Chapter 22

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“Adam I cant see her like this any more. She is depressed all the time. She is obviously having a hard time at school.” I hear my mom cry. Where am I? I try to open my eyes but I just don’t have the strength. “I know, I know. I think it would be best for everyone if she went to live with her grandmother.” I heard my dad say. I heard my mom sigh than say “Arley Honey, wake up.” My mom pleads as she softly nudges me. I slowly peel my eyelids open and squint trying to adjust to the extremely bright surroundings. I look around to try and depict where I am. I see a curtain, some white chairs, and a muted TV with the news going. “Hello Miss Harrison how are you doing?” I hear an extremely chipper voice ask. I look to where the voice is coming from and I see a lady in a nurse’s outfit. Ohhhh! Of course I was at the hospital. I say coming to conclusion in my mind. “Mmmm.” I mumble not being able to form any words. “Nurse, how much longer will she have to stay?” my mom asks like she is in a panic. “Oh not long at all she is healing remarkably fast. Usually after getting stiches in your head it takes about 3 to 4 days to heal but Arley is healing very fast in 1 day. I think she could be able to leave tomorrow morning.” The nurse smiles and walks off. I look over to my mom who looks to my dad with a sad look. What is going on? “Arley sweetie we need to have a serious talk.” My dad says as he and my mom walk over to me, lying on the hospital bed. “Arley, we know that ever since Harry left you have been going through depression and maybe heart break. We understand and we want to help you. We get that it is hard for you to be in this town where you and Harry’s friendship first blossomed. I understand that being here only reminds you of all the great times you had and it only makes you miss him that much more. We don’t want you to suffer for the time that Harry isn’t here with you. Like I told you I believe that he will be back and one day you two might come back here and relive all the great memories you both had. But till then we are going to have you move in with your grandmother in London.” My mom says. That was so much to take in. She said all the things I was to afraid to admit. It was true I didn’t want to be in this town because of all the adventures we had together. I miss him like crazy. I feel a cold salty drop slid down my cheek followed by another one and another, till tears were falling down my cheeks like a waterfall. My dad actually had to leave because he hated to see me cry and we all knew that I couldn’t stop the water works. “Mom I never told you this but I called him. I did I tried, every single day for 2 weeks. Mom he promised we would never loose touch. He said we would skype and call or text every single day!” I say sniffling through my tears. “He said we were Forever and Always.” I whimper pulling up the sleeve on the hospital gown to show her the bracelet. “Did he give you this?” my mom said looking at the bracelet. I nod. “It was really nice.” My mom says. “Yeah well it was a lie.” I say ripping it off and chucking it at the wall, just like I had done with Harry at lunch. My mom being the caring mother she is goes over and picks it up and puts it in her purse. I don’t know what she would do with it but I didn’t care, she could burn it for all I care. “Mom, I am ready to move to London” I announce just as my dad walks in. “Alrighty than, me and your mother will go back to the house while you get some rest and we will pack up all your things and meet you here tomorrow morning.” My dad announces. “Okay. Good night sweetie.” My mom says kissing me on my head. Then they both leave. Right when they leave the nurse comes back in. “Here is some medicine to help you have a good night sleep.” The nurse says in that chipper voice. I grab the cup and drink the medicine. “Okay now count to 5.” She tells me. I look at her like she is insane. Why would I count to 5. Whatever, “1. 2. 3. 4.”  Before I can get to number 5 I had fallen dead asleep.

