5. Soon we dance in hell

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Soon it was the day of the school dance, the students had a day off to get ready for the event that was happening in the evening. Soobin and Beomgyu were no expectations for that, as the duo was in Soobin's room getting ready.

Beomgyu helped the taller get his dress on comfortably along with the other pieces of clothing he would be wearing. Soobin decided not to wear a wig and let his long bleached hair fall onto his chest as he and Beomgyu were doing a cute hairstyle on it. Well Beomguy mostly, since he could see what he was doing all the time.

"I think your hair is done now" Beomgyu stated after nearly three hours of doing the hair style and putting on the decorative hair pieces in there as well. He took a small video of it and showed it to the taller who smiled at him in approval.

"Thanks Gyu, you're the best" Soobin said, with his natural voice. He wasn't trying to deepen it today, he just couldn't bring himself to do so when everyone would see him as who he was supposed to be.

"No problem Binnie, now let's either do your makeup, or I get dressed up now?"
"Get dressed up, I wanna see what you're going to wear" Soobin laughed at the smaller ones statics. Beomgyu nodded before he went back to the olders bed and flopped down. He then stripped off his comfortable hoodie, whilst pouting slightly.

"Gyu, why do you have fresh cuts on your arms? I thought you quit..."
"Ah sorry... I just... Relapsed after the incident in school..." the smaller boy mumbled in shame. He looked at himself, his arms being bony and you could see his rib cage clearly.

"It's okay, but we should clean the newest ones, I know you don't clean them up" Soobin took a small first aid kit from his desk and came to the bed, sitting next to Beomgyu. He then started to clean up the other's arms gently, before wrapping them up just in case like they did with his arms.

"Thanks... And I'm sorry... I didn't want to bother you since you're dealing with stuff as well..."
"Choi Beomgyu, don't you dare say something like that, you know damn well I care about your well-being, you human version of a bear cub" Soobin hugged the small boy gently, which the smaller one actually needed, so he hugged the taller one back.

Soon there was a knock on the door before it was opened, but the two neighbours since birth didn't care, they just continued hugging each other.

"Soobin, dear do you need any– Oh Beomgyu I didn't know you were here as well, sorry about this"
"It's okay eomma"

"Uhm question, why is Beomgyu's torso uncovered and why are his arms– Oh Beomgyu dear don't tell me you started again?" Mrs. Choi asked with a frown on her lips as she looked at the once bright and happy little boy that was now in a dark place.

"Uh... Yeah I did, sorry Mrs. Choi"
"Oh dear no need to apologise, and I wanted to ask Soobin if he needed any help, but I see you're helping him"
"Yeah, Gyu put my hair up, isn't it pretty eomma?" Soobin showed the small video to his mother who smiled at it.

"It is indeed very beautifully done, thank you Beomgyu for helping Soobin. Do you two want anything to eat? We can order pizza and some other dishes as well, you two should eat before you leave for the dance"
"Yes eomma, pizza and anything along with it is okay, just remember Gyu's hate for tomatoes, don't get anything that had tomatoes on it, well I guess the tomato sauce is okay since it's hidden underneath layers of other toppings"

"Uuh yeah that should be fine... Anything and everything is okay if it doesn't have tomatoes on it... The tomato sauce for the pizza is okay as well... Thank you Mrs. Choi"
"Beomguy dear, you can call me auntie if you start coming back here more again, we all in the neighbourhood love to see you happy" she smiled before she left the room to make the orders for food.

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