3. Friends realise something

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While the two neighbours were at their homes, in school the taller ones friends were confused as to why their friend wasn't at school, especially when schools about to be going to a summer break.

"He isn't answering my calls or texts" Huening Kai pouted while showing the unread messages and unanswered calls to his other friends.

"Maybe he's sick? The teacher said that he's sick so yeah" Yeonjun, the one who actually shared classes with the other stated.

"But he was healthy and all yesterday? How could he become sick in a night?" Taehyun asked with his monotone voice, he was obviously bored out of his mind.

"Everything is possible, a stomach bug could be possible or food poisoning or getting a fever suddenly. Let's just let him rest, and ask about it when he comes back to school" Yeonjun stated before he started to talk about the upcoming dance.

"I wonder if I could ask Soojin to be my friendly date, since I ain't gonna ask you two" the youngest wondered out loud.

"Well I'm gonna ask Soobin to be my date, but I'm pretty sure he will decline and if that happens I will ask out some girl in my class" Yeonjun stated while ruffling his hair.

Taehyun just rolled his eyes at his friends comments while scrolling trough his instagram feed. After a while of doing that, he saw an article from the early 2000's being rewritten. He decided to click the article and started reading it, getting more and more interested in it as he noticed a familiar street name along with a name.

She left behind her husband, Choi Chanhee, and her 4 year old son, Choi Beomgyu.

Mister Choi Chanhee told us this: "my son can't handle the loss of his mother and now the media is stalking his every move when he's 3, soon to be 4, years old, just to get an comment from him. It's inhumane, just leave my child alone and let him grief the loss of his mother".

Beomgyu has been stalked by the media and many others to get an interview from him, but some people also do it to do unspeakable things to him. A 3 to 4 year old little boy needs to be taken to his kindergarten and back in a police car, because some people have tried to kidnap and do harm to him.

With that Taehyun closed his phone in shock. If the articles Beomgyu was the boy that he knew, the he had a messed up upbringing and people torment him at school too. That would fuck up someone's head for good.

"Do you guys know where Choi is?"
"As in the boy who looks like a bear? Then I have no idea" Yeonjun answered while rolling his eyes.

"I mean he was called sick but I don't know... Could be his leg if you think about it, because it did make a really loud and awful noise" Kai stated. Taehyun just nodded while thinking about it, could the Choi they know be the Choi from the article?

"Did Soobin live on the magic island street?"
"Why are you asking strange questions today? Yea Soobin's lives on that street now please shut up as I try to complete plan A and plan B and probably plan C as well" Yeonjun gritted his teeth.

"As in, Soobin will reject me so I need to come up with two other plans to ask out another person as well if A, B and C fail?" Kai asked, uninterested since Yeonjun did this every year during any of their dances or a gathering where you needed a partner, but he always got rejected by their tall friend.

"Obviously, I just wish he would accept for once tho... He's never participated in any of the school events if it was outside of school time" Yeonjun pouted, he wanted to help his best friend out and help him socialise. Kai and Taehyun both rolled their eyes.

"He doesn't even like being at school, what makes you think he would suddenly go to events that the school holds?" Taehyun asked and Yeonjun actually started to wonder about it.

"I dunno, because he would have a hot date?"
"Fucking idiot, he has social anxiety, even being in a friend group like ours is probably stressing him out" Kai growled out the truth even if they all didn't want to admit it being true.

They didn't want to lose their friend because of his social anxiety disorder and they pretended that he didn't have it. Pretended that he didn't suddenly disappear for 10 to 15 minutes and then come back with teary looking eyes, but a smiling mask on top of that. But now it was impossible as Kai stated it out loud finally.

"We're quite awful friends towards him, we never ask about his home life, about his hobbies. We don't know any of his secrets most likely because he's scared and stressed out by it because we never let him speak unless it's to give a comment on about how someone's outfit looks like. Probably Choi knows more stuff about our so called best friend, because we are terrible best friends or friends in general. And I'm sick of you thinking you have a change with him, Yeonjun, because he most certainly deserves better friends and even better partner" Kai stated before getting up and storming away, leaving Taehyun and Yeonjun.

The younger one of the two sighed before saying, "Kai's right Yeonjun... We're awful friends towards Soobin" before he too got up and walked to his next class, leaving Yeonjun alone to think about everything.

How much did Yeonjun actually know about Soobin? Not a lot, maybe 5% at most, but even that is hoping and dreaming of it. He started to feel awful about it, and for also pressuring the younger to do things out of his comfort zone and for even suggesting something like that as well. He took his phone as he started going towards his classroom as well.

Hey Soobin, I know I usually don't text you or anything even though I'm your "best friend" and I wanted to apologise for all the times I've made you uncomfortable with.
Read 11:32

Me, Taehyun and Kai never really wanted to believe that you might be uncomfortable around us, and that we don't know much about you while you know so much about our lives and all that.
Read 11:39

I'm sorry Soobin
Read 11:41

Soobinnie the cutie
It's okay, I understand. I wouldn't want to know myself if I was you if I'm honest. And I know you're going to still ask me to go to the dance, and I'll give you the answer now.

Soobin you don't need to accept if it makes you uncomfortable

Soobin the cutie
I accept your request for this once, so don't disappoint me and you can't say anything about my appearance as well. Come at my house an hour before the dance will start and listen to me and my parents and then you'll take me to dance and after you bring me home, you can cut me off from your life if you want to.

Yeonjun was shocked say to least, he was also slightly confused and also frightened, this didn't seem like Soobin writes, but he could be completely different since he was dropped the truth bomb about their friendships and taken into consideration that he's also home most likely sick.

Soobin the cutie
Wear a cravat that is lavender and bring a hand flower piece for me, most likely a purplish one would be fitting.

Okay, will do and will happen, I promise

Yeonjun really wished he could make everything happen in a good way towards Soobin. Just hopefully.

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