14. Texting

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New message from Taehyunnie

Beomgyu felt her heart skip a beat, what she didn't really know was it out of happiness, excitement or fear. She breathed in and out for few moments before she even opened her phone, then she opened the text message, opening the conversation.


Hey Beomgyu. I wanted to apologize
for my actions and words, I didn't mean
to trigger you more. If you want to answer
me, I would like to ask 2 questions,
but if you say no, I won't ask anything
and will leave you be if you so wish.

Uhm.. Hey Taehyun, it's okay, I forgive you, you didn't know you would trigger me. Uhm, yeah sure I can answer the questions you want answers to.

I was sure you wouldn't answer me..
Okay so: 1 How are you & are you
feeling better now? And 2. Are your
correct pronouns she/her..? That night
before your appa came to you in the
ambulance, he said to me "How dare you
do something like that to my daughter,
I hope you regret every decision you
made to ruin my daughters mental health,
as if it wasn't already ruined" and I've been
confused ever since that about what
you identify as even though
that information doesn't belong to me.

1. I'm okay and yeah I'm doing better now.. 2. My correct pronouns are she/her, yes, I am male to female transgender, the opposite of Soobin.

Oh- Okay, thank you for telling me and I'm glad you're feeling better now, even though I caused you to have the breakdown... I'm seriously sorry about that.

I forgave you so don't stress over it, okay? Anyways, how have you been doing?

Okay okay, if you say so. And I've been doing okay, just annoyed with Mrs.Lee, she gave us a assignment to do this summer and it's gonna take almost the whole summer to take because it's a weekly diary >:(

Well damn- Oh yeah, summer vacation started- I completely forgot because I didn't have school because stress could trigger any kind of attack (like panic attack for example), sigh, but you're the class president so I'm pretty sure you will get the top points.

Ah sorry about that and Idk probably? I am still kinda confused that I'm the class president, but eh. Uhm do you think I could see you when you get out...?

Because you're the top student in our grade and you are probably also the most popular person in our grade as well. Uuh I think you can? I probably need to ask from my appa if it's okay tho.

Oh okay cool. I need to go eat now, but uhm... You can text me whenever you want to if you even want to do so.

Okay and eat well. Bye Taehyun :3

Bye Beomgyu :)

Taehyun closed his phone and sighed in relief, he was so sure that the person, who he now knew were a girl, he has a crush on wouldn't even answer him. He got up from his bed and walked out of his bedroom to the kitchen/dining room where his mother had already set the food on the centre of the table.

"Hey eomma, what are we eating today?"
"We're having japchae and some kimchi today, I also bought songpyeon for dessert"
"Okay, is appa going to eat dinner with us?"
"Yes, at least he said so himself and he usually does mean when he promises something"
"Ah okay, I just hope he'll be here soon..."
"He will be here soon, I'm sure of it dear"

After Taehyun's mother said that, the front door opened and in the house walked his father, in his work suit with a stressed out look, which vanished as soon as he saw his wife and son waiting for him at the dinner table.

"Oh honey! We just were talking that you would come soon to eat with us" Mrs. Kang stated happily as she walked to her husband and took his bag to take to his home office/guest bedroom so he could go change his clothes to something more comfortable.

"You know I'll always keep my word, and thank you sweetheart. I'll be quick to change so we can start eating soon"
"Okay appa" Taehyun smiled at him before he went to the master bedroom as his mother walked back to the table with a smile.

"Did you get ahold of your prom date?" She winked at her son teasingly.
"Eomma please don't... But yes I did get ahold of her, even though I was sure she wouldn't answer me" Taehyun said while looking at his socks and the floor as the woman laughed slightly at his reaction.

The duo sat on their usual seats just before Taehyun's father came back into the room and sat on his usual seat, before they thanked for the food and started to eat.

Beomgyu on the other hand went to give her phone to the nurses and saw a glimpse of Minho and Jisung before they disappeared to the latters room with two rays of food. The tall girl went to get some food as well, but she ate in the dining area.

"I wonder what Taehyun wants with me... Does he like me or is he trying to fool me..?" Beomgyu let her thoughts run miles ahead whilst she knew she should give him a full change again.


Beomgyu selca as "I'm sorry for not updating"

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Beomgyu selca as "I'm sorry for not updating"

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