Arleys P.O.V

“Honey, wake up we have to get to the train station.” I hear my moms soothing voice wakes me from my deep sleep. I open my eyes to see both my parents looking over me as I sleep. “Arley, your train leaves in 30 minuets so we should hustle out of here.” My dad says taping his watch. “We will leave you to change. I left you an outfit right here.” My mom says patting the pile of cloths on the table next to me. “And we have everything packed and ready for you in the lobby” my mom ads than scurries out. I look to my left to the table with the cloths.  I lift up a grey shirt with a black triangle in the middle. I don’t know what it meant; I knew it was dark so I liked it, and grey jeans. Thank goodness my mom picked out something actually descent.  I quickly change into the outfit and slip on my black vans that were by the door and hurry out. The train station was about 10 minuets away so I knew that we would make it but that didn’t stop my parents from freaking out. I walk into the lobby and see my parents standing with a luggage case and a medium sized duffle bag. I didn’t have that much stuff so it fit into only two bags. “Okay honey lets go.” My mom says grabbing my hand as we head to the taxi. I usually would have brushed it off but considering I was moving away and I would have no idea when I would see them next I let her hand stay. We all got in the taxi and drove off to the train station. “Now remember Arley, London is a lot different than Holmes Chapel. You have to be careful--” “Dad!” I yell cutting off his pep talk. “I have got it under control.” I say. “Don’t worry grandma will give me the low down on what to do and what not to do.” I reassure him. After about 5 more minuets of awkward silence the taxi stops in front of the station entrance. I walk out retrieve my bags than head over to the station. “Well mom, dad this has been fun, I hope to see you again soon.” I say with a tad of humor in my voice to lighten the mood. “Arley you know we are only doing this to help you right, we only wants what’s best for you.” My mom says we tears welling up in her eyes.  “I know mom.” I say and hug her. Than I hug my dad. “Arley we are gonna miss you, your brothers are going to miss you as well.” My dad whispers in my ear as we hug. Once we finish the hug I say “Well I guess I should be off. I’ll call you guys when I get to grandmas.” I say and walk off to the station. “Bye.” I hear my parents call. “Last train to London is about to depart.” I hear a lady in a monotone voice call over the loud speaker. I instantly start running towards the train and right when I get in the doors close behind me. “Oh that was a close one.” I say to my self-trying to catch my breath. I look around for a seat, this train was packed. I finally get all the way to the back and find a seat next to an elder lady who looked as if she was asleep. I take a seat next to her after putting my bags in the upper compartment. I didn’t really know how far London was from here so I decided to put my headphones on and sleep a little. The first song that starts playing is You by The Pretty Reckless. This is one of my favorite songs, when Harry left I listened to this song so much. I miss him so much I hate thinking about him but I can’t help it. Every day I don’t see him I feel like a fall into a deeper state of depression. I don’t even understand why it hurt so bad when he left and why it kills me daily. I couldn’t even watch the X-Factor because I was afraid seeing him might send me over the edge. I constantly wondered if he was feeling the same way. I know I should be focusing on what a success he has become but I cant help wishing he missed me just as much as I missed him. My depression took over me so much I ended up loosing my best friends. Ellie and Darcy cared about me, they constantly asked if I was okay and if I needed anything but all I did was yell at them and tell them to leave me alone. I never realized what I was doing till I went over to say hi to them one day and they just sadly looked at me and walked away. It hurt but I deserved it. I don’t even really know who I am anymore. I felt so free and me when I was with Harry I forgot what it was like when I didn’t have him. So when he left it was like I was dropped back into this stupid world alone with no help. Now I have to try and recreate myself in a new place. I felt vulnerable and scared. But if I were still in Holmes Chapel it would be 10 times worse. “Umm…excuse me miss.” I felt someone tap me nocking me out of my thoughts. I look to see the women looking at me. “Have we met before?” she asks. Oddly she did look familiar but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. “Oh I got it!! You’re the girl who was with that handsome boy at the Eiffel Tower.” She says. Oh yeah! That’s who it was! “Oh yeah.” I say. “Where is that boy you were with? Is he with you.” She asks while looking around. “Um… he isn’t here.” I say and look down at my fidgety hands. “Oh. Well where is he?” She questions. She was obviously was not shy on the subject. “He left for x-factor about 3 weeks ago.” I say sadly. “Oh dear I am sorry. But he will be back.” She says and pats my hand. “How do you know?” I ask with tears welling up in my eyes. “Like I told you before, its fate. You two are obviously in love and nothing could ever come between that. I was in the same situation, I loved a man and he left for a year to serve in the Navy. I thought I would never see him again but one day I saw him at the local diner and I fell in love all over again. It was magical. And now we are happily married. Don’t worry honey, you two will be together.” She says with a smile. She was probably right. Then the same lady with the monotone voice tells us that we have reached London. I get my bags out of the compartment and sprint off to beat the hoards of people exiting.  I step out to see the big ben staring back at me. “Wow” I say. I had seen this so many times in pictures but it was nothing like seeing it in person. It was amazing. Pictures of you Pictures of me hanging on your wall for the world to see.  I hear my phone blast. “Hello.” I answer. “Arley?” The voice asks. “Yes this is she.” I respond. “Oh sweetie its your grandmum. I was wondering if your train ride was over so I could send you a car.” She would send me a car? I could take a taxi. “Yeah I just exited the station.” I say. “Okay wonderful. I will have the car meet you in front of the Big Ben in 5 minuets.” “Okay. See you soon.” I say than hang up.  