Chapter 5

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Pregnant. That's is definitely not a word I thought I would be saying for at least another ten years. I wanted to maybe settle down first and had a house of my own with a loving husband. And thinking back now, in all of the times where Gio and I had sex...I can't remember him actually putting on a condom.

"Shit" I cursed under my breath as I bit my lip in frustration.

I slumped down to the ground in panic as I could feel the anxiety start to pour through my veins. What am I gonna do? There is no way I can hide this from least not forever. In a few months time my stomach will begin to show and he will know that it's not his...especially since he hasn't touched me yet.

Then who knows what he will do to my baby once he finds out. I shook my head denying my next thought. No, he is not going to find out because I will be long gone by then. I have escaped once and I can do it again.

With my new found determination I get up off of the cold tile floor and walk over to the sink to wash off the sweat on my forehead. I look at the mirror at my reflection and saw a tired 23 year old woman. A woman who was tired of being beaten mentally and physically by this one man who wouldn't leave her alone. It wasn't just a choice whether or not she should leave now, she had to leave...not only for her sake but now for her baby's sake.

A knock on the door broke me out of my trance as I took a wash cloth to my face to pat it dry. "Who is it?" I say in a muffled voice.

"It's me Mi amor," the man purrs on the other side of the door.


"Fuck," I curse under my breathe. "Just a second!" I say before looking for the pregnancy test I just took.

I then hear the door jiggle. "Calina, why is the door locked ?" I hear his voice go down a tone.

"What?! A girl can't get a little privacy around here?" I say sarcastically before finding the test on the floor. I must have dropped it while I was in shock.

I then hear a bang from the door. "Calina open the door," he says impatiently.

I pick up the stick and and put it in the toilet and hit the flush button and watch as it disappears.

Another loud bang comes from the door. "I won't ask you again," he says in a dark voice that makes a cold chill go down my spine.

I then rush to the door and open it and watch as a pissed off Alejandro walks in to face me with narrowed brows.

He gave me a sinister look as he pushed me up against the wall. "What were you doing in here?" He breathes lowly.

I maneuver my head toward the ground too afraid to look in his devil like eyes. "I've been sick so I needed some time to myself-"

"Don't give me that...I know you Calina, and you have never locked the door while you were in the bathroom before. Now, are you going to tell me what you were doing?" He asks his last sentence slowly as he lifts my chin to look up at his eyes.

"I already told you," I whisper with a straight face.

I could see his jaw tick as he releases me. He walks over to the toilet and stops in his tracks as he moves down and picks something up.

"What is this then?" He asks menacingly as he turns around.

My eyes widen in horror as I see what is in his hands. Fuck! I forgot about the box!

Suddenly he grabs a fist full of my hair and I let out a shriek of pain as he drags me back to the bedroom. He throws me on top of the bed and I let out a soft whimper in pain.

"Please Alejandro-"

"How could you." He interrupts me.

"What?" I breath as I give him a confused look.

He then grabs my wrists and thrusts me against his body. "You were only suppose to be mine. Body and soul. And you go out and fuck someone else?!" He yells in my face. Suddenly a strike comes to my face as I fall back on the bed.

I cry out in pain as the tears begin to build up in my eyes. the Alejandro I knew and he was finally showing his true colors again. I knew it was all an act.

He lets out an evil chuckle. "Not only are you fucking this guy...he also got you pregnant with his bastard child?!"


"Who is it?" He interrupts me.

"Who fucked you?" He grits.

I stay silent not knowing what to say for the fear of getting hit again.

"Fine," he says as he pulls out a knife. He then pushes me back on the bed and sits on my legs so I can't move. He then pulls up my T-shirt and traces the blade along my belly.

My voice hitched in my throat as I tried to control my scream as my bottom lip began to tremble. "Alejandro please don't," I whimpered.

"Let's do it the hard way then," he continues ignoring my plea. "Now are you going to tell me who fucked my woman...or am I gonna have to cut it out of you?" He says sinisterly.

"I-I" I stutter as a lone tear ran down my face. Common Calina! Think! Think of something! If I told him Gio's name I knew he would hunt him down and kill him...who else's name can I give him then? I can't just say some random person.

"Times up Mi amor," he says lowly as he lowers his knife to my stomach.

Right before the blade pierces my skin I had resolution occur.

"Rogers!" I yell out a name.

He stops in his pursuit as he lifts his knife away to lower his head to my eye level. "Go on," he encourages me.

I lick my chapped lips. "I didn't want to get pregnant...I met this guy at a club and he seemed charming at first but he-he," I choked up a sob and remembered when he kidnapped me to make it seem more real.

"He forced himself on me..." I whispered letting a few more tears pour down the sides of my cheeks.

I could tell he was questioning me to find out if I was lying or not but when my tears didn't let up he dropped the knife on the ground and pulled me in his embrace.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you Mi amor...I can't imagine. I promise you I will find this Rogers and makes sure he suffers." He whispers as he strokes my hair.

Yeah good luck with that.

He pulls apart and looks at me with empathy as he wipes away my tears. A trait that I didn't think Alejandro could possess so, he must be putting on an act.

He then pulls out his phone and dials a number.

"Doctor Martinez? Yes I need you to schedule an appointment for my fiancé...good see you Monday," he then hangs up the phone and looks at me with a happy face.

"He can get you in first thing on Monday. I would do it tomorrow but we need to plan so much with the party coming up this weekend." He says.

I give him a confused look. "What is the appointment for?"

"For your abortion of course." He says like it's the most obvious thing.

My heart instantly stopped at those words. He wants to get rid of my baby.

He then grabs my face and places an kiss on my forehead. "Don't worry we will get that bastard out of your stomach soon enough...then we can focus on making a real family," he says before pulling apart from me.

"I have some business to attend to so just call one of the maids if you need something," he says before shutting the door.

I could feel my heart beating rapidly out of my chest as I fell back onto the bed in shock once more. I need to get out of here and I only have 4 days left to escape.

Author note; here it is ! The long awaited chapter is now posted! What do you all think so far? It will only get crazier from here ;). Let me know in the comments below and don't forget to vote, share and follow for more updates 💕

Chapter posted 09/03/2020

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