Chapter Nine: Crumbling Walls

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My feet rooted to the ground like thick tree trunks, grounded for many years. Words stumbled on my tongue.

There was nothing to say. Or do.

I didn't understand what I'd just witnessed but one thing was for certain.

Anna Brooks, whether I disliked her or not, needed medical attention. Now.

Unconsciously, my hand slipped out my Blackberry from my back pocket and dialled the only person I knew could help me in this situation.

"Cass, I'm kinda busy at the moment–"

"Corey. You need to help me now. Anna was in the bathroom throwing up blood. It was absolutely everywhere, like everywhere..." I explained my voice hardly there. I was too shocked by the scene I'd walked in on that I hadn't noticed myself moving away from the mess and outside the toilets until my body slumped to the ground and began shaking.

I was trembling so badly my knees were jittering spastically against the cold earth. Flashes of images from years ago spun in my head.

"Okay, Cassie calm down," Corey's reassuring tone brought me back. As if sensing my fear I heard in the background the muffled sound of moving. "Where did she go?" 

"I-I don't know. She ran out. Oh God Corey. I know I hate her and she's a bitch but you have to help her. She is sick. Really sick. I don't know what it means if you cough up blood but..." my phrases were stuttered with trembles. I couldn't think of anything else to say.

"I'll find her. It's okay Cassie. I'll help her. She's meant to be meeting me at the park anyway, so just go there and find everyone else. I'm sure she's fine. She's had this before,"

I almost dropped my phone from my hand. Before?

"Um... okay. I'm going to the park now," I whispered, confused by what he'd just revealed. "Don't tell anyone about this. This doesn't mean I'm worried about her it's just... so much blood..."

My finger feverishly plucked chucks of grass out of the earth beside my feet in attempt to calm the nerves.

"Okay, I'll see you soon. Please, just don't worry. Go see Quinn or..."

"Okay," I finished, knowing he was trying not to make it seem like I had no one to go too. Corey knew me better than anyone else, more than Quinn did, and although he didn't know why, he knew that I didn't like to talk about my problems with anyone. This made it seem like I didn't have any problems which was the idea I was trying to get across.

However, Cor knew that if anyone could comfort or just calm me it was either him or Quinn. They were my closest friends after all.

Visions of the blood and vomit and Anna slumped over the toilet seat coughing haunted my mind. I shoved my head in my bent knees and breathed deeply.

 My body was frozen and oblivious to the abuse I was receiving. My legs couldn't move, my limbs lamely stuck to my sides.

I could cry, but no one would hear me.

Nothing mattered anymore after what my gaze was transfixed on.

I recognised her and hated that I did. Why couldn't it have been someone else? Someone who wasn't the cause of this. Then I would have felt sorry for her and done all I could to help. Maybe she could help me. But no.

It was the very person who put me here in the first place.

The white foamy mixture was spilling down her chin in a sloppy mess, coating the neckline of her slutty dress.

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