Chapter 8

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I stood there frozen for a moment, trying to take in what I just overheard. I was just dancing with a doctor who made illegal drugs.

After introductions, Alejandro invited Marcus to come sit at our table, which he accepted. We were now all sitting down and I pretty much just blocked out everything that was said until a certain question peaked my interest again.

"So did you come up with one of the best drugs ever created ? I mean, to find a drug that can make you high for days and be almost completely untraceable? That's pretty remarkable."

The word 'untraceable' makes me think. No way...he's not talking about the drug with the red pills? The ones Gio was selling for 10,000 a bag?!

Marcus chuckles while he goes on to explain how he made the product experimenting with different herbs while he was in the Amazon. It was so much to take in that I couldn't keep up with what he was saying.

A light bulb then popped in my head. This man knows Gio. Maybe he can get in contact with him for me? Or at least send him a message.

I then thought long and hard. But would that be a wise decision? I don't want him to get involved in this...let alone get killed. But then my mind drifts to my baby...our baby and I remember of his plans of making me get an abortion.

I then wondered if Marcus would even consider passing along my message then I remembered those kind eyes he gave me earlier when we were dancing. Yes, I know he will help me.

Feeling the sudden urge to pee, I excuse myself to restroom, leaving the men to their conversation. Once I was done, I freshened myself up and exited the bathroom only to bump into someone.

The force made me almost fall backwards but the person gripped my hand. I look up to see the dark brown eyes of Joaquin.

"So, Calina...have you thought it over?" He asks me almost seductively as he runs a finger down my arm sending me cold chills.

"The answer is no Joaquin. No matter what you say, I will never be your toy to play with," I grit through my teeth as I push his hand away.

I then proceed to walk away from him when he holds my arm. I look back to see his eyes turn a dark sinister shade. "You will regret saying no to me Calina," he says grimly.

"I really doubt that," I say while yanking my hold off of his.

As I walked back to the table I noticed that Marcus was not there. Only Alejandro was siting down with a few other Dons. I decided to turn around before he noticed me as I disappeared in the crowed.

From a far distance on the other side of Of the ballroom I could see his black clay mask clear as day and I could have sworn he was looking straight at me. Someone moved into my view and once I looked again he was gone. Damn it where is he?

I finally made it to the spot where I last saw him and looked around but, there was no sign of him.

"Looking for something Miss Ramirez?" I felt hot breath blow on my neck. I spun around quickly to come face to face with the man I had been trying to look for the past couple of minutes.

"Mr. Cruz. You startled me," I say trying to calm my thumping heart.

A light chuckle left his lips. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. And please call me Marcus." He said.

"Okay Marcus...actually I was looking for you. There is a small favor I would like to ask of you, if that's okay?" I ask him with hopeful eyes.

He seemed a little surprised by my question as he put his hands in his pockets. "Of course, what can I do for you?"

"Well you see...its kind of a private matter. Is it okay if we go somewhere private to talk?" I ask.

"Of course," he nods his head and waits for me to lead the way. I decided to take us to the side balcony. I remember no one likes to use that one because it didn't have much of a view. I remember going there a lot when I wanted to be alone back in the day when Alejandro would let me out of my room on a rare occasion. So, we shouldn't be disturbed over there.

When we finally reached the balcony a rush of cool air hit my face. I relished in the fresh air for just a moment when tapping of feet broke me from my peace. I turned around to see Marcus Cruz with an unreadable stare on his face since he was still wearing his mask.

" this is going to be an awkward request But, I was wondering if you could deliver a message to someone?"

He gives me a confused look but nods for me to continue.

"There is a client of yours who also buys your products. He lives in the U.S. His name is Giovanni Moretti. Have you heard of him?"

He gives me a nod telling me he does. "Yes, he just bought a supply from me about a month ago."

I then move closer to him so that I could whisper in his ear. "Please tell him that I'm sorry. And to let him know I'm fine." I say as I let a tear fall down my cheek.

I don't want him getting mixed up in this. I've decided that I will find my own way out of this. I've done it before and I can do it again.

I then move back from him. "Could you please tell him that?"

He was silent. And unmoving. I feared that changed his mind and decided not to help me.

"Please, I beg you. You are the only one I know of that has a connection with him and-"

I was cut off mid sentence as I was pushed against the outside wall of the building. I let out a gasp as furrowed my eyes in confusion and frustration.


I instantly felt warm eager lips on mine as my eyes widen in shock. He presses his body up against me while he continued to devour my mouth. I couldn't help but melt into the kiss as I felt instant fireworks explode throughout my body.

He then began to caress my cheek while he bit my lip allowing entrance into my mouth. All the while I was wondering why I was letting this all happened. I should have pushed him away. But I didn't. This all felt so familiar to me even though I had just met this man.

I let out a soft moan as he continued to kiss me with pure passion. After a minute we finally pulled apart letting my shallow breath fill the air.

"Why did you-"

"Why don't you tell me yourself." The man in front of me speaks in English with a husky tone.

My eyes widen in shock as my mouth forms a perfect O. He moved away and slowly started to take off his mask.

My heart started to pound furiously in my chest in anticipation. No, it can't be.

Those familiar pair of forest Green eyes stared back at me. Eyes I haven't seen in what it feels like forever.

"Gio," I breathe as a joyful tear falls down my cheek.

He then send me that rare handsome smile that shows his dimples.  He walks closer to me and presses his forehead against mine. "Yes, princesa. It's me."

Author note: another chapter out! Who all saw this coming? ;) I wanna know in the comments below. Thank you everyone who has been supporting my books! I really appreciate all the love you guys give them 💕. Don't forget to vote, share, comment and follow for more updates! 😊💕🥰

Chapter posted 10/19/2020

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