Where it all starts...

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Setting the scene.

My name is Arley. Well actually Arley-Dakota but I think that’s kind of an embarrassing name so I just go by Arley. I live in Holmes Chapel, Cheshire. Nothing exciting EVER happens here. I go to Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School, its nice I have two friends their names are Darcy and Ellie. They have been my friends since I was born. Literally our moms all gave birth to us at the same time in the same hospital and we were put all next to each other in that baby room thing where they put new borns.

At School during break.

“Arley, Darcy come check out this site I found where we can talk to strangers our age.” Ellie shouts at us while she lies on the grass in front of campus with a laptop in front of her. “Ellie how do you even know that these people are our age?” Darcy asks being the cautious one she is.  “Yeah for all we know they could be old men with no life.” The look on Ellie’s face fades. “Well you can tell their not old men by the way they type. Old men don’t know how teens talk.” She has a point. My parents don’t even get how teens talk and they have 3 so she did have a point there. “Okay what did you want to show us?” “Okay I have been talking to this guy and he seems really nice and I wanted you guys to try!” she said with an evil smirk. What was she up to? “Why?” I questioned suspiciously. “For fun they don’t take any personal information. C’mon!!” Why does she want us to do this so bad? “Fine” I said giving up. Epp!! Ellie squealed and tossed me her laptop and I started entering my new Username and password. I decided to go with something generic and simple Dakota94. Dakota being the second half of my name and 94 standing for the year I was born. “Okay now click the Random Chat: Male box and start chatting!” Why was this so exciting for her? I click the box and I am immediately set up with a chat partner. His username is BakeryBoy41. Interesting username. “Ooo Bakery Boy!” Ellie teases. I can’t help but erupt in giggles. Beep Beep! I instantly stop laughing and look at the screen. ‘Hey’ it reads in the chat screen at the bottom of the computer. I just sit there for some reason to scared to type back. “Well say Hi back!!” Darcy urges. Which was very unordinary considering she usually doesn’t get into social networking sites.  I slowly type ‘Hi’ back. Almost immediately he responds ‘So tell me about yourself.’ I look to Darcy and Ellie who are by now so engrossed in the screen I was afraid there eyes were going to fall out. “What should I say?” I don’t even know why I was taking this so seriously its not like I would ever meet this person. “It has to come from you” they both node. I type ‘Well what do you want to know?’ ‘What is your name?’ “Should I lie or tell the truth?” “Just say Dakota cause its what’s used in your username.” Darcy wisely answers. “Okay.” ‘Dakota. What’s your name?’ ‘Edward. What are your hobbies?’ ‘I like watching tv, skate boarding and listening to music.’ ‘Cool.’ RING RING!! Oh I had just started a good conversation with him now I have to leave what am I supposed to say now? But before I could answer he responded ‘I’ll have to talk to you later I have to get to class.’ Weird. I looked at Darcy and Ellie and they both had a confused and shocked look on there face. “Its probably just a coincidence.” “Yeah your right. Lots of schools probably have break and start class at the same exact time.” I couldn’t tell if Darcy was serious or being sarcastic. “What if he goes to this school?!” Ellie shouts and causes a couple people to stare curiously at us. “I seriously doubt it” We grab our bags and make our way to 3rd period, which for all of us is Honors Literature.

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