Chapter 22

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"No Alejandro please!" I begged.

I was almost dragging my feet as Alejandro yanked me upstairs. The heals that I was wearing fell down the spiral staircase as I tried with all my might to get out of his grasp.

But it only made him lock onto my wrist harder. At this point I was starting to lose circulation in my fingers.

He pushes the door open to our honeymoon suite and quickly whips me around so that my back was facing the room. With one fell swoop he lifts me up by my thighs so that my legs are right around his torso as he walks forward. The whole time, I'm trying with all of my might to push myself off of him.

The next thing I know he throws me off of him and my back hits the soft bouncy bed. Unfortunately my head receives quite a bit of whiplash from the contact. Looking up at the ceiling my dizziness starts to take over.

Alejandro walks away to the door and shuts it. Hearing a click at the door I gulp knowing that he's locked it.

I watch as his back relaxes and he lets out a huge sigh. "Calina, you have no idea how long I have waited for this.." he groans hungrily. His eyes now glazed with lust while he slowly starts to undo his tie.

I quickly scuffle off of the bed. Looking around the room there was one other door that appears to be the bathroom and a glass door that goes to the balcony. Hesitating, I make a run for bathroom and quickly shut the door locking it behind me.

My heart was beating so loudly that it almost drowned out the banging noise on the door. After about 30 seconds the banging stops. I could now hear heavy breathing on the other side of the door.

"Oh we are really playing this game now my love?" He questioned in a breathy tone.

I don't answer while moving back against the wall.

There is a moment of silence before I hear another deep sigh.

"Fine, have it your way."

I hear his steps move away from the door and everything was silent.

He's given up?  For a split moment I thought I was safe from him but about five seconds later. Pieces of the door started to fly off and I let out a high pitched scream.

He continued to hack at the door with what looked like an axe until a hole was big enough. He then reached inside the hole and opened the door.

"Now, let's try this again."

"NO!" I screamed as he dragged me back to the bedroom. Once again he put me on the bed but this time he held down my arms as he straddled my hips. I wiggled with all my might but to no avail.

"I thought this might happen so I took precautions." He removed one of his hands to grab something from behind my head which gave me enough time to slap him across the face. But it didn't faze him he only grabbed my hand and put them in what appeared to be a handcuff.

I started to panic as I wailed my arm to get free but it only seemed to hurt my wrist more. He then cuffed my other hand with ease. Leaning back he grinned down at me satisfied that I couldn't get away from him anymore.

I could feel tears begin to build up. "Please Alejandro let me go!"

He bends his head down and I could feel his breath on my neck. "A wife must fulfill her duties...I wanted to be gentle our first time...but you have given me no choice," he trailed his hand downward until he moved his fingers in between my thighs.

But I only clenched them tighter.

"Open them," he growled lowly.

"No," I say barely above a whisper. He tsks before taking off his belt and whips it together.

My eyes open wide in fear and with one swing he hits me on my outer thigh. I cry out in pain as my skin stings from the contact. He hits me a few more times and on the last attempt my legs unintentionally opens a little bit which gives him the time to slip his hand in between to pull them apart further.

He pushes his torso right up against my core with his pants still fully on. But, underneath his clothes I could clearly feel that he was hard. The sick bastard was getting off on hurting me.

He moved my dress up and quickly took out a switch blade to slice it down the middle. All the while im pleading for him to stop. Now all that I have on is my panties and bra.

A moan escapes from his mouth as he takes me in and a shiver goes down my spine in disgust.

He grabs a hold of my panties and roughly rips them off of me. I zone out for a moment as he takes his pants off.

This is the end. It's happening. He's going to rape me.

I close my eyes not wanting to look at what he's about to do to me. He then grabs onto my hips and I hear a grunt as he thrusts his dick inside of me. I freeze. It felt like sand paper pushing inside me back and forth. I couldn't stand it.

But he didn't seem to mind it, it seemed. His grunts and moans only seemed to get louder as he pushed deeper and harder in my walls.

It felt like it was going on forever and he would never finish.

All of a sudden Gio's face appeared in my head and a thought crossed my mind. It was so wrong in so many ways...but I just wanted it to be over. So I did it.

I imagined it was Gio making love to me.

I tried to relax focusing only on Memories we had together making love and I could feel myself slowly getting turned on. Soon I was completely wet down there and I could feel my walls closing in on his dick almost squeezing it.

"Fuck! I'm going to cum," he groans.

But I block him out not wanting to break my concentration.

He then shouts and I could feel him shooting his load inside of me. A few moments later he collapsed his body beside me.

"I knew my dick would make you just couldn't resist," he says slyly.

Whatever trance I was in moments ago was completely broken now and I could feel the disgust and nausea take over.

He pulled my face so that I was now looking up at him. He was now completely naked.  "Don't worry my love, we are just getting started."

Author note

Hello my lovely readers. Another chapter is now done. This was extremely hard to write, I am not going to lie. I have been dreading it for a while now. But, it is over now. I know some of you thought that Gio would swoop in at the last second but nope not this time. Anyways until next time.

-Colleen :)

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