Chapter 23

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“What about this one?” I ask the girls stepping out of the dressing room in a black long dress. There faces don’t look promising. “Arley you have to wear something with color because you have such a good complexion. Don’t let that go to waist love.” Ellie says getting up and looking around the shop. “Try this,” She says handing me a gold gown like dress. “Fine.” I say and walk back in the dressing room. I slip on the dress and honestly it didn’t look that bad. I step out and the girls start squealing. “What do you guys think?” I ask. “Arley, you have for sure grown into yourself.” Darcy points out. “And look at your curves.” Ellie says slapping my hip. “Well thanks.” I say unsure if that was a compliment or not. “Where do you guys think we are going?” Ellie asks. “I have no clue.” I say honestly. “Same, I don’t know.” Darcy agrees. “It is probably somewhere so glamorous.” Ellie fantasizes. “We should probably get going.” Darcy says. “Yeah.” We all agree and I go back to the dressing room to change and pay.

When we get back to the house the guys are nowhere to be found. “Where did they go?” Ellie says looking around Toms house for the guys. “Hey you guys they left a note.” Darcy announces. “What does it say?” I ask. “Hope you girls had fun shopping. Be ready at 7:00, we shall be home then.” She reads. “What time is it now?” Darcy asks. “Umm…its 4” says Ellie pulling out her phone. “ONLY 3 HOURS TO GET READY.” Ellie yells coming to realization. “OMG WE HAVE SO MUCH TO DO AND SO LITTLE TIME. LETS GO GIRLS.” She yells and runs to Tom’s big bathroom to start the long process that is getting ready.

*2 ½ hours later *

I had finished my hair and makeup. My hair was curled and I had lite gold eye shadow. The rest of the girls were still in the bathroom working on their look. I slip on the golden dress and made sure that it fit perfectly still. “Arley you look so pretty.” Ellie says startling me a little bit. I didn’t know she was there. “Oh thanks El.” I say with a half smile. “Arley, have you talked to Harry since he left?” she asks seriously as she walks over to me. “Umm…well I have tried. But he ignored all my calls, texts, and letters.” I say looking down at my feet. “After about a month of non stop trying I just couldn’t stand it anymore. Now I do every thing I can to avoid seeing him, even if it’s just on the television or on a magazine.” I admit. “You know that he is in a band now?” Ellie asks. “Nope I didn’t know that.” I say. I honestly didn’t know but I wasn’t surprised he was very talented. “How do I look?” Darcy asks coming out of the bathroom. Her hair was straight and she had darker makeup on but it worked well with her. She also had on the long red dress that she bought earlier. “Darcy you look beautiful.” I said. “Thanks. You to Arls.” She says. “Okay let me just put on my dress than we can get outta here.” She says running into the bathroom with her dress.

“Girls are you ready?” I hear Max call from down stairs. “Yeah we will be down in a minuet.” I yell back. “You guys lets hurry up.” I demand slipping on my shoes as Ellie does the same. Ellies dress complimented her skin so well; it was sea foam green and gold. “Come on Darc.” Ellie yells. “Alright, Alright I am coming.” She yells bursting out of the bathroom. She was wearing the beautiful coral dress she bought. “Darc you clean up good.” Ellie yells. “Haha thanks El.” She says as we make our way out of Tom’s room. “Are you guys ready?” Darcy asks, as we are about to descend the staircase. “Yeah I just hope I don’t fall.” I say nervously. “Alright lets go.” Ellie says taking the lead. All the guys talking stopped when they noticed us coming down the stairs. Nathan gave a whistle, which everyone knew was directed at Ellie. “You ladies look so beautiful.” Tom says coming up to me and taking my hand. “Especially you.” He says and gives me a smirk and a wink. Oh God why did he have to do that? “So we need to arrive in pairs.” Tom announces. “Arley and me, Nathan and Ellie, Jay and Darcy and Siva and Max.” he says laughing at the end. “Hahah what ever.” Max says walking out the front door as we all follow. When we all get into the car, which is a limo, of course, Ellie asks “Wait guys where are we going.” The guys all look at each other with smirks on their faces. “WERE GOING TO THE BRITS!” Nathan screams. The girls and I’s jaws immediately drop. “You mean the award sh-show?” Darcy stutters. “Yup.” Siva acknowledges. “Wow. Congratulations for getting nominated.” Was all I could say. A couple minuets into the drive I see Darcy pull out her phone and start typing. I was to in shock to care but then I hear a loud gasp come from Ellie and Darcy’s hand slap across her mouth. “What’s up?” I ask. “Nothing.” They both say looking worried. They are so weird.

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