Chapter 18

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When we get to Harry’s house we are out of breathe. “Harry how does it feel to as slow as you are?” I question jokingly. “Shut up.” he pants as he storms into his house leaving me to follow. “Wow! You two look like you have run a marathon!” Harrys mom says as she looks at us both panting. “Come in the kitchen and ill get you both a nice glass of ice water.” Me and Harry without saying a word fast walk into their kitchen and retrieve the water and instantly chug all of it. “Wow you guys were thirsty!” “Yeah. We raced here all the way from the theater.” “I see.” His mom says and looks Harry up and down. “Honey you are sweating through your shirt go throw on a new one that doesn’t stink so much!” she demands. “Mommmm!” Harry whines. “Go!” “Fine” he gives in as he stomps out of the kitchen like a 5 year old. When he exits, his mom which I still don’t know her name starts pelting me with questions. “Are you guys going out?” “Is he treating you right?” “Are you treating him right?” “Are you to being safe?” What the? “WOW Mrs. Styles! Slow down!” “Oh honey you can call me Anne. Styles was my ex husbands last name.” “Oh I am so sorry, Anne. But to answer your questions no we are not together and nothing is going on. We are just really good friends!” I reassure her. “Okay that’s nice! Harry really needs a good friend and you seem really sweet. Sorry for pelting you with questions.” “Oh its fine.” “What are you to talking about?” Harry questions suspiciously as he walks in with a brand new shirt on. “Nothing!” we both respond at the same time. Anne winked at me then left the kitchen. “What were you guys talking about?” Harry now glared at me scarily walking towards me. “We weren’t talking about anything!” I reply like a scared child. “Seriously tell me.” He demands getting closer to me. I try to back up but I hit the back of the counter. “Harry why are you acting so creepy?” I ask as he grabs the counter from behind me and still creeps closer to me. “Just tell me.” I can tell his patients were wearing thin. He steps closer one more time so our stomachs are touching. “She was just asking me if we were together.” I say looking down trying to avoid his eye contact. But just my luck he grabs my chin and tilts it up so I am now looking into his crystal green beautiful eyes. “And what did you say?” I couldn’t help but blush. We were just so close and it kinda felt good. Wait what am I saying? Arley get it together! I told my self. “I said… no.” “Okay.” He says perkily. And just goes to the fridge and grabs a coke. “God Harry you are such a pain!” He giggled at this. “What are you laughing at?” I question. “its just that you squirm so much when you look me in the eyes.” He says and laughs again. “Ugh I do not!” I cross my arms and pout. “Arley are you staying for dinner honey?” Anne comes in and asks. Dinner? What time is it? “Wait what time is it?” I ask franticly. “Its 4:55. Why what’s wrong?” Harry asks concerned. “Its just I told my parents that I would be home at 5:00 and if I’m not there they will freak out!!” I start freaking out but before I can think about my plan Harry grabs my hand and we run out of the house.  “Harry have you gone mad? Are we going to sprint to my house? You don’t even know where I live!” “What’s your address?” he asks. “1054 Wesley Avenue.” “Okay” He says than sprints on again, surprisingly in the right direction. He must really know this place well. I thought. Soon enough we were standing right in front of my house. “Just in time.” Harry announces after checking his watch. “Wow that was exhausting.” I say then turn toward him. “And thank you Harry!” Then like it was in slow motion Harry brought his face close to mine and snaked one arm around my back and pulled me close to him. He got closer and closer to my face, we never once broke eye contact. What is going on? Are we going to kiss? Was this going to be my first kiss? I really don’t think I’m ready yet! I don’t want to do anything to ruin our friendship. Then what he did next relieved me. His warm perfect lips planted themselves on my cheek. By this time I was blushing so hard I probably looked like a tomato. Than he pulls away and gives me one of his signature cheeky smiles. I give him one last smile and turn to my house. “Thanks again Harry! I’ll see you on Saturday for your audition well and at school to. I guess we have to go back tomorrow.” “Yeah we do. It sucks but you wont be alone, suspension buddy.” This makes us giggle. “Good Night Arley.” He says and I smile and turn back and walk up to my house and give him one last wave before going in my house.  I walk into the kitchen to see everyone getting dinner ready. And let me tell you at the Harrison household getting dinner ready is chaos. “Hey guys.” I decide to make my presence noticed. But instead of a traditional welcome, I get welcomed by getting handed plates to put on the table. I sigh and walk over to the table and finish putting down the plates and sit down ready to eat. Soon everyone else sits done with me and we immediately start digging in. “So Arley how was the library?” My dad asks with his mouth full of creamed potatoes and peas in his mouth. “Umm… it was fine.” And that was the end of talking about that. “Adam did you read the Holmes Chapel town website this after noon?” My mom asks my dad. Oddly this makes my dad laugh. “Hahaha are you referring to the article about the two kids who made a popcorn mess in the theater during Toy Story?” My dad asked then everyone busted up laughing accept me. What if they found out that was me and Harry. I would be in deep shit. I decide to not talk a lot during this dinner so I keep my head down and focus on my food. “Sweetie. I just realized you weren’t wearing that sweater when you left this morning.” My mom says looking at me curiously.  I looked at what I was wearing. Shit! I was still wearing Harry’s Jack Wills sweatshirt. What am I supposed to say now? “Umm…” Before I could continue my brother Nevada leans over and inhales like he is smelling me. “It smells like boys cologne.” Really Nevada you had to say that. “Can I be excused?” I ask franticly. “Arley who’s jacket is that?” My father asks now giving me the death look from across the table. “Its Darcey’s um…brothers. Darcey and him came to the library with me to study and I was freezing so he gave me his sweater.” I say than I sprint out of the room. That was honestly a pretty good excuse considering I was under pressure. I race up to my room shut the door and immediately fall on my bed. I am wiped out! It’s been a long and awesome suspension. But tomorrow is Friday and I have to face everyone. Ughhh I am so not looking forward to that!! But at least I have Saturday to look forward to! After getting ready for bed I slipped in and went strait to sleep. I had to be mentally prepared for all the shit I am going to get tomorrow.

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