Part 89 - Choice and Consequence

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Louis had been summoned to Cetz's office, which meant Will had to drag himself out of bed along with the SkySprecht headset and the tablet. The box of lotion infused tissues came with him.

Will felt like a used tissue that crawled out of a trash bin and decided to be human. So the tissue box was in good company as he dropped crumpled sheets in each trash bin between Med Tech and Cetz's office.

"Why do you think they need us?" muttered Will.

"They probably need to prove that you're sick so Rachel won't get blamed for stopping the test," said Louis.

Bleary eyed and head pounding like the drums of Mordor, Will knocked on Cetz's door and then entered. The people sitting on the couch and on-screen looked tense. Balcuwitz gestured Will to sit and took control of the SkySprecht tablet to hook it up to the speakers.

"Agent Rowe, thank you for coming down to speak with us despite your illness," said the pregnant woman on the screen. He'd have to ask Rachel and Cetz who these people were.

Will nodded and quickly glanced at Cetz, Rachel, and Balcuwitz for guidance.

Nada. "No problem."

"And Agent Patriarch," said an older man on the other side of the screen. "We would appreciate your participation in a matter regarding the proposed test, and other future events where it might be necessary."

"What kind of matter?" asked Louis, his voice coming at Will from three sources, the SkySprecht, the tablet, and the screen. It was odd hearing him in such a way without seeing him.

"Choosing a secondary host," said the man next to the pregnant woman.

"A what?" said Louis, his voice level, like a residential area cleared by a bomb.

Host? thought Will. I'm Louis' host. Unless they're talking about a dinner party.

"For the test, and for any eventuality where Will is unavailable, you need a secondary host," said Rachel with the same level or dust and rubble in her voice. "We've narrowed it down to any agent in Watch Two that is knowledgeable to your situation. You may pick one."

Will could feel the explosion coming on like watching mentos drop into a two liter bottle of cola. Before Louis could rant and rail about such a shitty decision in front of the Head of Watch One and two members of Watch Mission Control, Balcuwitz hit the mute button. But Will could still feel Louis thrashing.

Ten minutes of tense whispers among the four and a half members of Watch Two, and five tissues, Louis made his decision.

A decision made under extreme duress and with a promise for premium coffee the moment he was out of Will. But it had been Louis' choice.


Louis' choice had consequences. Cetz walked out into Main Tech. Louis' desk was still stacked with patents to input, Megan and Teegan were still out doing what they did best, and Beni and Reese had set a second doughnut and a bottle of ice tea on Will's desk. Along with a bowl of rice impaled with two fake burning incense sticks. They had paired up again to go through their collective inbox, but at Cetz's approach they looked up, eyes hopeful for news.

Best to put the two of them out of their misery.

"Will and Louis are fine," said Cetz. "They're in Med Tech resting. No, you cannot visit them. No, I don't know what happened to the box of maple bacon doughnuts."

He lied about the last one. But Cetz had a mission. He faced Reese. "How well can you punch?"

"Punch?" Reese's eyebrow lifted. "Like boxing?"

"Sure, boxing."

"It's considered a gentleman's sport, and I have had passing instruction on it."

"And by passing instruction you mean...?"

"I made sure to pass by the bloodletting and swollen jaws by making sure I was nowhere near the instructors or students."

Cetz sighed. "Okay, step one. Teach you how to punch."

Step two, tell him why.

Reese twirled a pencil between his fingers. "Did Megan and Teegan put you up to this?"

"I wanna hit stuff," said Beni.

I want to hit stuff too, thought Cetz.  

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