19. Getting ready

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Taehyun had been awake since 6 in the morning because he was so nervous, but also excited about the date he would be having later that day with Beomgyu. Now it was around 11 and he had taken a shower, done his skincare routine, now he was waiting for Yeonjun, Huening Kai and Jisung to show up so they could help him pick out the outfit and to do his hair and the slight makeup that Yeonjun was demanding on. What he didn't expect to happen was for Beomgyu to call him, as he was scrolling on his phone as he was waiting.

"Hey Beom"
"Hey Tae.. Sorry I shouldn't have called, I'm seeing you later today anyways-"
"Beom, it's okay, I aren't doing anything right now and I like hearing your voice"
"My voice doesn't sound nice so why would you like hearing my voice? It's too deep... I wish I could change my voice with Soobin..."

"I like your voice because it's your voice, not someone else's and your voice sounds lovely so don't compare it to someone else's. You will get your voice to an tone where you're goung to be confident in the future, but for now, be confident with the voice tone you have now because someone else most likely is jealous of it being so deep"

"Tae... I'm gonna cry if you continue, but thanks... Now change of topic, are you gonna have three idiots helping you today?"
"No problem Beomgyu, and yes, so I'm assuming the two smart ones are gonna be with you?"
"Ding ding ding! Correct! Smart boi"
"Did you just say boy with an i?"
"Yes, yes I did, what you gonna about it?"
"I- I don't know, but it sounded cute because you said it"

"BEOMGYU, SOOBIN AND MINHO ARE AT THE DOOR" Taehyun heard Chanhee screaming and Beomgyu letting a startled noise.
"Let them come inside! I'm not coming downstairs with a bathrobe on! Wait... You heard nothing"

"I heard what? Huh? I heard nothing"
"Good, now bai, because my helpers are here which means that yours will be there soon"
"Mhmm, bye Beomgyu, see you at 13"
"See ya and... L-love you"
"Love you as well"

And with that Beomgyu immediately hung up the phone call, causing Taehyun to smile since he knew that she was most likely blushing heavily from embarrassed. After waiting around 10 more minutes, the doorbell rang and he went downstairs to open the door, seeing Jisung and Huening Kai arguing about something as Yeonjun was losing his temper.

"Come inside and. Help. [clap] Me. [clap]" Taehyun stated and the two immediately shut up as Yeonjun mouthed 'thank you' before walking inside the house. Jisung was dragged inside by Huening Kai since he wasn't moving, he was nervous since he had never been at anyone's house from their new friend group excluding Beomgyu's and Minho's places.

"You have a nice place"
"Thanks Ji, but my bedroom won't be as nice as the rest of the house because I am way too nervous so it's a mess"
"Your room? A mess? Wow this is serious then"
"Jun hyung please, not now or I'll ask Beomgyu to annoy you"

"You want my blood levels to rise at an early age?" Yeonjun sighed as the three younger males laughed at him as they went upstairs and into Taehyun's bedroom.
"Messy? This room? Yeah no" Huening Kai stated as he saw what the room looked like.
"It is messy tho, do you ever see my bedroom in this state, huh?"

"I don't know what your room looks like usually, but it's not messy okay? Now let's start the makeover so this idiot can look good for his date with Beomgyu!" Jisung smiled brightly and the other two guests yelled in agreement as Taehyun just sighed, knowing that his opinions were now out of the window officially now.

At that same moment Soobin was prepping Beomgyu's hair for the curling iron and other stuff that would be helpful for the hair style as Minho was picking up an outfit for her while all three of them were listening to some music, singing and also talking about this and that as they had quite surprisingly fun.

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