I walk over to the Big Ben to wait for my ride. “Miss. Harrison?” I hear someone from behind me ask. I turn around to see a talk man in a waist cot. I look around to make sure they were talking to me. Well no shit he was talking to me, my last name is Harrison. “Umm…yes?” “I have been sent to take you to your grandmothers.” The man says as he opens the door. It would seem kinda sketchy that some man wants me to get him into the car with him but I was too tired to care. I walk to the car and he takes my bags and puts them in the back then I get in the car. Then he gets in ands starts driving. “Your grandmother is very excited to see you.” The driver says. “I am very excited to see her to.”  I say as I look out of the window at all of the wonderful buildings. “What was your name? I don’t think you told me.” I say. “My name is George.” “Well nice to meet you George.” “Nice to meet you to Miss. Harrison.”  “You can just call me Arley.” It was weird having someone calling me Miss. Harrison.  “I was told to call you Miss. Harrison, so I shall.” He said sternly. Okay than. “We are here Miss. Harrison.” George announces. Well that was fast. He pulls up to this giant house. “Holy Shit.” I say. “Miss. Harrison! Do not us that language here.” George scolds. Opps. “Your grandmother is waiting in the dining room to go over the arrangements for your stay. Just walk strait in the main entrance that walk to your left. I will get your bags and put them in your room.” He directs.  The house was huge it was 3 floors with a huge over looking balcony. It had huge pillars in the front and there was a big porch. I walk up the steps to the big front door and slowly push it open. “Arley dear? Is that you?” I hear my grandmother ask. “I’m over hear sweetie.” I follow the sound of her voice in to giant dining room. “Hi grandma!” I say and gun over to her and give her a big hug. “Oh sweetie you have grown so much. You’re practically a grown women.” My grandma says looking me up and down. “And I like your ensemble but it looks like you just came back from a funeral. We are going to have company for dinner so I will send you and George to go into to town to pic up a nice dress.” My grandma says patting me on the back. “GEORGE!!” She calls. “Yes mam.” He says rushing into the dinning room. “Take my lovely granddaughter into town and pick up a dress for this evening. And preferably nothing black or grey.” She says with a smile that I couldn’t tell was fake or real. “Yes mam.” He says and signals for me to follow. I scurry after him and we walk back out to the car. We get in the car and head into the town. The car stops and I realize that we are parked. “Miss. Harrison you could go with out me if you would prefer.” “Alright Thank You George.” I say and get out of the car. I didn’t really know these stores so I will just have to start with one and go from there. “Wait George how am I going to buy a dress I left all my money at the house.” I say through his opened window. “Here you can use this.” He says and hands me a visa card. “Wow.” Its like I have entered another heaven. “We have to be back home by 7 so don’t be to long. “Okay thanks George.” “My pleasure he acknowledges and I walk off to the first store. I push open the door and immediately greeted by sales people. “Welcome. What are you looking for today?” A peppy red head says bouncing toward me. “Umm…I’m looking for a dress to wear to dinner.” I felt really stupid cause you could probably wear all these dresses to dinner. “Right this way.” She says and bounces off towards the back. “Is it an elegant dinner or a classy casual?” Was she serious? “Umm… classy casual I guess.” I say unsure. “Well here we have this nice red dress.” She says pulling out this really tight and short red dress. Really? She thinks that I could wear that to a dinner? That is like a dress you would wear to strip club. No offence. I give her a non-reassuring look. “Or there is this one.” She says holding up a green dress again looking like someone who would go to a strip club. I don’t think I am going to find what I need here. “Amber, come here for a moment.” I heard someone call from the back. “You can just look around here ill be right back.” She says and bounces off to the backroom. Yes it’s my time to escape. I slowly duck around the back of a rack and scurry off to the front of the store and dash out the door. Oh thank goodness I made it. I walk over to the next shop and decide to look in the window before entering. The cloths looked cute. When I walk in, the mood of the store is a lot different. Much more calm. “Welcome if you have any help please feel free to ask me.” A girl folding cloths at the desk says. “Okay cool thanks.” I say with a smile. She was so much chiller than the other girl who basically jumped me when I walked in. I start looking through the racks and see a lot of cute stuff I liked but I new grandma wouldn’t like it cause they were all black or grey. Than I spot a royal blue dress it was so pretty I grab it than head to the dressing rooms. I slip it on and look my self over. It fit perfectly it flowed in all the right places and wasn’t to short so grandma would approve. I think this is as good as it’s going to get so I decide to buy it. I buy it than head over to Starbucks. “Hi welcome to Starbucks what can I get for you.” A guy who looked like he was about 17 says from behind the counter. “Hi can I have a tall Yorkshire Tea please.” I ask nicely. “Yes you may.” He says and gives me a cheeky grin. It reminded me of Harry. “What’s your name gorgeous.” Obviously a pro at the whole cheeky flirt thing. “Umm… Arley.” I stutter. “Are you sure about that?” he teases. “Yup pretty sure.” I joke back and hand him the money. “Okay here you go, Arley.” He says with a cheeky grin and a wink than hands me my tea. “Thanks.” I say and walk out. That was to weird how he reminded me so much of Harry. Not necessarily how he looked but how he acted. I shock it off and got back to the car which George had been waiting in. “Thank You for waiting.” I say as I get in. “Its quite alright. Did you find something appropriate for tonight when the Parkers come over?” he asks. “Yeah I did.” I acknowledge as we drive back to her house.

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