Chapter Three: Being A Tease

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"Why so glum Cassie?" He drooled. Josh turned around and placed himself against the wall right back around the corner. My friends couldn't see me round here but that didn't worry me.

You see I could be three types of people.

One - the bitch. But that was only with Anna, Zoe and a couple of other girls I didn't like.

Two - the friend. Most of the time I was actually a lovely person. I always listened to my friends and helped them out with problems.

Three - the slut. Sexy and seductive with boys that I wanted to get in bed with.

In this situation, I would take a bit of one and a bit of three. But mostly one. I would have been one hundred percentage slut if he hadn't told everyone I was his girlfriend.

"Maybe because you're here," I said, crossing my arms in front of my chest. A smirk formed on his face. "And maybe also because you've been telling everyone I have feelings for you."

"Oh but Cassie you do have feelings for me."

Suddenly I was whipped around, my back pressed against the hard, brick wall. Josh's face was looming dangerously close to mine; my skin crawled.

"The only feelings I have for you is hatred."

"And longing."

I rolled my eyes. Why did I ever slept with him again? This guy is so arrogant.

"Josh, you're a fưcking idiot," I stated. His cold blue, eyes gazed at me curiously, not expecting my response. Jeez, did people really think I was that easy?

Then again...

"I want to set you on fire and watch your bones crumble to ash," My voice was gladly strong; I was disgusted by his presence.

But instead of the frown I wished to appear, his lips curled into smug grin.

"You know you like it turns me on when you get feisty Cassie," He purred, hot breath on my skin, suffocating me. "You know you want me."

Josh leaned down and ran his lips across my cheek and down the length of my collar bone leaving a trail of goose bumps in its path. I shivered. He completely misunderstood and continued by slipping his hand under my jumper, and under my top. I burned with anger, as his fingers played with the edge of my bra. His arm snaked around my back and pulled me closer to him. I pushed myself back against the wall shoving lightly on his chest, hating that he thought he could get away with this, but instead of freeing myself from his strangling grasp Josh grabbed onto one of my thighs and attempted to hook it around his hip. That was the last line.

"Josh, do you want to lose your balls?" I growled, snatching my leg from his grip. The intensity of his light blue eyes was boring into mine.

"No, and neither do you."

Cassie, what were you thinking when you had șex with him?

He gave me a sexy smile that once would have melted me like butter but not today. Instead my blood boiled with loathing.

"Josh," I said, trying to seem sad. "You could give me all the crutches in the world, but I still wouldn't be able to stand you."

Straight out of Tumblr, but it was the best I could do whilst consciously knowing that his hand was once again fiddling with the edge of my bra. Damn, horny boys.

"You didn't think that in the summer," He breathed in a voice like liquid gold. His lips found their way to the sensitive spot under my ear. But that wasn't happening again, so I shoved harder on his muscular chest and quickly jumped out of his reach, but I was pulled back against him just as fast.

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