2. The rage and uneasiness

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In the house next to Beomgyu's, Soobin was crying his heart out while his parents yelled at him for not listening to them when they told him not to wear short wigs, binders and boys clothes. He was wearing a dress, he was supposed to wear it to the school dance that was happening next week. The end of school dance was happening so soon and he hadn't gone to one since kindergarten if he remembered correctly.

Well here he was, being yelled at, being forced to go to the school dance in his birth gender, whilst his parents didn't understand that he was known as a boy in school. Not a girl. Not a young lady that was supposed to wear dresses, have a long hair and put on makeup.

"Only Beomguy knows I'm a girl at birth! Why can't I go to the dance in a suit like everyone else who is a boy in physical form or in heart?! Why am I forced to show the other's that I'm actually not a boy like they have thought for the last three years?!" he sobbed as his parents quieted down.

They had never seen their child be so distraught about their wishes. They knew their child wanted to be an boy since a young age, but they had thought that it was only an phase that would go away eventually. Well it wasn't an phase and when he came out as transgender in middle school, they were shocked and almost threw him out, but they didn't want to do that. Their reputation as the lovely family would be ruined then.

The family had made an compromise. Soobin could wear boy's clothes and a binder and cut his hair shorter. But it was still long so he started to wear short, boyish wigs. He started to grow and he grew more in height than they all expected. He was so tall, but they realized that it just came from the both family sides that made him a tall young boy.

"Dear, I think we are going too far..."
"You think so? I think we went too far a long time ago... Our child is broken because we kept thinking that he would realize he wasn't a boy but a girl... We should let him go to the dance in a suit..."
"His grandparents are going to be at the dance... We can't even tell them because they would disown us and him if they knew..."

"Grandpa _____ is gay... And a predator so like he would care if I were a girl or a boy..." the two parents stopped talking when they heard that and turned to look at their child.

"What did you say?"
"G-grandpa is gay...?"
"No not that, the thing after"
"T-that he is a predator...?" Soobin looked at his parents worriedly, had he known something that wasn't talked about in the family? He didn't know.

"How are you sure about that? That my appa is an predator?" his father spoke uncertain voice.
"B-because he assaulted me multiple times...?" the teenager felt so small that he even curled up upon himself without realising.

"When it happened for the first time?"
"Wh-when I was having a sleepover at grandpas place for the first time when I was 4..."
"When was the last time?"
"Uuh... Couple years ago...?" Soobin couldn't meet his parents eyes, he just stared at his cowered arms, the dress had long sleeves thankfully.

"Soobin, baby, why you didn't tell us...?"
"Because you two always yell at me if I do something wrong... Even when the news talk about rapes and sexual assaults and abuse happening, you blame the victim so why wouldn't you blame your own child?"

He raised his head up, not even realizing that he's crying once again, until his mother starts to cry as well as his father looked troubled. They felt awful for leaving their child with his grandfather who ruined his early days. Now all the weird comments and actions of his since childhood were clear as day.

"I'm sorry for not being able to protect you from my own appa... I'm so sorry son..." his eyes widened when his father said that. They had never called him their son, just child and baby.
"I-it's okay... I... I'll go to the dance in this dress... I guess that's what would be correct for you two..."

"Absolutely not, we'll go buy you a suit tomorrow"
"No! You already used so much money on this dress... I'll just go to the dance whilst wearing this... I can always say I'm cross dressing..."
"Soobin, baby, are you sure? We can donate the dress and buy you a suit, as a apology to you for being awful towards you"

"Not one gesture or millions of gestures or apologises will make my pain go away... You two weren't and will never be the perfect parents you wish you'd be... I want to go to sleep now... So please leave my bedroom..." his parents didn't even try to argue with him as they left the room and he locked the door before closing his curtains. He took off the dress and put on his pyjamas, he wouldn't sleep with his binder because he could stop breathing in the worst case scenario.

He crawled underneath his covers and turned off the lights before he started to cry against his pillows, falling asleep after a while of crying, his body being too exhausted to even stay up after all the emotional problems he had faced that day and in his whole life as it all came crashing down.

The next morning woke up the two neighbours, who didn't want to go to school at all, for obviously different reasons.

Beomgyu's leg wouldn't let him stand up or walk, so he needed to call his father who was already at work that he needed to see the doctor. Which was happening in couple hours whilst to school they told that he was sick.

Soobin on the other hand was still emotional and felt like that one thing happening wrong he would start crying his eyes out. He also knew that he couldn't wear his binder today, his breathing was messed up and he was panicking over little things. He asked his parents to tell the school he was sick, and they did just that.

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