Chapter 20

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I opened my eyes in a panic. Darkness surrounded me. I felt around to see I was in a small closet. My hand brushed along the walls until I touched a cold door handle. I jiggled it with no luck of it opening for me.

"Shit," I cursed under my breath. I could feel myself start to hyperventilate as this small dark space I was in felt like was getting smaller and smaller by the second.

Memories of me being locked in a closet just like this flashed in my head like a horror movie. I curled up in a small ball up against the back of the closet and began rocking myself back and forth as my breathing became harder and harder.

Tears streamed down my eyes as I wiped them away quickly

How could this happen? Just when I thought I was I can never be safe. As long as Alejandro lives and still wants to possess me... I'll never be safe from his grasp.

I sat there for what felt like hours. My stomach was hurting from hunger and my back was aching from laying on the hard floor.

Suddenly, moments later the closet door opened to reveal two maids looking down at me. One of them I recognized that helped with my pregnancy test not long ago. What was her name again? Cecilia ?

I looked to see that one of them was holding a tray of food. My mouth watered as I licked my dry lips.

The both help me up to my feet and walk me over to a small table at the end of the room and place the food in front of me. I look to see that it's some tamales with rice and beans. I graciously eat the food in silence as the two maids stand there patiently waiting for me to be done eating.

At the corner of my eye I could see a guard standing at the door. Alejandro was not taking any chances of me escaping this time.

I looked out the window to see that it was already dark. "How long was I asleep for?" I asked Cecilia.

"The guards brought you to this room yesterday afternoon miss," she responds.

My eyes opened wide in shock. I had been asleep for over 24 hours. I touched my hair to see that it felt flat and oily.

"Come mistress we shall draw you a bath," the other maid said.

They walked me to the connecting bathroom. Of course it was beautiful with a porcelain tub sitting in the middle of it. I carefully took my clothes off as I waited for the tub to fill with water. Once it was full I dipped my toe in to see that it was the perfect temperature as I submerged myself in the soapy water.

Suddenly one of them started to clean me I flinched for a second. "It is okay we will help clean you," Cecilia says with a smile. I laid back as one of the maids washed my hair while the other scrubbed my body. It felt foreign to have someone pamper me like this but it also felt nice.

When I was fully cleaned they gave me a robe to get in and started to put lotion all over my body while the other brushed my hair.

There was a knock on the door and a tall woman with two other women behind her walked in.

"Is she ready for me?" The tall lady says.

"Yes ma'am she's all clean now," Cecilia responded.

"Good," she then turns around as her two follower drag me out of the bathroom after her. They place me down on a chair and the next thing I knew they were putting make up on me and curling my hair. They finished it by putting it up in a bun.

She looked at me in the mirror assessing my look. "Perfect. Come." I was then dragged again and started to feel frustrated.

I only then found my voice. "Excuse me but what the hell is going on?"

The lady only ignores me as we walk toward the bed in the room. I then look down to see the most beautiful white dress I had ever seen in my life as my jaw almost dropped to the floor.

The lady turns to me with glint in her eyes as she smirks. "Getting you ready for your wedding of course."

Author note: I'm back! I'm so sorry guys! I know it's been a while since I posted. I have had a lot going on in my life plus writers block has helped but I'm back now! I have ideas flooding through me so you will see more updates from now on. I know it's a short update but there is more to comes so stay tuned! As always , vote, comment, share and follow for more updates 😊

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