8. We need to get away

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Right after Soobin knew what happened, he hurried to the classroom, Huening Kai and Yeonjun after him. He was slightly furious at Taehyun for not being careful with the timings he would let Beomgyu out of his sight. The younger boy will absolutely trick you into thinkin he's going to the bathroom whilst he locks himself in there for maximum of an hour before he leaves again, while you just wonder where he might be at.

When he opened the door to the classroom, he was almost immediately more furious with the way Taehyun was handling the situation. He was slightly smiling whilst looking at Beomgyu's tear stained face.

"Get away from him right now, Kang Taehyun" he said in the most coldest, demanding and monotone voice any of them had heard, so Taehyun obviously made the distance between himself and Beomgyu nearly ten meters. As Soobin walked to his neighbour, all the three boys were frozen, they had never seen Soobin like this as the high heels clicking came to an stop. He crouched down next to the sofa before he started to rub circles onto the smaller boy's shoulder.

"Guy, wake up, we need to leave" the three boys were now shocked that Soobin's voice and presence had changed almost immediately after getting next to Beomgyu. He had this motherly aura radiating from him, as he was waking Beomgyu up as gently as he could. Which was working as Beomgyu whined a little before opening his eyes, as he saw who was in front of him, the three who don't know the small boy that well, were shocked. Beomgyu immediately started tearing up whilst apologising as Soobin just helped the younger boy sit up before he hugged him.

"Shh Gyu, it's okay, you didn't know something like that would happen... You're with me right now, not there or with him... It's okay..." Soobin caressed the younger boys back gently while calming him down.


"No but's Gyu, now let's go, I'm not letting you be here any longer" the neighbours slowly got up with Beomgyu still crying silently as Soobin held the youngers hand to comfort him.

"We're going to my house, his appa went to work the night sift and all three of you can decide do you want to come or not, but decide that now"

"I'm coming" Yeonjun said, he was worried about the small boy, who looked even smaller than usual.

"I need to go home... Sorry" Huening Kai apologised, even though he had a set time when he needed to be home.

"It's okay, and Taehyun?" Soobin turned to look at the boy who was his neighbours date for tonight.

"I... If it's okay, I would like to come..." Taehyun finally said whilst looking into Soobin's eyes.
"Okay, now let's get going then" and with that the unexpected duo walked out of the classroom hand in hand, the older still being slightly irritated and the younger still crying silently. The other boys walked out after them, and in the parking lot they said bye to Kai as he left to go home.

"Guy, do you want to go to my place in Yeonjun's car or Taehyun's car? They both need to get them there" Soobin asked whilst whispering quietly into Beomgyu's ear.

"I... I can go with Taehyung if he's okay with it..." Beomgyu whispered back quietly, still holding onto Soobin's hand.

"Taehyun, is it okay if Beomgyu drives with you to my place?"

"Yeah it's okay" with that the small boy carefully let go of his neighbours hand and went to Taehyun before they walked towards the car. Yeonjun and Soobin went to the olders car as well, but inside the car, the taller sighed while rubbing his temple's.

"Soobin" Yeonjun carefully put his hand onto the other's thigh and gently made small circles onto the skin with his thumb.

"What?" The stress, worry and anxiety could all be heard from the irritated tone.

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