Chapter Two: Siblings

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After waking up refreshed and content from my nap, I made my way downstairs and joined Harry and Abi in the kitchen, where The Killers' Hot Fuss album was blaring.

Our kitchen was huge. So large that there was room for a small grey couch, a ten-seater dining table and two double door fridges. We once thought about putting up a swing but with the floor being check concrete tiles, the idea was too dangerous, to our disappointment.

We lived in a small estate in the middle of nowhere. It was called Oak Tree Estate because situated in the middle of the courtyard towered a giant of an oak tree, which rained leaves all year long. Around this tree were five terraced Victorian style houses each three stories high. Ours was the end one. People who knew this place thought it was posh because all the residents (apart from us) were filthy rich, miserable old people that were born with money and spoke in the traditional accent. Of course, my family didn't speak like that, we just liked the house and area and since my mum was earning a fair amount, thought it was worth it to buy a nice house.

Abi, lounging on the small kitchen sofa, was clothed in a loose white tee and joggers, pouring over a book. She loved to read and whenever she wasn't dancing or doing homework her focus would be lost in stories. Chopping up an onion and placing the pieces into a bowl full of diced potatoes, Harry sang with the music, bobbing his head to the beat.

I turned the volume down slightly, just so I could actually hear myself speak and asked "Hey, what are we having for dinner?"

Harry snapped out of his trance, noticing my presence and Abi looked up from her book.

"I'm making vegetable soup. Wanna help?" He asked, motioning towards the pile of carrots, broccoli and butternut squash. I smiled, and made my way over to the large island counter, making sure to turn the music up to an ear deafening decibel on the way.

Since I turned sixteen last year I no longer needed a nanny and because the twins were both very independent and mature neither did they. So, I looked after them - although they weren't really difficult to look after. I couldn't cook to save my life and because Harry was very passionate about his food he was the cook in our house. But I still helped him out.

I pulled a knife out of the holder, grabbed the spare chopping board and dumped a mixture of vegetables in a bowl.

"You wanna help Abs?" I called over the music, already washing my hands under warm, soapy water.

She shook her head, and dipped her nose towards her book. I laughed at her, knowing to well that we wouldn't be able to have a single conversation with her until she'd finished it.

Which, knowing Abi, would be some time very soon.

As I washed, peeled and cut the carrots, tapping my feet and bobbing my head to the melody, my inner pop star was unleashed and Harry and I had a full blown concert in our kitchen.

"I swore I'd never let her go..." I sang, the waves of loud music taking over my senses. Letting go of the knife in my hand, I danced towards Harry. He did the same back and we bounced to our usual routine making dramatic actions to the lyrics.

"Tell me what you wanna know..."

"Oh come on, oh come on, oh come on!" we belted simultaneously.

"There ain't no motive for this crime..."

"Jenny was a friend of mine, oh come on, oh come on, oh come on..."


Our voices weren't amazing, but it was fun anyway. I knew I'd regret singing so loudly later; the burn in the back of my throat was a reminder.

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