Chapter 7

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Taylor Zakhar Perez casted as Joaquin shown above ^

"I think it is now my time to dance with her Don Joaquin," I hear a deep voice say in Spanish.

I let a sigh escape my lips as I internally thank this man for saving me. Whether it was intentional or not. Since he was standing behind me though, I had no idea what he looked like.

"And you are?" Joaquin asked the man. From the look on his face he didn't seem to be happy that he was interrupted.

"Oh sorry, where are my manners. My name is Marcus Cruz. You may have heard of me from Don Vargas?" The man says.

Joaquin looks at the man questionably before opening his eyes. "So, you are the famous Mr. Cruz. I didn't know you would be at our party." Joaquin finally releases his hold on me a little bit. "Of course, I must be getting back to my cousin. It was a pleasure to meet you."

Before I can get away he pulls me close and whispers in my ear. "This conversation is not over." He then sends me a long lingering look before nodding at the man and leaves.

I let air reach my lungs realizing I can breathe again. The man clears his throat and I finally turn around realizing I have been rude to the man who just saved me.

"Sorry sir, I didn't mean to be-" I stop in my words as I take in the man before me. He was a tall man wearing a black clay mask that covered almost everything. And by almost I mean the only parts that weren't covered were his full plump lips and his piercing green eyes. Very eyes.

-rude." I finally finish while clearing my throat. A small smile touches his lips.

"That's quite alright. I couldn't help but noticed you seemed in distress earlier. So that's why I stepped in" he says. So he could tell?

"Yes well me and Joaquin don't get along too name is Calina Ramirez. What was your name again?" I asked curiously intrigued by this mysterious man.

A half smile appears on the masked mans face as he lifts my hand. "Marcus Cruz," he whispers as a places a soft kiss on my hand. A slight familiar tingle goes up my arm from the direct contact.

He then takes my hand and places it on his shoulder while his other big calloused hand engulfed mine and we began to move to the music. We look into each other's eyes for a period of time, not looking away for a second.

There was something very familiar about this man. For the first time in over a week I actually for once. Which is crazy since I just met this man. I felt like I was floating on air while we danced which was also odd because I have two left feet when it came to dancing.

"I know this sounds really blunt but...have we met before?" I question him curiously.

He chuckled lightly. "I would remember if I met a beautiful woman like you."

His comment sends blood flowing to my cheeks. "I'm sorry it's seem so familiar," I say narrowing my eyes at him.

"I guess I just have one of 'those' faces then," he says before he spins me out then brings me right back to his chest. Well more like slams me into his chest.

I felt the air leave me for a second as I looked up into his hooded green eyes. I saw his eyes flicker down to my lips before meeting my eyes again while his face slowly moved closer to mine. I felt as if I was in a haze and the only thing that mattered was this moment. I could feel his hot breath fan my face as our lips were only centimeters apart. Then suddenly a word popped in my head, breaking me from my trance.


"Stop," I say as quickly moved my head away and place my hands on his chest.

"I'm are very charming but, I am already seeing someone," I say while slowly looking back up into his eyes.

I couldn't quite decipher the look he was giving, since the mask pretty much covered his whole face, but I did see his jaw flex and his Adam's Apple bobbed up and down.

"My apologies miss Ramirez...I'm sorry. I thought we might have had a connection," he said in a half smile. He then took my hand and we were dancing again as if the moment didn't happen.

"Oh don't get me wrong. I think you are very charming it's just-"

"You don't have to explain. It's fine." He said cutting me off. I was taken aback by his darkened tone.

"To be honest I figured that you were Alejandro's fiancé when you said your last name was Ramirez," He stated plainly.

"You knew? Then why?" I ask curiously.

"I needed to see if you really love him. I suspected you didn't, but it seems I was mistaken," he says avoiding my eyes so I couldn't see the emotion he was holding. Well that's a weird reason to kiss me...I feel like he had a deeper motive behind it...but why? I decided to not ask the question.

"Yeah.." I said with not much enthusiasm to where no one would believe me but, he didn't seem to notice.

You couldn't be more wrong. I could never love that monster of a man. I wish I could shout to the whole world that the one I love is Gio and not Alejandro...but life never works out the way you want it to.

"What is your relationship with my fiancé?" I ask him changing the subject. He must know Alejandro from somewhere.

He finally looks down and sends me a sly smirk. "Well-"

" Marcus Cruz," I hear a demanding voice say behind me.

My head twists around to find Alejandro staring right at my dance partner. His eyes were lit with interest as he showed a slight smirk on his face. Joaquin stood next to him with his eyes fixated on me.

"And you must be Don Alejandro Vargas himself," Marcus stated as our dancing came to a halt and he pulled away from me. I instantly felt cold without his touch. Strange.

"And you must be the famous Marcus Cruz I have heard so much about." Alejandro stated. He looked briefly at me before facing Marcus again. "I see you have met my future wife". They were now face to face. I couldn't tell if they were about to fight or kiss from how close they were.

"Yes, she is very charming and I must say she dances quite well." Marcus says. Yeah right. I was stepping on his foot every ten seconds but, he never seemed to say anything.

Alejandro lifted his hand and I thought he was about to throw the first punch, but he surprised me by holding out his palm.

"It is such a pleasure to meet you. I have heard so much about you," Alejandro said with a slight smile on his face while he firmly shakes his hand.


"Likewise, I always wanted to meet my best client." Marcus says with equal enthusiasm.

What? client?

"Of course why wouldn't we be? Our underground sales has gone up fifty percent. Your drug is our best selling product now. Dr. Cruz."

My eyes widen in shock. What? He's a doctor?! Who makes illegal drugs?!

Author note: here is the next chapter! I hope you all liked it. I decided instead Putting Spanish in every sentence to have it italicized. So if you see something in quotations and it's italicized it's because they are speaking in Spanish. A new character has appeared! What do you all think of Marcus? Let me know in the comments below. And as always. Don't forget to comment, vote. Share and like for more updates!

Chapter uploaded on 10/06/2020

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