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You furrow your brows seeing the drenched, tear stained face of Aeri at your doorstep. She gives you a small smile with her trembling lips.

"Can I come in? We need to talk." She asks, you nod slowly and let her in. Aeri falters when she sees Seungmin and Nancy glaring at her, Chanyeol dosing of on the couch and Blackpink giving her dirty looks while sipping their cocktails.

"We can talk in my bedroom." You say, she nods and follows behind you to your bedroom. Once you enter, Aeri sits on your bed and starts sobbing loudly, earning a 'shut up' from Lisa. 

"Ignore them. So what's wrong?" You ask, praying to the lord that the answer isn't-

"Hyunjin. That's what's wrong." Aeri cuts off your thoughts, you take a deep breath and sit next to her. 

"He's a dick. I'd drop him." You answer, she chuckles sourly and clicks her tongue.

"All he does is fuck around with sluts and then acts like we're fine. I'm his girlfriend for fucks sake, I should be a top priority and not little whores." She yells, you blink and avoid eye contact.

"He came round earlier, we had sex and then he left me. I felt so used but the funny thing is, it's been almost every week we do something intimate." You admit, Aeri gasps and looks at you with hatred visible.

"I never knew he had a girlfriend, he tells me I'm the only one for him and shit like that." You continue, tears brimming your eyes.

"But now? I realised he's just using me for pleasure." You finish, shrugging before standing up and going to the bedroom door.

"Want a homemade cocktail?" You ask.

A few cocktails drank and you, Aeri and Lisa are dancing to Very Nice by Seventeen. Nancy is bopping her head while hyping you guys up, Seungmin is recording and Jennie, Rosè and Jisoo are passed out.

You guessed it, Hwasa and Cho are still in the bedroom. Everyone stops what they're doing when they hear a banging on the door. You stumble over and open it, seeing a very pissed of Hyunjin.

"What the fuck is this?" He growls out, showing Seungmins Snapchat story and on it being a video of Aeri and you singing to Hobgoblin, Nancy's voice occasionally joining in. You start laughing and slap Hyunjin before slamming the door in his face, you go to walk away but stop when Hyunjin opens the door and stomps his way inside. 

Chanyeol wakes up when he hears screaming and blinks away the sleep. He sees Hyunjin raise his hand and slap you, making Chanyeol wake up fully and scramble over to Hyunjin. 

Chanyeol tackles Hyunjin and starts punching him, you stand shocked as to what to do as a crowd of everyone in the house surrounds them. Hwasa stumbles out her room and groans, quickly yanking Chanyeol off Hyunjin and dragging Hyunjin out by his hair.

"Not the hair! Not the fucking hair!" He squeals out, she slams the door and sighs deeply. 

"He's trouble. I don't want him here anymore Hyeri, Aeri I suggest you dump his pathetic ass." Hwasa yells, walking back into her bedroom to Cho. 

A few hours pass and everyone has left, including Cho and you and Hwasa were currently on the couch eating chocolate ice cream and drinking herbal tea. 


"Don't." Hwasa interrupts you, already knowing you're gonna talk about Hyunjin. You sigh and go back to eating your ice cream. 

"I'm gonna go to bed." Hwasa exclaims, you nod and agree. You both put your ice cream away and drink your herbal tea before going into your separate bedrooms. 

You groan, hearing your alarm blare through your ears. Hwasa trudges into your room, rubbing her eyes.

"Yah! Wake up! You're gonna be late if you don't get up." She grumbles out, you nod and yawn.

After having a shower you feel more awake, you furrow your brows deciding on what to wear today.

You finally decide on a white tennis skirt, a shirt tucked into that and a large jumper over that. You put on a pair of thigh high socks and your vans before brushing your hair and grabbing your bag.

"Let's go Hwasa." You exclaim, locking up the door behind you two.

On the way to the college, you both vibe to Boy Meets Evil by J-Hope. Soon, you arrive and step out smiling at your acquaintances and rolling your eyes at Hyunjin.

You meet up with the rest of your gang in the hallway and walk to class together. You bump into Mark and glare at him, making him chuckle.

"Sorry darling." He says, you groan and walk past him. You stop when he makes a comment.

"Damn, you look that good I could fuck you here and now." 

You slowly turn around and stare at him, you walk up to him and look into his eyes.

"What did you just say to me?" You ask, he chuckles and places a hand on your waist.

"I said, I could fuck you-" 

You interrupted him by kicking him in the balls, making him fall to the ground in pain. You chuckle and walk away to your class, sitting down at your seat and laughing with Hwasa upon seeing a stumbling Mark make his way to his seat. Hyunjin steals glances and smirks when he sees you blush at his intense staring.

It's finally lunchtime, and you and Hwasa meet up with everyone at your table. You go to your locker but freeze when you feel the all too familiar arms wrap around you.

"No. Hyunjin, leave me alone. I am no sex toy for you." You exclaim, prying Hyunjins arms off your waist. He growls and spins you round, glaring down at you.

"Why are you ignoring me huh? Are you bored of me now, are you sick and tired of me now?" He asks, you scoff and start to list off everything.

"You lie to me, you flirt with other girls, you fuck me and then dip, you slapped me last night, you started a fight in my own home." 

Hyunjin scowls and walks away. You humph in amusement but furrow your brows when Hyunjin comes back with balloons and a poster that says 'I literally fucking love you.' 

"Nice joke." You say, walking off and leaving Hyunjin in the corridor. 

"Nope, I'm not letting you leave me again." He mumbles to himself, quickly running after you and back hugging you. He slowly turns you around and gently kisses you.

But this felt, different? It felt like something was behind it. 

"I love you Hyeri, I always have and alway will." He whispers, his thumb stroking your cheek.

Womanizer~(Hyunjin ff)Where stories live. Discover now