Chapter 21

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Harrys POV: 

I take my first step up the stairs and take a deep breath. These would be the last steps to my destiny. I know it sounds cheese but that's how it felt. "Okay go." Said the man. I take my last deep breath and clutch the microphone tightly in my hand. Alright Go! I tell me self and stride out with confidence onto the giant stage. The first thing I see is Simon then I see the MASSIVE crowd cheering from behind the judge’s table. "Hello what's your name?" The judge Louis asks me. "Harry" "And what's your job?" Simon asks. " I work at a Bakery." "Okay Harry what are you going to be singing for us today?” Simon asks again sitting back in his chair. “Isn’t She Lovely by Stevie Wonder” I respond with confidence even though I was still shaking. “Alright lets hear it.” Simon says and signals me to begin. I take a deep breath so I have enough air to hold the first note. “Isn’t Shee Lovely” I start. And from then on the rest of the song I felt filled with confidence and I think I did fairly well if I do say so myself. When I stop to take a breath for the next part Simon cuts if off. “Okay Nicole what do you think.” Simon interrupts and signals to the women next to him. “I am really glad that we got to hear you acapella because we really got to hear how beautiful your voice is.” She says. I was mentally jumping for joy that she liked my voice. “For 16 years old you have a beautiful voice.” She continues. All I could say was “Thank You.” I was so stunned that she liked my voice. Then the critiquing flipped over to Louis. “I agree with Nicole. However I think your two young, I don’t think you have enough experience.” He says and my happiness dropped. But I knew that it was true I was still very young and I do need a lot more practice before I can be a pro. “Someone in the audience just said rubbish and I totally agree with them.” Simon interrupts. Ahh Simon likes me!! I was scared for him the most and he actually liked me. “I think with a bit of vocal coaching you could actually be very good.” Simon says and coming from Simon I think this was as close to a compliment as anyone could get so I was proud of myself. Then Simon looks back over to Louis. I was really scared of his answer. “Harry for all the right reasons I am going to have to say no.” Damn. I mentally cursed. I only had to get two out of three and I am pretty sure Nicole and Simon liked me enough to put me through. “BOOO” The audience yelled from behind the judges. I am really glad they liked me to. It felt good to have a lot people appreciate you. “I like you Harry I am going to have to say, yes.” Nicole said. Oh Thank Goodness. Now all I need is Simon. I look to Simon in anticipation. “And I think you will be happy to know that I am going to be agreeing with Nicole. Your through.” YESSS!!! “Thank You!” was all I could mutter. I didn’t know what else I could say. I fast walk back stage but when I get there I sprint down the steps and immediately see Arley. She looked so happy, almost like she was going to cry. I sprint right to her and slam into her and she wraps her arms around my neck as I grab her back and we just stand there hugging. “Harry I knew you could do it.” She says. “I knew you would knock Simons socks off.” She says giggling. I unlatch my arms from behind her so I can see her face. Yep she was definitely crying. “Thank you so much for being here and believing in me Arley. It really means the world.” I tell her. Than she smiles and looks down at her feet.  “Hazzy Boo!! I am so proud of you my little man.” My mom comes barging in and hugging me, ruining the moment obviously crying to. What is it with women and crying when they’re happy? I asked myself. “Thanks mom. Seriously I wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for you.” I reply and hug her once more. When we unlatch form our hug Arley’s parents come up to me. “You are very talented Harry. Nice job.” Arley’s mom says while giving me a quick hug. “Well done.” Arley’s dad complimented with a handshake. “Ooo we should go out to a celebratory dinner. Where ever you want baby.” My mom announces. “Alright lets go to Nandos.” I announce. “Yes! I am starved.” Arley also announces grabbing her stomach. “Race you to the car.” I yell and sprint off down the hall that I entered to come to the stage. “Hey!” I hear Arley scream as she runs toward me full blast. Then before I knew it she raced up behind me and jumped on my back. “Ahh!!” I screamed not expecting that. “HAHA” She giggles and tries to get back down but I hold onto her legs and I sprint back to the car with her on my back. Than when we all get into the car we head off to my favorite restaurant. The home of the Peri Peri Chicken. NANDOS!

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