Future Generation Gives a History Lesson

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Nova Potter purposely stayed silent has she continued to examine the time turner. She actively avoided the eyes of her fathers, mentor, and future step mother. She did not wish to have to lose them again.

She considered time traveling to bring them back. Hell, she'd even made it to 1981. She was ready to save her parents and godparents. She had told her Uncle Prongs, Aunt Flower, Da, and Pa. She told them of their fate, hoping to save them. That's when Uncle Prongs and Pa said no. They said she had a life to get back to. A beautiful life that could be completely out of whack if they lived. A life that could be nonexistent. The war could be lost if they survived.

In the end, she obliviated them and returned. She can't save her family. She has to let them die to ensure the future.

And she hates it.

"Can we know who dies now?" Past Nova presisted.

"No. Because you'll try to save them," future Nova said from the side. "And we can't let that happen."

"You mean you can't let that happen?' Young Nova challenged.

"Considering the people living could ultimately lead to the death of my husband, children, friends, and everyone I care about," future Nova sassed. "Yeah. I mean 'I cannot let that happen'."

"Tell us then we can be obliviated," Ron suggested.

Future Nova glared at the younger version of her best friend, but nodded anyways.

"Fine," she said before leaving. "But I'm not going to be there."

The past people looked at her in worry and confusion as she left. It was the first since she arrived she had showed weakness. It was the first time they heard of her showing vulnerability.

"She and Dad lost a lot," Lily whispered.

"Aunt Nova more than Uncle Harry, than anyone really," Marco remarked. "Not to mention Malfoy Manor."

"What?" Sirius asked.

"I'm trying to decide if I want to watch this or if I can't relive watching this shit," Dorcas murmmered.

"I shall be in the kitchen, eating whatever I can to stop myself from hearing of it," Sirius left.

"I'll just shut the screens off." Lily declared. "We already know what happens."

And for the time being, the screens were dark. All of them were, including the one with Harry and the others.

"I guess we should start with Valentines Day then," Roxanne shrugged.

"Basically, Mum and Dad tell Skeeter about the Graveyard," Ruby shrugged. "This is when they got more support. Not all, but some."

"Enough for Dad to almost go to Azkaban for murder," Jade snorted.

"Yeah let's just mail the person you're in love with nudes," James sassed while he rolled his honey eyes.

"Considering the only people I've been in love with said I wasn't good enough or cheated on me with my ex, I'd say I would give a shit," Jade countered.

"It was fun to hex the shit out of them though," Elyse nodded. "I was praised by Aunt Ginny after the fact."

"Am I the only one that finds it hysterical that Aunt Nova hexing him with Aunt Ginny laughing her arse off in the background is Cormac McLaggen's boggart?" Freddie snorted.

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