Chapter 17

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Teresa Palmer casted as Lilly shown above ^


"Lilly." Gio's voice croaked as her named slipped through his lips. Just looking at the pained expression on his face put knots in my stomach.

Lilly. The woman who was suppose to be dead was standing right in front of us. Very much alive. I assessed her appearance and noticed she had a very stoic look in her eyes as she stared at Gio. It was as if she didn't care that the man who so deeply cared about her was standing right in front of her. I looked down to see her hands were covered by black gloves and by looking at her right hand, you can clearly see that one finger was missing.

In a split second she turned her attention to me. "Miss Ramirez, I need you to come with me." She said in a very authoritative voice as she took out her badge that read in 3 big bold letters. FBI. I thought my eyes were going to bulge out of their sockets.

She is a cop?!

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Am I under arrest or something ?" I question as I take a step back.

"No of course not. We just need to take you in for questioning. You are the key witness in our investigation." She says with her eyes appearing more soft this time as she spoke. So she does have feelings.

"What the hell is going on?!" I head a voice boom from beside me.

I look over at Gio with the same pained expression on his face that he had earlier. Emotions of anger and hurt swimming in his eyes like a hurricane. I look back to Lilly, a flash of guilt washed over her but she quickly covered it up.

"Miss Ramirez, come with us," she said ignoring Gio once again as two of the men she was with grabbed onto my shoulders. A pair of strong arms pulled me away from the men as I collided with a hard chest.

"She is not going anywhere," Gio growled under his breath.

"Gio, don't interfere. She is very important to us," Lilly says as she finally acknowledges his presence.

Gio chuckles but I know it wasn't genuine. "She speaks to me! Imagine that."

I could feel my heart tearing from my chest. As I stared at Gio's eyes. It was the look of love that he still had for her that was now showing through. After all this time he still loved her. I had no chance..

"Please Gio, there is no time. He already knows you are all here."

"Alejandro?" I whisper.

Lilly nods her head. "Yes and we need to leave before he gets here. We need to leave. Now." She says holding her hand out to me.

I look at her hand then turn to Gio. "We need to leave...if he finds you here he will kill you right in front of me. Gio I-I can't-" I panic.

"Shhh. It's okay. I won't let that happen," he coos at me to calm me down as he strokes the side of my face. I somewhat felt embarrassed that I was being consoled in front of his wife..but he always finds a way to calm me down.

I take a deep breath then turn back to Lilly. "Okay let's go. If you say we aren't safe here then you have to take all of us. Not just me,"

"Miss Ramirez-"

"It's either all of us or I'm not going," I say sternly.

Lilly had her lips in a thin line as she thought it over. "Okay fine, let's go," she says as she turns away and walks out of the house.

I didn't notice but Gio had already left my side and started to follow Lilly. I felt a small tug at my heart as I watched him walk after her. What am I going to do? Her being here changes everything...

I was so preoccupied with Gio and Lilly that I hadn't noticed Mason still standing in the corner of the room, still speechless. He still had that look of shock on his face.

"Mason?" I ask as I walk over to him. "Are you okay?"

A lone tear came out of his right eye as he quickly wipes it away and breaks away from his shock.

"Y-yes," he stutters a bit.

I look at him skeptical not believing a word.

"I'm fine. Common let's go," he gave me one of those looks that told me he wanted me to drop to subject.

He softly placed his hand on the mid of my back as he pressed me forward not giving me any eye contact what so ever.

Poor Mason..

As we walked outside my eyes opened wide at the sight I saw. Gio had his hands on Lilly's shoulders as he was saying something very intently to her. She was looking up right at him with no words coming out, showing that same stoic expression.

"Answer me dammit!" Gio yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Gio!" Mason yells as he pushes him away from her. "Not. Now." He says sternly.

Gio's jaw clenches as he curses under his breath. And steps away to blow off some steam for a second.

"Hello Mason," Lilly says as she looks softly at Mason.

Mason chuckles as a smile appears on his face. I had never seen him look so happy to see someone. "Hey lill's " he says sincerely.

Lilly gives him a genuine smile right back. "My gosh you have gotten so much taller since the last time I saw you. You are a giant," she says as she places her hand on his chest.

"Well, that's what happens when you keep eating your vegetables," he says with a sly smile.

Lilly let out a laugh. "You were always so funny. You never fail to make me laugh."

One of the men interrupted her. "Detective Lilly we need to leave now."

She nods as she goes back into full professional mode. "Come to our van it will be much safer to travel with us."

I look to see a big black van was already open for us to get in. I look back to see Gio still looking off into the distance. Walking over to him I take his hand and watch as his anger dissolves away.

"Let's go," I whisper.

He nods as he follows me to the Van. The van had no windows in it so it was almost pitch black if not for the front windows in the car. The car ride was pretty quiet for about 20 minutes.

Then we heard the gun shots.

Author note:

Thank you for 8K reads on Crimson revenge! And thank you everyone that has been reading my story thus far. I never thought I would get this many loyal readers on my book series. As always don't forget to read, vote, share and follow for more updates!

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