1. Two boys being broken

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3rd person pov

A small boy was walking in the school hall's, going towards his next class as someone pushed him on the floor. His knee made an awful crunch sound when it hit the floor, but the small boy just sighed a little before getting up again.

Everyone looked at him shocked, the sound was so loud and his knee was already getting bloated. But here he was, standing up with a small frown on his face. When he started walking, people moved off his way so he wouldn't hurt himself even worse.

If he wasn't limping before, now he definitely was and he wasn't the most static about it. He was used to pain and his body not being the best in the healthy section. He just hated the pitiful stares he was getting as he walked towards his next class.

Soon he arrived at the art classroom and opened the door before stepping in. He closed the door and walked to his usual seat in the corner. The teacher looked at him slightly surprised and worried, it was lunch period and he wasn't at the cafeteria.

"Is something wrong that made you come here during lunch period, Choi?" The woman asked gently, she could eat whilst one of her favourite students would be it the classroom with her.

"Nothing's wrong miss..." well that lie was completely broken down when his neighbour walked in the classroom worried.

"Choi Soobin? What's the matter? You have art class tomorrow" she stood up, now confused as her other favourite student was here.

"Ah- I know miss, and sorry for the inconvenience, but Gyu... I think you should go to the nurses office because you hit your knee pretty badly... I heard the crunch sound from the other side of the main hall near the entrance of the cafeteria..."

"I'm fine... It'll heal up in two weeks maximum...." the small boy answered while he started drawing in his sketch book.
"Choi Beomgyu, what happened and why are you here instead of the nurses office?" the teacher asked quite panicked.

"Someone pushed me and I hit my knee, it made a crunch sound but I can walk fine so..."
"You were literally limping"
"Well better than some people in the same potion as me then..." Beomgyu murmured, the teacher and Soobin both knew that they wouldn't change the small boy's mind.

"Okay then... I'm gonna go now miss... Call me if you need anything at home Gyu"
"hmm..." the addressed boy hummed, he wouldn't bother the older anyways and they both knew it.

After many more hours of school, the small boy finally got to leave to his home. He knew his father was still at work so he could take some ice and help his knee a little. And maybe even take a pain medication if he needed to.
What the small boy didn't expect, was for his neighbour and his friends to be waiting for him in the school entrance.

"G- Choi, come here" Soobin said to him when he was couple meters away from them. Beomgyu sighed but limped towards them anyways. He just wanted to go home.

"Taehyun offered to take you to your house so you can't mess up your leg up more" Huening Kai said with a little smile on his lips, it was more of a smirk though. Beomgyu just sighed.

"No thank you... Bye..." the small boy turned around and walked away to the bus station. His neighbour was sighing at his friends.

"I told you, Choi wouldn't accept the offer, plus he can read people... He could see right trough your lies... I'm gonna go home now, bye" Soobin said before walking to the bus station as well. He stood near where Beomgyu was seated as they waited for their bus, and they would sit next to each other even if they didn't talk at all.

It was a routine they had made since they were neighbours and the older cared about the younger. The younger boy even knew the older boys secret that his best friends didn't know. That Soobin was transgender and was still transitioning. Beomgyu never really cared what the older was, he just wanted the older to be happy.

"My eomma told me to say to you that we're going to have a celebration for the summer vacation starting in couple weeks so if you want to... It's only for the neighbourhood..." Soobin said quietly as the were now sitting next to each other inside the bus.

"Thanks but tell her I can't and won't come..."
"I will, she knew the answer anyways but still wanted to invite you..."
"mhmm..." after that the two boys were quiet for rest of the ride.

They got off at their bus stop and walked towards their neighbourhood, and soon they were walking to their houses. Soobin's was the first one to come up of the two that they lived in. Soobin went to his door steps and waited for Beomgyu to get to his door steps before both of them walked inside their houses.

The older ones house was clean and everything was in place. His parents were at work still, but he would just change his clothes before making himself a snack and do his homework whilst waiting for them to come home so they could make and eat dinner together. Look like a happy small family.

The younger ones house wasn't clean in any shape or form, everything was out of place and trash was everywhere. His father was at work and his mother lived in a coffin underneath the dirt in the nearby cemetery. He changed his clothes and started doing his homework before he even went to get the ice and pain meds.

His father never made dinner and he didn't know how because his father never teached him how to. His mother probably would had, but she passed away when he was 3 to 4 years old so she couldn't even teach him since he was so young at that time. They would always get takeaway or some food that people wouldn't eat and it was still in good condition so they bought it for cheaper.

He decided to make some instant noodles, and he did do them and eat them as well. He just didn't want to lose even more weight, he was already thin and weighed less than ideal.

"I'm home" was what he heard, his father was home. He sounded happy so that was good.
"Welcome home..." Beomgyu said quietly.
"I got a call from school, they said that you hurt your knee? Is that true?"

"Yeah... Sorry appa, for using a cold pack and taking pain medication..."
"It's okay, you're in the need of help with your knee injury anyways... Can I see it?" the man asked as he put his work bag on the chair.
"Yeah..." Beomgyu answered while moving a little so his father could see the injury.

"That looks quite bad... We should wrap it up with some cold gel and if it doesn't get better or you can't walk anymore, we should go see the doctor"
"Okay appa... Thank you and sorry for being a hassle of a child..."
"It's okay Beom, you're injured and even if I am usually awful towards you... I will still take care of my kid, and thank god I'm an nurse so I can actually help you at home..." Beomgyu nodded while the man went and got some cold gel and bandages. He then put the gel on his kid's knee carefully before wrapping it up.

"Thanks appa..."
"No problem, now go rest and keep your leg rising upwards so the fluids will be able to move from your knee, okay?"
"Okay... Night if I don't come downstairs again..."
"Night Beom"

Then Beomgyu carefully walked (limped) the stairs into his bedroom and locked the door just in case. He then looked out of his window and saw Soobin in his bedroom, listening to his parents speaking to him. Beomgyu frowned a little as he saw the older boy in a dress and crying.

He closed his curtains, he couldn't watch his neighbour being more sad than usual and his parents in a super sour mood. He picked up one of his books and layed down in his bed while keeping his leg up, staying under the covers. Soon he fell asleep with the book falling on the floor.

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