Part 18 - Carrots and Austen

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Will walked out to his car, keys clenched in his fist. He could barely keep his head up, his lower back aching from long hours in a desk chair. The day had been longer and more eventful than he wanted. He had an empty inbox, a session with a therapist, and a near out-of-body experience thanks to a past boyfriend calling. Perhaps next time he had a session with Balcuwitz he would take a longer rest on his couch.

Will wanted sleep. Sleep must have wanted him badly as well.

The second time Will fumbled the keys at the car door he froze, held his hands up and stepped back.

He was in no condition to drive when he was this tired.

Will opened his phone, and scrolled through his work contacts.

Reese; would possibly charge him for the ride. Might as well call a ride service.

Cetz; he didn't need to be bothered by this.

Meg and Teeg; working late. He had seen the two of them hunched over their desks, comparing hand written notes and talking in hushed whispers.

Louis. No. He'd have to apologize, and he couldn't apologize when this tired. He'd fuck it up. He couldn't words when this tired.



"Hi, Beni? Can I get a ride?"


Will's head lolled against the window of Beni's dark purple Taurus. "I'm surprised."

"By what?" asked Beni.

"How safe a driver you are when you're not being chased."

Beni laughed. "Sometimes a drive is just a drive."

Beni glanced over at Will when they stopped at a red light. He looked drained. No wonder he asked for a ride. Driving tired was like driving drunk. You don't do it. And that's why she and energy drinks had frequent dates.

"You know it was just a joke, right?" she said.


"Taking Louis' wallet. That was a joke on him for having me and Reese empty his inbox. Not you." Green light, go.

Will rubbed at his eyes. "Yeah. Got it. But it still put me in a awkward position."

Beni shrugged and eased into the turn lane. "It's hard not to prod the guy when he's being an asshole."

"And I'm not?"

"You're not an asshole."

"I could be."

"You're not an asshole."

"I could be an utter shithead."

"What you are is utterly tired."

"... yeah."

"And I'm glad you called me to get you home safely."


Eventually, Beni pulled her car up to the curb of a grey apartment complex. She flipped the emergency lights, got out, and opened the passenger door.

Will hauled himself out of the seat. "Curbside service, thanks."

"I've had practice." Beni decided not to mention a lot of her practice as a valet was to scope cars to boost. "You gonna make it to your door okay?"

"Yeah, I got it from here."

Beni waved at him with a smile as he fumbled at the door. Once he was inside the smile faded. Okay, sure. She felt a little bad about planting Will with Louis' wallet. She'd make it up tomorrow. Will looked like he had been put through the wringer.

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