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It's been about a month since you and Hyunjin started dating.

You just hoped it wouldn't end like it did with Mark. While deep in thought, Hwasa and Nancy came up to you.

"Hey." Hwasa said, linking arms with you. Jumping at her voice you glance over at her and laugh at her clinging onto you like a toddler. She pouts at you and start talking absolute nonsense.

"You've been over at Hyunjins like nearly every day, I've missed my roomie." She huffs out, you chuckle nervously. Almost everyone at college knew you and Hyunjin went out. It was quite daunting how fast the rumours of you two dating had gone around. 

"Well, he does get quite sexually frustrated if I'm not near him haha." You answer, laughing slightly. Hwasa and Nancy look at each other with unreadable expressions. You furrow your brows but think nothing of it. Soon you reached your classroom. Only to be face to face with Hyunjin quite clearly flirting with different girls. He noticed you just as you left the classroom. 

He went to run after you but Hwasa and Nancy stopped him.

"Leave her alone, I knew something was fishy when she mentioned how sex craved you are." Hwasa spat out at him, Nancy shook her head at him and they both went to look for you. 

They found you at the bathroom, crying your eyes out.

"Boys never do change, do they?" You ask, looking up at them with puffy eyes. They rush over to you and hug you, hushing you and telling you it'll be fine. 

"He's just like Mark." You mumble, chewing on your bottom lip to stop yourself from crying.

"Hey, hey, it'll be fine. Let's make him realise what he's missing." Nancy says, you immediately knew what it meant.

Makeover time.

After you calmed down, you all walked back to class. Walking past Hyunjins seat, he grabbed your hand. Only for you to yank it away and look at him with hate. He shrunk in his seat, feeling everyone's glare on him. You sat down in your seat and got your notes ready. The professor came in and announced that after today it's the summer holidays. You smile and think about you're plan with Hwasa and Nancy. They looked back at you and smirked. 

The professor also announced a new student will be joining after the summer holiday. Aeri raised her hand to ask a question.

"Yes Miss Kim?" The professor asks, already knowing the question.

"Will it be a boy?" Aeri asks while smirking at her friends.

"He will be male." Prof huffs out. You smirked to yourself, thinking about this mystery boy. Soon, the class ends and you all leave to go to lunch. 

"Wah! Blackpink is actually in college today?" Chanyeol asks, chuckling after.

"Well, Nancy messaged about the Hyunjin problem. All I really got out of the text was make Hyeri hotter than she already is." Jennie says, smirking at you. You laugh and start eating.

Not even a second later, Hyunjin appears with the rest of stray kids. 

"Can we sit here?" Felix asks, looking at you. They must know what Hyunjin did then. You nod and completely blank Hyunjin. He steals glances at you from time to time. You left early so you can go to your next subject early than everyone.

You were walking down the hallway when you heard Hyunjin yelling your name.

You ignore him and keep walking, you heard him growl under his breath. Next thing you know he's locked you in an empty classroom. Your eyes go wide and you move away from him, seeing the anger in his eyes. 

"The fuck do you think you're playing at?" He asks, his voice husky and lowered a good few octaves. You scoff.

"Oh sorry, I didn't realise I have to pretend to be blind when you're flirting with everyone." You yell, your hands clenching up into a fist.

"Now let me out this classroom right fucking now." You scream at him. He seems unfazed by your tone, instead, he stalks towards you.

"Fuck off hyunjin." You yell, backing up and getting ready to throw something at him.

"Why should I?" He asks, scoffing as he moves closer to you.

"You, you're just like Mark." You mutter, he stops at that and glares you down.

"THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?" He screams at you, you roll your eyes and push past him and going towards the door. You unlock it and go to open it when Hyunjins hand slams down on the door, making it slam shut. You jump and move away from him. 

Grabbing your waist, he pulls you close to him and kisses you. Hyunjin gets mad when you don't kiss him back and he throws you away, you stumble and fall. Landing on your hands and feeling a sharp pain go up your wrist. You hold your wrist and look up at him with tears in your eyes, his face softens and goes over to you. You shake your head and move away from him.

"S-stay away." You yell, cursing yourself mentally for stuttering. You've always liked putting up a tough front, but Hyunjin always manages to break through it. He ignores you and keeps crawling towards you until your back hits the wall. You put your leg out to keep him away but instead he grabs both your legs and pulls you toward himself. 

You blush at the position, him in between your legs and towering over you, one hand on the wall behind you.

"Baby." He whispers out, his voice coarse and husky from screaming at each other. You refuse to look at him, making him huff out and grab your chin, forcing you to look at him. He notices the fear and heartbreak in your eyes and it makes him feel shit. You notice a tear roll down his cheek.

"I'm so sorry baby, I've treated you like absolute shit lately. You deserve someone better." He whispers, his voice cracking. You feel no sympathy for him at all. Scoffing, you push yourself away from him and stand up.

"I know I deserve better. You don't deserve my sympathy for what you've done." You answer, looking down at him with disgust. 

You walk out the classroom. Leaving Hyunjin sitting on the ground, tears pooling out his eyes.

And he swears he hears his own heart shatter into pieces.


I know how much people hate the stereotypical main female character in these type of stories, so I'm not gonna make her stupid and completely oblivious 🤩🤩

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