Chapter 5

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We arrived at the mall pretty soon since it is right by school. It’s not that far of a drive. We decided to go to top shop because that was our all time favorite store. “Oh My Goodness!! Guys look at this top I have to have it!!” Ellie squealed lifting up a white sleek top with peplum at the bottom. It was quite cute I have to admit. We put a thumbs up to show Ellie that we liked it. So she made her way the check out and bought it. Me and Darcy didn’t get anything because everything was so expensive there. “Hey you guys want to go to the cafeteria? I hear they put in a Nandos there!” I announce with a huge grin on my face. They know how much I love me some Nandos. “Yeah lets go!” Darcy cheered. When we got there and ordered. Me of course getting the Peri Peri Chicken because that was my all time favorite. We all sat down at a table and talked while waiting for our food. Then all of a sudden out of the corner of my eye I could see a boy eyeing me. I can sense these things. So turn my head to see whom it was and as a matter of fact I didn’t know him. He was blonde smallish looking and wore a adorable grin where his crooked teeth shown. Aww I couldn’t help but smile. “Arley!” Ellie snapped her fingers in front of my face. Huuh I snapped back to there conversation. “What happened with you and Harry today?” Darcy asked taking a sip of her tea. “Well…” and I explained everything that happened between me and him that day. Leaving out that I was also seeing him tonight. When I was done explaining Ellie looked me dead in the eyes and said “He likes you Arley!” “No he doesn’t” “Yeah he does” I just ignore her and brush it off. “Hey Ellie wanna see if the guy from this morning is online?” I say winking. “Yes!” she cheers then grabs her laptop and puts it in front of me. I log into my account and sure enough he is online. I click his name but before I could start a conversation he chats me first  ‘Hey. How was your day?’ its so weird but I think I’m attracted to this person I don’t know and found on some random site. ‘Hi. My day was okay but I got assigned to this horrid Romeo and Juliet project.’ Why I was sharing everything with him, I don’t know. ‘Wow that’s a real coincidence I am doing a Romeo and Juliet project in my class to!’ ok that is probably just another coincidence. ‘Who is your teacher for that class?’ I ask just to test my theory. ‘Mr. Dillon. You?’ I gasp. Wait a second! This was almost too coincidental. My mind is blowing up. I quickly log out and toss Ellie her computer back. “He wasn’t online.” I lie. “Oh okay our order is ready.” We get up and grab each of our bags and devour it as we walk around to different shops. “Jack Wills!!!” Ellie and me scream at the same time and we sprint in to the shop and start grabbing everything in our size. And head straight to the dressing rooms. As I turn the corner I see none other than Harry! I dart into a dressing room stall and hope he didn’t spot me. I hear his voice stop so he must have left. I pull on a baby pink dress, labeled Danderhall Dress. I stand back and look at myself in the mirror and if I do say myself I think it looks quite good. I decide to go out and ask the girls what they think. I step out to look for my friends “Darc? El? Guys come here!” I look around. Where could they be? Thankfully not long after they turn the corner into the dressing room. “You guys like?” I ask not sure of myself anymore. “Yeah Arls you look beautiful!” they both say in awe. Which I have to admit boosted my self-esteem. “Arley?” a familiar voice calls from behind me. Damn it he is still here! I thought he left. “Wow nice dress.” He compliments while looking me up and down. But even though I don’t have any feelings towards him it made me blush…a lot. He grabs his coat from the dressing room he had been occupying and walks out the door. Just as I turn back to Darc and El I hear my name called again. “Arley.” I turn back to see him again. What? I thought he left again! “Are we still on for tonight?” I blush a little cause I knew I would hear about this later because I didn’t tell the girls. “Umm… yeah.” I say giving him a weak smile. He winks and leaves, this time for real. I turn back to the girls and they are looking at me with mad look on there face. “What does he mean by that? And why didn’t you tell us?” “He made it sound a lot different than it is. He is just coming to my house to work on our scene in Romeo and Juliet.” I say hoping that will be the end of that conversation. “Arley its Harry Styles he is going to want more than to work on a scene he might try and make a move what will you do than?” Darcy said being the worrywart she was. She could literally think of every bad scenario to occur. “Darcy he wont and I’ll be sure of it. And my parents are going to be home so yeah.” “Ok-ayy” she said with a tone that told me she still was against this. I quickly change out of the dress and we make our purchases. They drive me to my house to drop me off and the whole car ride was semi awkward because no one talked at all. Till I got out of the car and was walking up my drive way to my house and they both yell on the top of there lungs “BE SAFE!” and the worst thing was that my mother was outside watering plants. I don’t think she knew what they meant because she just laughed it off and went back to gardening. “Hey mom can I have a friend over to work on a project?” “Yeah sure sweetie.”  Oh thank goodness she didn’t ask me who. I head up to the door and just as I am about to open it she yells “What friend?” darn that was the question I was dreading. “Umm… Harry. This kid from school.” “Oh okay hunny I’ll tell you when he’s here.” “okay thanks mom” I wave and go inside. I get into my room and set my backpack on my bed and sit in front of my computer. Ughhh. I have nothing to do till Harry gets here. Well I could go on that site Ellie signed me up for. I log onto the site and type in my username and password and sure enough he is online. ‘Hey’ I type. ‘Hi. Wazzz up?’ he replies ‘Just working on schoolwork. You?’ ‘Playing C.O.D and talking to you.’ ‘Nice. My brothers LOVE that game.’ ‘Its so addicting. Well I actually have to go moms making me work on a project. TTYL J’ ‘Bye. Have fun ;)’ 

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