Chapter 16

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"Jesus fucking Christ Mason! Can't you knock first?!" Gio growls as I try to cover myself with some bed sheets in embarrassment.

"Eh I thought about it but then, I thought this would be more fun," Mason says with a cheesy grin.

"One of these days I'm gonna shoot a bullet right between your eyes," Gio mutters under his breath.

"Calm down, damn I can practically see the steam coming out your ears. Here!" I then see him toss a bag over to Gio's lap.

Gio curiously looks in the bag as I see him pull out two sets of clothing. One men size and their other women's.

"On top of getting food I thought it would be better if you got out of those clothing. Be kind of weird walking around in an evening gown and tuxedo don't you think?" Mason asks with a raised brow.

Gio let's out a grunt. "Just get out of my face," he says. I assumed that was his way of saying thank you.

Mason smiles showing his pearly whites as he leaves us to get changed. Gio and I quickly put on the clothing. The shorts seemed to fit me pretty good but the T shirt was a little loose. I also saw that he bought a pair of sneakers as well and surprisingly, they fit.

I walked over to the cracked mirror to see my hair in disarray. I quickly ran my fingers though my hair to see if I could possibly fix it but to no avail.

"I love you just the way you look beautiful."

I swing my head back to see Gio staring at me with a small genuine smile on his face. His eyes soft and glazed with proclivity. My cheeks turned crimson red as I bashfully look away.

"Thank you.." I whisper softy.

He chuckles. "You are always so bashful. Why is that?"

I look at the mirror again and really look at myself. "I don't know...I guess I just find it hard to believe that someone like you would even feel like this for someone like me."

He furrows his eyebrows. "I don't understand.."

I then turn to him. "Gio, you are the CEO of a huge company and the mafia leader of New York I'm nobody. I'm just a girl who was running scared away from her past."

He was suddenly in front of me as he gently placed his hands on my shoulders. "Stop it don't think like that. How many times do I have to tell you? You are everything to me Calina." He says looking deep into my eyes.

"I know, I know, I just-"

"If you guys don't get in here I'm going to eat both of your food!" Mason yells from the other room.

Gio rolls his eyes. "We can talk about this later. Okay?"

I nodded sending a small smile as we walked out of the bedroom.

We strode into the kitchen to see Mason already at the kitchen table eating his tacos. I could already feel my stomach start to grumble as I smelled the meat from the tacos. I sat down and licked my lips in anticipation as I picked up my first taco.

Taking my first bite I let out a moan as the soft corn tortilla hit my lips. I closed my eyes as I relished in the moment trying to Remember every flavor as it went down my throat.

Opening my eyes I see two pairs of eyes on me. Both had smirks on their faces.

"What?!" I bark feeling slightly annoyed.

Mason coughs as he looks down trying to keep his food in as he shakes his head while Gio's smirk just gets wider by the second.

"Hungry are we?" He asks in a teasing manner.

A blush creeps up on my face as I let out a huff and look down at my taco. "I haven't been eating well and this is the first time I'm actually really hungry so just give me a break please," I say before taking another bite of the delicious taco.

"Wait...not eating well?!" Gio's voice raises an octave as he places his palm on my shoulder. Oh shit. I can't believe I let that slip out.

"What was he doing to you?! Was he starving you? I swear to god if he-"

"No! He wasn't staving me.." I say looking away from his piercing eyes. 

He sighs. "Then what's wrong? We're you sick with the stomach bug or something?" He pries me.

I bit my lip as my anxiety starts to take over not knowing what to say. I could lie to him and say that I had the stomach bug to buy us more time. I want to tell him that I'm pregnant. But I want to wait until we are safe. I don't need him to worry about something else on top of trying to get us back to New York. But then again it has been bugging me and I hate lying to him, plus he deserves to know. He's the father of my child after all.

I look up at him to see him patiently waiting for my answer. He looked so concerned for me as his eyes beamed with love and warmth.

That's when I made my decision.

I need to tell him. He deserves to know he's going to be a father.

I then lick my lips as I let out a shallow breath. Placing my cold clammy hands on his warm inviting ones.

"Gio...there is something I need to tell you." I look at him intently.

"Okay." Was all he said as he looked at me patiently while stroking the top of my hands with his rough warm fingertips.

"Gio...I...I'm Pre-"

Before I could even finish my word there was a loud bang coming from the front door. I felt like my heart jumped in my throat.

"Fuck! Get down guys!" Mason grinds with worried eyes as he takes out his gun.

Gio grabs me to his chest as if to protect me from whatever is making the loud banging noise while he cocked his gun.

Mason walks over to the windowsill and slowly peaks out the window. I watch as his expression changed to shocked.

"What is it?" Gio whispers.

Mason doesn't say anything. He just stays quiet. Before I knew it people in black suits and guns were in the room with us. But one person stood out to me. She had long honey blonde hair and striking blue eyes. She looked so familiar...but I couldn't remember where I saw her from.

I look over to Mason who still had a shocked expression on his face. Then I looked to Gio with the same shocked expression. But, once he spoke his mind became clear.


Author note: hello my readers! I finally updated a new chapter after so long. Yay! I want to thank you all that are reading my books thus far. It keeps me motivated to keep on writing. Please don't forget to vote, share, comment, and follow my page for more updates ❤️.

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