Chapter 24

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Arley’s P.O.V.

Those green eyes that perfectly curly hair there it was standing before me. I couldn’t do anything but just stare at him. People probably thought I was mental but I didn’t care. The second I saw him all the memories came flooding back at high speeds. It was nothing you could ever prepare for. I was sad and than I was mad because I remembered he just left without a single call or text, nothing. I wanted so bad to go over there and slap him but I didn’t instead I just stood there staring like an idiot. I couldn’t help it all my emotions were piling up inside me making it impossible to move. Then I noticed something. His Smile. It changed. Much like Anne predicted it would. I guess I did bring out the real happiness in him. Then it happened he turned his eyes found mine, the whole world stopped spinning for that minute. His mouth dropped and he halted causing all the boys to trip over him, as they didn’t realize he would stop when they were walking. “So you do know One Direction?” the interviewer lady asked me shoving the mic in my face. “Umm…no I don’t.” I respond surprising everyone including myself. I saw Ellie and Darcy’s jaws drop. “That’s not what it looks like.” The interviewer says but I just brush it off. “Hey we should get to our seats.” Max suggests and we all walk down the red carpet to the theater. “Why did you say you didn’t know him?” Ellie comes up and tugs my arm harshly. “Because after he left and ignored me I realized the Harry I knew wouldn’t do that so, I don’t know him anymore.” I snap yanking my arm away and walk back with the guys. I could hear little whispers from Darcy and Ellie but I chose to ignore it. “Hey Arley, what was that whole thing between you and Harry back there?” Tom says walking up next to me as we enter the theater and find our seats. “Oh umm…that was nothing. I think he thought I was someone else.” I lie. “Oh okay.” He says grabbing my hand leading us down the aisles to our seats in the third row of the GIANT arena. “Okay here are our seats.” Siva announces gesturing to the 8 seats. We all sit down and not long after I see 4 boys sit down in front of me. “Did you see his face?” the blond guy asks.  I couldn’t see who it was cause they were facing forward so I just decided to ease drop cause I had nothing else to do while we wait for the Brits to start. “He looked like he had scene a ghost.” One of them with black hair remarks. What where they talking about? Seeing ghosts? This was getting weird. “I know him like a brother and I have never scene that look.” A brown haired guy says. “Gosh, I really hope he will be okay. I don’t want what ever this was to throw of his A game. I mean he is portrayed as a sorta tough guy and a flirt but seriously Harry is just a little cupcake.” Another guy with brown hair says. WAIT DID HE SAY HARRY?? Oh God are these guys part of that band? “Hey mate how are you?” the blond one asks. I look over to see Harry and immediately spin back around so my back was to him. “Oh yeah I am fine.” He says sitting down next to the blond one. I knew how he lied and that was definitely a lie. After everyone had sat down the show started. “Welcome to the Brits.” Some person greats running out on the stage and the whole audience bursts into screams.

1 hour later

“And know the winner for Best Male Group.” The man announces grabbing my attention. “And the winner is…” he says ripping open a gold envelope. I look next to me to see the guys nervously grabbing the armrests. “ONE DIRECTIONNNNNNN!!!!!” The man screams and the whole stadium standing up and dancing accept for us 8 then the guys in front of my get up and jump on each other hugging. Then they all get it together and continue walking down the aisle I watch them as they walk and my eyes meet Harry’s and I can’t do anything but give a weak smile. No matter how mad I was at him he did work hard to get to where he is and I hate to admit it but I was really proud. What I did next really surprised me. I stood up and started clapping with a huge smile plastered across my face. I have been so pissed at Harry for ignoring me for so long but really he was making his dreams come true and it was a bummer that it took me so long to realize this. He looked and me and smiled, and I knew instantly that was his real smile. Anne was right when ever we were together it was brought out.  I missed that smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2013 ⏰

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