Chapter Four: The Party

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Once we reached Milo's country mansion we all hopped out of the car and made are way inside. His house was absolutely huge and basically in the middle of nowhere so perfect for parties. Honestly, I don't even think his parents knew he threw this party every single year.

It's a huge aquarium. The outside of the building is just made of glass, so you can see everything inside. I would hate to have a house like this - there's no privacy unless you pull the blinds down and then you wouldn't be able to see the beautiful country view. There's a long drive way and an impeccably decorated front lawn leading up to the house, shame it was going to get trashed by the end of the night.

"Okay, so we'll arrange how we get back later on. Text each other if there's any problems. Don't get raped or murdered. Don't do something you'll regret and most of all have fun!" Quinn clarified, just before we'd split up and go our separate ways.

Knowing Blair and Ruby they'd get drunk and dance like crazies and Blair would try to find a hot guy to date. Quinn would probably hang with Calvin and not get drunk, and Jenny would be the wallflower losing herself in her sorrow. Meanwhile, I would just do... whatever I wanted.

I knew I couldn't drink excessively or smoke. That pleasure was forbidden now, I'd have to stay sober tonight. If I managed it that would be a first.

"See you later." I mumbled as I entered through the door.

The hallway was packed with swarming, sweaty bodies as the loud music pulsed through the walls. Another thing that was great about this house being so desolate was that there were no neighbours to complain about noise. So we basically could do fưck all.

Couples were pressed against walls tongues intertwined, trying to melt into each other. There were red cups littered across the floor and teenagers, already out of their mind drunk, slurring the lyrics of the songs playing. I weaved in and out of them, recognising some and not others, noticing if there were any hot guys that weren't already with a girl that I could get off with. I'd been a long time since I'd had șexual contact with someone.

I made my way to the kitchen, which was full of jocks playing beer pong, and poured myself a small drink. I sipped the liquid slowly savouring the bitter but warm taste, before putting it down again.

Take it slow Cassie. Only a little bit.

"Cassie!" A voice said, coming round to greet me. Corey was dressed in blue skinnies and a black shirt which matched his sea of ebony curls on his head. There was a bright smile on his face, I could see he was slightly drunk. "You look hot!"

I smiled lamely looking down at myself, whilst noticing the amazing feeling in my chest the alcohol gave me. I tried with all of my might to not pick the cup back up. "Thank you Cor. You look pretty hot yourself,"

"I try my best," He smirked, picked up a cup and filled it with punch. His attention went to me, as he plucked a cigarette packet out of his pocket and lit one. The smell of the smoke invaded my senses and immediately I wanted to run away as fast as possible but not because I didn't like it.

It was because I craved it.

"Do you want one?" He asked me politely offering the packet. Quickly, I shifted my eyes the ground, fisting my palm to stop me taking one.

"Don't tempt me Corey." I replied distantly, I still kept my eyes on the ground but that didn't stop the intoxicating smell from drifting into my nostrils.

"Oh of course, new start and way of living and all." He chirped. Out of all of our group Corey and Richard were the only ones who smoked - now anyway. I quit before the summer as well as stopping binge drinking alcohol.

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