Part 47 - Hello Lover

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A chirp from Will's phone drew Will's attention away from a file slightly less salacious than the others. Beni had texted him.

[everything ok? Need a ride?]

Ride? thought Will. To where? I'm-

Oh, I didn't tell anyone in Main Tech where I would be today, realized Will. And Cetz, Rachel, and Balcuwitz had no reason to inform anyone else. Crap.

Will felt bad about leaving Beni in the dark, especially after she and Reese had been so helpful in the last few days. He texted back.

[Friend and family visit upstairs. Will stop by in the afternoon.]

A minute, and then another chirp. [your mom?]

Will sighed. [No. I'll tell you later.]

He put his phone away and focused back on patent input.

Of course Beni would call long before Louis did. Or would. He probably wouldn't.

"Mister Rowe!"

Will flailed, the papers scattering from his hands to the desk and floor. Too reminiscent of reading erotic books as a teen and dreading being caught. And he had the blush on his face to match.


The receptionist motioned to the entrance. "You have a visitor by the name of Jacob Leisure?"

"Right," Will smoothed down his shirt, the collar a little too tight around his neck. "I'll be there in a moment. Thank you."

Will took a moment to compose himself while collecting the contents of the patent file, avoiding direct eye contact with the illustrated blueprints. He didn't need that kind of thing on his mind while talking to an ex. In fact...

Will glanced at Higuri at his own desk with a stack of intimate patents. He had no idea how Higuri was able to keep working with a straight face.

After today, Will would be back to inputting patents for... melon-ballers and zip-lock bags.

Moment of truth. Jacob's here. Gonna face the past and jettison that emotional monster out of the space hatch like Ripley in Aliens. Even though I feel like I'm about to be ripped in two like Bishop.

He slipped his jacket back on and grabbed his satchel. The styling gel in his hair had worn down after a few hours of anxious fingers running through it and tendrils dangled from his temples. His armpits were damp and he prayed his cologne would keep up.

Better get it over with. Will stepped into the reception area.

Jacob Leisure faced the side of the reception like a pillar of dark blue wool and walnut colored skin. Three piece suit, tie, natural hair trimmed short. Will didn't know why he expected Jacob to dress down for the visit. He had dressed well no matter the occasion.

He's probably just as nervous as I am.

"Hi." It blurted out of Will's mouth before he could pull his tongue over and issue a ticket.

Jacob spun around, his face holding back both hopeful delight and dread.

"Will, hey."

Will froze, face to face with someone familiar that held themselves like a stranger. Huh, he finally grew out that goatee. And it looks good on him.

They both stood a few strides apart, silent and awkward. The receptionist politely ignored both of them. The hand holding the strap across Will's chest tightened.

What do you do? Shake hands? Hug? High five? Do an interpretative dance? For a split second Will's fingers parted in the Vulcan salute, but he thought better of the idea.

Instead he ran his fingers through his hair again and gestured towards the lobby. "Shall we? There are a lot of places to eat along the boardwalk."

I'm not exactly hungry, but I could attempt to eat. Nothing breaks the ice like food. Breaking the ice between me and a past lover that feared he had given me HIV.

Strangely, not the weirdest thing to happen to me.

"Uh, sure," said Jacob, a mirror of awkward. "Sounds good. You lead."

They left the building, not touching, but a past mingled between them like a limping animal, needing reassurance.  

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