Part 43 - Where is Will?

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Louis arrived at Watch Two thirty minutes later than usual. He went straight to the break room and prepped one cup of coffee and one cup of tea. Earl Grey according to the label, which spelled out specific instructions for steeping. Louis had always figured it was a "add hot water and done" thing. Today, he did it the long way and waited.

He sipped his liquid fortification, and took a picture of it next to two spoons of sugar for Rachel's benefit.

The note in his pocket, folded in an anxious square, was short, to the point, and, in Louis' opinion, should clear out a lot of the awkwardness from the last couple of days.

Provoking you was a shitty move. I'm sorry.

That should do it. Genius. He should write Hallmark cards.

I have a mug of apolo-tea and a note. This will get done today, so help me.

His watch chimed. Nine fifteen. Plenty of time for Will to arrive, even late.

Drinks in hand, Louis walked to Main Tech. The small tower of files in his inbox taunted gravity and Louis' patience.

That's it, thought Louis with a grimace. Nerf gun at dawn with whoever leaves those.

Beni and Reese were huddled over a box of neon frosted doughnuts and poster board. They ignored him in favor of magazine cutouts ranging from Billy Eilish to Billie Eliot. And Billy Porter. A cutout of Billy the Kid standing behind two blue frosted doughnuts like a barricade during a shootout on Will's desk.

There was a theme here.

Nope. Not his business what those two did as long as the... glitter and tinsel remained on their own desks. It better stay on their own desks. The invention that could thoroughly and completely clean up glitter had yet to be created.

And Will's desk remained empty.

Louis sighed, set both mugs on his own desk, the tea on a heated coaster, and stared at the mountain of patents, wishing he could make it crinkle up and crawl away. He had better things to do than patents.

Fifteen minutes, and one cup of coffee later, Will still hadn't shown. Beni and Reese had stuffed small cutouts packed with glitter and tiny springs into the cracks of Will's desk.

Thirty minutes later, the air was still with expectation, and disappointment, like a surprise party where the birthday guest of honor had failed to show.

"If he hasn't arrived by ten, we split the blue ones," said Reese.

"Deal," said Beni. "Or we could call him?"

Good idea, thought Louis. Where is he?

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