Part 21 - Names and Old Papers

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After scrubbing and cursing at suds, Louis learned that tea could stain a mug just as bad as coffee. His hands smelled of soap and sponge funk.

But he refilled his coffee and had... another Star Wars mug full of tea.

Yeah, sure. Let's try this dance again, thought Louis, very aware of the turn of phrase after last night's dream. Try the apology and tea route see how that goes. Worst that could happen is I'm juggling two mugs all day. Again.


Will pulled one hand away from the rabbit to his computer. He had gotten a notice from the upper level; an orientation packet of what to do, and not do, when he came in to work tomorrow. Blueprint of the upstairs office area, where to check in and with whom. He gave it a quick scan, one hand still petting Copperfield.

Insert me as the dastardly villain petting a creature while plotting the demise of goodness and justice, thought Will. You'd think they'd be less maniacal with pet therapy.

Will's phone went off, the ringtone a flurry of piano keys. He glanced at the screen, expecting a strange number, or possibly Jacob again.

Too early, please no.

Instead it had a name.

Will snatched up the phone. "Mom?"

Beni and Reese's heads lifted up in unison, eyes wide. Will had a mom?

"Hi, fella! I just called to see if you were okay."

"Uh..." Will's mouth gaped. A preferred start to the work day did not include a gentle parental interrogation. He was tired, stressed, and his thermos nearly empty of tea, but those were not things you told your mother when asked "are you okay?" The rabbit on his lap was a nice surprise, but the call from his mom could move his day in any direction.

Will cradled his phone between ear and shoulder as he used one hand to open the container full of bunny approved veggies, and the other to keep the rabbit on his lap.

"I'm okay. I'm at work." As if work should negate any reason for her calling. Work meant you had to pay attention because you were getting paid to pay attention, not chit chat. So why her call? He hadn't mentioned anything stressful on social media, there were no family obligations he missed. Why would she...?

Oh, right. Jacob had called her yesterday to get my new number.

"Are you busy with anything important right now?" she asked.

Feeding my therapist, thought Will. A rabbit shouldn't be that cute munching on a slice of cucumber.

"Paperwork," he said. "Mind numbing stuff, really." And horrifying if you counted the chicken de-boner.

"Then you have time to talk to your mother, don't you?"

"I do." Will sighed and looked up from his desk.

Beni and Reese sat mesmerized; a bowl of popcorn away from looking like they were enjoying a movie.

Will stood and handed the rabbit and towel back to Reese. "One moment, mom. I've got nosey coworkers."

"Oh you have work friends? Hello Billy's friends!"

Will winced as she yelled through the phone. Reese's looked like he had won the golden ticket for Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory.

Beni looked like she had opened a box to a shiny new twelve-speed toy. "Hello Billy's mom! Are you coming to visit?"

Will made a desperate, cutting motion with his hands.

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