10. Secrets aren't meant to be shared

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Taehyun finally knocked onto the front door of the younger boys house, and he could hear shuffling inside but he didn't know what was happening. Well that was before the door was opened and Beomgyu looked like he was about to faint, and Taehyun could see a small mountain of dead flowers and letters and boxes.

"What?" Beomgyu sighed before he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, he was getting tired and he had a pounding headache from all the crying earlier.

"Can I come inside?"
"I can help you with that and I wanted to talk to you"
"Well, Mr. Class President, I don't care so go away" Beomgyu started to close the door, but Taehyun got it to stay open, looking trough the small opening into Beomgyu's eye.

"One of those flowers means girlhood, right? Why would he give a flower to you that held that meaning when you're a boy? Or are you hiding something?" Taehyun asked timidity, he knew he probably shouldn't have said that, but he could help himself.

"And what's it to you if I hid something from you, you don't know me and I don't know you"
"Beomgyu please, talk to me"
"Why the hell should I talk to you?"
"Because I'm pretty sure I heard Haru say 'You're in love with the class president right?' or something like that, or am I wrong?" Taehyun knew he hit the insecure part since Beomgyu opened the door and stepped aside to let him in with a scowl on his face. Taehyun quickly stepped inside so Beomgyu couldn't change his mind.

"What do you actually want from me Kang, I know you had planned something" Beomgyu sighed as he walked away from the other and went to the kitchen to make some instant ramen for himself, he hadn't eaten since he was at Soobin's house hours ago.

"Yeah I had, but that got ruined, so I will just do it now because I'm tired of waiting"
"What are you talking about Kan-" the older didn't even let him continue as he crashed his lips onto the younger ones, Beomgyu obviously froze as Taehyun pushed him against the dining table, standing in between his legs.

When Taehyun finally moved backwards, he saw Beomgyu with dark pink cheeks and confused eyes as he was still frozen as well. Just then Taehyun realized how messed up it was what he did, but he felt like he should just continue, like something was tugging him to be closer at the younger.

"T-Taehyun, w-wha-?" Beomgyu mumbled out while looking at the other, feeling so conflicted about this and everything in general.

"I like you, and I was planning to tell you tonight at the dance, that's why I wanted you to be near me all the time so I wouldn't lose you"

"I..." Beomgyu thought about what the older said, realising something before continuing:
"F-fuck you K-Kang, I know y-you're lying, just le-leave my house r-right now" he started to shake, and he was sure he would cry once again.

"What? Beomgyu what are you saying?" the older boy looked at him with confusion.
"T-that's exactly what I b-been told be-before, f-fuck you, leave my house now!" Beomgyu screamed at the last part, tears so close to fall as Taehyun took a step back, quite surprised.

"Beomgyu, please calm down, I'm not lying"
"Leave! Right now! I don't know what you're still doing here since you got to make a fucking mockery out of me already!" Beomgyu smashed a glass against the wall, missing Taehyun just by few centimetres, which left the older shocked.

"Beomgyu! Why would I lie?!"
"Because why would you fucking like me?! You and Kai and Yeonjun made my fucking injury a way to talk to me and I knew you were already lying back then, so why are you inside my fucking home you fucking liar of a playboy like everyone says! You pulled this same fucking trick on other people and I knew of it and I still fucking fell for it! So you had your fun so leave me alone!" Beomgyu dragged the older to his front door, opened the door and pushed him outside with tears finally going down his face.

"I hope you're happy that you made another person feel useless and mocked" he slammed the door shut in front of Taehyun's eyes and locked it. Beomgyu went upstairs and locked himself in his bedroom, went to his bathroom and even locked that door.

Taehyun on the other hand was so shocked, he knew what he does for fun is fucked up and now Soobin would definitely kill him, but he actually did like the younger boy so this hurt him. What he didn't expect was that he heard a gunshot from within the house along with something shattering. That's when he panicked and tried to open the front door as there was more shattering sounds.

He could hear an ambulance coming from the road towards them, but he didn't know if it was actually for the house he was pushed out of or someone elses. But he was thankful to find out that it was the house which's door he was at.

What surprised him was the fact that he saw Beomgyu's father also coming from the ambulance and he looked worried, but also furious as he saw Taehyun. The man didn't say anything, but opened the front door and gave keys to open his child's bedrooms locked doors.

Sooner than expected, the ambulance workers were coming down the stairs with a screaming, crying and bleeding Beomgyu. He was struggling as he didn't want to go, he already knew that if something like this happened, where he would be put for a while, but he didn't want to. He didn't want to go to the mental ward of the hospital, to the hospital where his father also worked at.

Taehyun felt his heart shatter as he watched Beomgyu being put into the ambulance as a police car came to the house. Beomgyu was sobbing and screaming for his mother, which broke his father's heart as well, and the people's who knew of the tragedy, Taehyun included.

"I don't want to! Let go of me! I want eomma! I want appa! Leave me alone!" he screamed, clearly slipping into another trauma, to the times when he was almost kidnapped when he didn't understand that his mother was dead since he was so young.

Beomgyu's father gave his number and permission to check the house before he went to Taehyun, clear anger was on his face.

"How dare you do something like that to my daughter, I hope you regret every decision you made to ruin my daughters mental health, as if it wasn't already ruined" the man said and then he went to the ambulance, and got the screaming boy to start calm down slowly as the doors closed and the ambulance started driving off.

Taehyun on the other hand was shocked, had he heard the older Choi correctly? He was most certain he hadn't, but when he carefully asked from an police officer, they told him he had heard him correctly. Beomgyu's father called him a daughter.

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