebrows in confusion. Why hasn't he hit me yet ?

"You seem confused. Tell me, why is that?" He says as he cocks his head to the side.

"Please Alejandro, just let me go. I don't want to be with you," I say in a small voice. I knew this would tip him over the edge so I am surprised from how brave I am being to tempt him.

I could see that his face twitched, but all he did was move away from me and turn around. "You know I can't do that Mi amor.(My love) I love you, and I know you love me too," he said still looking away.

I take a deep breath before I say my next words. "Alejandro...that was a long time ago. And it was before you killed my father."

He spun around so quickly that I barely had time to react before his hands were on my shoulders. "How many more times do I need to apologize about that? I'm sorry Mi amor...but your father was going to betray me and rules are rules." He said with almost no remorse in his eyes.

I pushed his hands off of me and he seemed taken aback by my rejection. "It doesn't matter how many times you apologize. My love for you died the day that my Papa did," I said with every bit of venom I could muster up.

He chuckled softly before grabbing me roughly and slamming me against his chest. I try to wiggle to get out of his hold but, he caged me in from moving away.

"You are starting to piss me off mi amor, I tried being nice, but you just love to push my buttons don't you?" He whispers darkly in my ear which makes a shiver go down my spin. I don't respond so he yanks on my hair so I'm looking directly in his eyes.

"Do you want me to hurt you like I used to? Huh?" He questions as his eyes burned with fury.

This is the Alejandro I remember.

"Dime! (Tell me!) He bellows as he yanks harder

"No!" I moan in pain.

He lets out a sigh as he releases his grip on my hair and lifts my chin up to him.

"Kiss me," he says with eyes full of lust.

I gulp as I slowly move my face toward his but apparently it was too slow for him so he smashed his lips against mine and I tried not to barf as a moan left his throat. The kiss didn't last long which I was grateful for.

"Ah mi amor you have no idea how long I have waited to do that," he says as he brushes some strands of my hair out of my face.

I just nod and don't say anything back.

"I have a surprise for you. I am finally throwing our engagement party this coming weekend. It will be a masquerade theme. So I will have someone go shopping to pick out the perfect dress and mask for you."

My eyes widen in shock. Engagement party?

"Why don't you go take a bath mi amor and then you can come downstairs and eat dinner with me," he says as he kisses me lightly on the cheek before leaving the room.

I slowly walk over to the bathroom and lock the door behind me. Slowly sliding to the floor I let out all of my emotions as my tears flooded down my face as the realization hit me.

I am never going to leave here. I'm getting married to the devil...and I'm never seeing Gio again.

Author note: There you have it guys! The first chapter is now posted. I hope you all liked it. 😊. Don't forget vote,comment, and follow for more updates!

Chapter posted 07/13/2020

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