Part 27 - The Details

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Rather than drive all the way back down to Colorado Springs to inform the Lenore's of Parker's stolen safety deposit box, Megan and Teegan called the detective in charge of Parker Lenore's case. Detective Lee Seung-woo. He had also been the detective overseeing the break-in of Charlotte's house the night before. From the grit in his voice it sounded like he was working on the same amount of sleep they were.

"I'll call the Lenores on my way to Heights Banking," said Detective Lee via speakerphone. "And possibly the local regulator of customer finances to blow the fear of god up their asses. Curious what was in that deposit box that this Jared was allegedly willing to break into a house for. Don't suppose you have more information on this guy?"

Megan and Teegan sat in the car/office, still parked, and grateful they didn't have to call more than one person in charge. Their notes lay in separate stacks on the dashboard, middle console, and their laps; the parts they agreed to share with the detective highlighted. Meanwhile, Megan worked the tablet and scanner.

"We already checked Jared Rover's most recent address," said Teegan. "He wasn't there. According to the superintendent he hasn't been there for a week. We're messaging you his past addresses now."

"Thanks." A loud slurp came over the speaker.

"Coffee break?" asked Megan. She and Teegan were desperate for one. After a half-hour banging information back and forth with the detective, the two toxically bright cans of energy acid-drink started to look like an option.

"Mn? No," said Detective Lee. "Caffeinated green tea. My parents keep sending me crates of it."

Megan hummed. Green tea sounds very good right now. Maybe we can raid Will's desk... if we ever get back there.

"Aside from his apartment, the only other place Jared Rover seemed to frequent is the cyber-cafe we mentioned earlier," said Teegan. "And yes, we'll call you if we hear anything from there."

"I would hope so. But so far all I'm hearing is insubstantial hearsay. I'm going to need proof," said Detective Lee. "According to your report the bank teller said Mister Rover was limping?"

"If he's injured due to a dog bite that has to count for something," said Megan. "And we'll do what we can to get more proof."

"Agent Shiloh, you wanted me to look further into Parker Lenore's medical background?"

"Yes. She had a prescription for painkillers for a long time before supplementing with cannabis. I want to know if the dosage was right when she last picked it up." Megan scribbled a note and showed it to Teegan.  

Have Hive check Parker's pharmacy.

Teegan nodded and typed away. "We can have some of our people send you more info as we get it."

"I'll see what I can do," said Detective Lee. "Meanwhile, agents, please keep in touch."


Megan sighed, her head hitting the back of the headrest, hangry for something unhealthy. The broccoli and egg white wrap had been hours ago, and the cookie from tea long gone. "I could be making a carrot costume right now. Or setting up a fish tank. Might prefer this to the carrot costume though."

"Lee seemed competent," said Teegan, setting files back in their folders and folding away the scanner.

"I'm sure he is, but I feel like we're back at a dead end again," said Megan. "Jared Rover..."


"Allegedly," said Megan. And she hated the "alleged" when her gut felt like a big neon sign was pointing at the man saying "guilty". "Hacked Parker's email and attempted to get her banking information from Charlotte. When she didn't share it, he broke into Charlotte's house and stole it. Then he cleared out Parker's bank account and safety deposit box. Unless Jared is going to blackmail Parker's family with the contents of the box, he's got what he wanted and is probably gone."

"Which brings up a bigger question," said Teegan.


"How does this connect to Yanif Retten?"

Megan closed her eyes, fumbled for the handle, and then pulled it, making her seatback go flat with a puff of upholstery. "We're going in circles."

"Yes, we are."

"I hate circles. Hated them since 8th grade geometry and the teacher tried to drill in our heads what pi was."

"Ratio of circumference to diameter."

Megan was quiet for a moment, laid back in her driver's seat of shame. "They teach you that in boot camp?"

"I was in artillery, yeah." Teegan tilted her own seat back to match her partner's. "We do what we can until the end of the tomorrow, then we move on. And we'll keep our ears open if the roach in the cafe goes off."

"Deal." And it felt like a deal with the devil of giving up.

"Carrot costume?" said Teegan.

"Oh, my youngest is going to be a carrot in a play about nutrition. Edward was starting the costume last night. It involved a really long orange zipper."

"Sounds cute."

"Yeah. How's Tia doing?"

"Still getting used to her hearing aids. Some days the noise ain't worth it, but we knew that going in. Life goes on."

"Hm. We take five, then find lunch."

The two agents lay back in silence, accepting the potential end of their run with Parker's case the same way a flood accepts more rain.  

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