{⸙:❛𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 40❜:❀}

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>───⇌• :🦋: •⇋───<

No one's pov

After talking with Jimin, Y/n took the bowl of soup and went towards the stairs while mentally scolding Taehyung for being so careless. This is the second time he has to be taken care of. What if she isn't here? How will he manage?? It's not like.. she have any problem in taking care of him but she just wants him all healthy and fine.

She pushed the door of their bedroom and entered inside. She saw Taehyung sitting on the bed, while using his phone but as soon as he felt her presence he looked up and placed the phone on the side table. He looked at her and smiled. That's something... new and she isn't used to it yet..

She gulped and spoke

Y/n - Here, have this. Then you've to take the medicine.

Taehyung nodded like an obedient child and took the bowl from her hand. He was about to eat but stopped when something came in his mind.

Taehyung - Um my hand hurts.

Y/n - ....yeah?

She asked confused

Taehyung - You should feed me.

He said innocently while smiling.
Y/n bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from laughing at how sweet he's behaving. But she agreed anyways

Y/n - uh yeah, sure.

She sat near him on the bed and started feeding him the soup.

Just like the last time she fed him, Taehyung was looking at her but this time it wasn't a glare, it was an admiring stare which even made her blush slightly.

Y/n - D-don't

Taehyung tilted his head sideways and asked

Taehyung - *chuckle* What?

Y/n narrowed her eyes and looked at him

Y/n - You know what I mean. Don't stare like that it's... it's..weird.

Taehyung - Ahh I see. But it's not weird tho. I'm-

Y/n - Ok! Finish. Now medicine.

She got up from the bed and brought the medicine while Taehyung was trying not to burst out in laugh.

Taehyung pov

She looks so cute when she blush *silent giggle*

She has gone to do her night routine after giving me the medicine and I'm sitting on the bed again while staring at the wall smiling like an idiot.
Aish, she's making me crazy *chuckle*
How I used to be so boring and cold but now, I can't hold myself back from smiling when she's around

I'm so lucky to have her and I'll prove that.


/ Morning /

I woke up when I felt some shaking me slightly. I opened my eyes and saw Y/n.
I quickly sat up straight and yawned.

Y/n - C'mon wake up Taehyung. Get fresh and take your medicine.

I looked at her and nodded slowly

Y/n - Oh and Jimin will be coming. He wanted to see you.

Hearing Jimin's name I felt guilty again. Urgh why did I misunderstood them??

I sighed and stood up from the bed when an idea came in my mind and I secretly smirked. I sat back again

Taehyung - Y/niee helpp me~

Hehe this is nice.. a lot.

I spread my arms as if I was ready to hug her. She turned around and looked at me suspiciously.

Y/n - I thought now your leg is fine? We'll tell the doctor ok? that your leg still hurts

Taehyung - Ahem! it is fine. Just take me to the bathroom please.*smiles*

She nodded came towards me and snaked her left hand around my waist. Almost hugging me. Well that's what I wanted *giggle*


/ Breakfast /

Y/n was serving me the breakfast.
After she was done, she sat on her usual seat and started eating.

Taehyung - Why don't you talk like before now *smol sad pout*

Y/n - *clears throat* Weren't you the one who told me it's annoying when I talk?

Taehyung - *Sigh* Y-Y/n look I'm sorry. I regret what I did. Please forget everything I said-

The door slammed opened and we both got startled.

Jimin - Taehyung!!! How are you!!!!!

Jimin dashed towards the dining room and saw us sitting there.

Jimin - Heyy Y/niieee.

I saw Y/n smiling and standing up, and Jimin was about to run and hug her.



Taehyung - Heyy bro!! How are you!!

I ran and blocked him in the middle way and hugged him tightly.

Y/n - Uh I thought your leg still hu-

Taehyung - Hahaha no no baby, it doesn't hurts now.

Y/n blinked her widened eyes many times before breaking itno a nervous laugh.

Probably because of the nickname

Y/n - N-nice!

Jimin - I'm fine! But how are You!?

Taehyung - I'm good you see. My baby take cares of me so well.

I chuckled when I saw y/n blushing slightly with her widened eyes.

Y/n - Uh J-Jimin, c-come have breakfast.

Jimin - No no Y/n, next time. Actually I'm running late for office. I just wanted to see you both once.

He said after glancing at his wrist watch and smiled.

Y/n - Oh ok. It's fine but don't forget to visit soon.

Taehyung - Yeah Jimin, Take care

Jimin - You too. Byebye

Me and Y/n went towards the front door, to see off Jimin and came back inside. Aish! this boy is harmless I don't have to worry.

Then, Y/n suddenly said

Y/n - Oh shoot!!!

Taehyung - What happened?? Are you ok?

Y/n - No! I'm not. . . .

───⇌• :🌷: •⇋───

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