12. Beomguy witnesses an engagement

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Beomgyu soon got out of solitude as she was getting better, and the aftermath of it was the fact that she and Minho started to get to know each other. She got to know that Minho has slight schizophrenia and the duo found out that they had more in common than expected. They both love to sing, dance and make art.

The duo were in the art room, both drawing portraits of important people for them. Beomgyu was drawing her father and Soobin, she was debiting is she should draw her crush, but she decided against it. Minho on the other had was drawing their mother and their best friend/boyfriend. Beomgyu had made the other let her see their boyfriend when he was coming to visit them, which Minho had blushed at, but had agreed to anyways.

"Minho, how long have you and your boyfriend dated?" She saw that the other jumped slightly at the sudden question.
"Uhm... Around 6 years? I'm not quite sure haha" they blushed slightly.
"Oh so you've been together the whole time you've been here?"

"Yeah... I'm actually surprised that we've lasted this long, since my schizophrenia was at it's worst around our 1 year anniversary and then I got send here while telling him that I wouldn't take it to heart if he broke up with me, but he didn't"

"Oh wow, he must love you a lot"
"I... I guess? He hasn't visited me for couple months now and hasn't called or texted me either so I don't know what's going on with him..."

"Ah... But you said that he's coming to visit you someday this week right?"
"Yeah, I just hope he will actually come here and not cancel it suddenly... I miss him, but he doesn't really answer me when I text or call him, saying he's at school or at his work place"

"Hmm... What if he's going to surprise you when he does come to visit you?"
"I don't really know... I just hope he would show up, even if it was to tell me he wants to break up with me, because my illness is making everything hard for him"

"Don't think like that Minho, the way you talk about him makes everyone around you see how much you love him and if he doesn't see that or would break up with you, I will personally have a long chat with him about how good of a person you are even with your illness having ups and downs on your mental and physical health"

"I-" But they were cut off by a nurse that all the kids and teens like because they're nice.
"Minho, you have a visitor, do I bring them here?"
"Uhm yeah sure..."
"Okay, I'll be back with them then, Beomgyu, you can also stay here"
"Okay then mister"

He then left to go get Minho's visitor as they and Beomgyu looked at each other slightly confused, but both of them stayed on their seats, just put their drawings in their art folders. Soon the nurse was back and with him was a boy, in his teenage years with a small awkward smile on his face.

"Ji..." Minho whispered surprised for seeing their best friend/boyfriend.
"You can go into the room, I'll be on the main room if you three need anything, okay?"
"Okay, thank you mister"
"No problem, see you kids later then" and with that the nurse left, the boy stepping into the room and closing the door after themselves.

The boy walked next Minho and sat down on the seat next to them, looking at his boyfriend who was looking back at him with a surprised expression. Beomgyu silently watched as the visitor took something from their bag, a small velvet box, and opened it, revealing a ring and a necklace.

"Minho, I'm sorry for not visiting you or texting you or calling you, I was taking extra shifts at my work place to save up money to buy you these... I uh... I'll ask something from you okay"
"I- Uhm- Okay..?"

"Lee Minho, will you marry me? I know we're both underaged, but we've been together for so long and you are going to get out of here in couple months so I... I would love to marry you as you change your surname from Lee to Han"

"Jisung... I..." Minho glanced at Beomgyu for help and she just smiled whilst showing thumbs up, they then continued; "Yes, I would love to marry you Han Jisung" Minho blushed deeply as Jisung smiled at them with heart eyes. He then took the ring and put it on Minho's left ring finger, then taking the necklace and put it on his lover's neck, letting it hang on their collarbones. Beomgyu started clapping happily and the couple looked at her.

"What are you waiting for? Kiss already! You're now engaged!" And that did make Jisung turn Minho's head so they would face him, before kissing his now fiancée as Minho just blushed red while Beomgyu whistled and clapped happily as her new friend got engaged even after being insecure about their relationship.

"Congratulations Minho and Jisung! Can I be a bridesmaid at the wedding??"
"W-wouldn't it be grooms maid?"
"No, she would be a bridesmaid since you're my bride"
"Han Jisung, I love you but I will murder you for that"

"You can't, you love me too much"
"Don't push Minho's buttons, they were insecure about your relationship just a moment before the nurse came to tell us that they have a visitor"

"What? Minho baby what's wrong?"
"I... It's dumb, it doesn't matter" Minho mumbled with a small pout as Jisung looked at Beomgyu, asking for an explanation with his eyes.

"Minho said and I quote, "I just hope he would show up, even if it was to tell me he wants to break up with me, because my illness is making everything hard for him" so yeah, they were quite insecure"

"What? Minho, baby, why would you think like that?"

"B-because you never showed up, you never answered my calls or texts, and never called or texted me back... I just thought you were done with me and just wanted to let me figure it out on my own..."

"I'm so sorry Minho, I didn't mean to do so, I got wrapped up with work and school and when I had free time, it was already at a time that your phone was taken away and you would be sleeping... I'm sorry baby"
"It's okay... I forgave you as soon as you showed up even if I did have the lingering fear of you leaving me... Haha..." Minho laughed awkwardly as they started to play with the engagement ring out of nervousness, as if they would get yelled at.

"I'll leave you two alone for a while so you two can talk about everything, okay? I still wanna be bridesmaid so you better accept the fact that you're an bride Minho" Beomgyu smiled playfully as she walked to the door and left the room before the flustered one could yell at her with Jisung laughing at her statement.

She went to her father's office at the ward, knocked on the door and soon it was opened by the older Choi, looking slightly surprised to see his daughter in front of him.

"What are you doing here Beomgyu?"
"I just wanted to see you and ask how Soobinnie is"
"Ah, well he's doing okay, he's been asking about you, I think you should call or text him today"

"Oh, okay, I'll do that, see ya later appa"
"See you later Beomgyu" he watched as his daughter skipped to the nice nurse and asked to have her phone, he then went back to his office and continued to work.

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