Chapter 9

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3 hours later:

Aww my ankle hurts so badly. Why does it hurt? My eyes flutter open to reveal a painfully bright room. What the hell? As soon as my eyes focus I know exactly where I am. I’m at the HOSPITAL. Why am I at the hospital? “Oh good morning Ms. Harrison.” A nurse came in with some hospital food that looked absolutely vial. “What am I doing here?” I ask not acknowledging anything else. “Oh you don’t remember? You got knocked out when you were playing football at school and this young man saved your life.” She pointed to a body lying down across the seats in the room. “Who is he?” I ask. I couldn’t see his face cause he was facing the wall. “That is Harry Styles. He actually carried you here in his arms. I remember when he walked in he looked so worried. He must care about you a whole lot. Anything else you need?” I am frozen shocked. Why would he help me? He carried me from school? The walk is like a mile!! I see his body start to stir. Then looks at me with those beautiful green eyes and smiles. “How are you doing?” He asks as he gets up sits next to the bed. “Umm… I’m doing okay but my ankle is so sore.” “Oh yeah I bet. Josh kicked it pretty hard.” “Hey can I ask you something?” “Yeah I’m all ears.” He said and gave me a reassuring smile. “Why did you help me?” This was the question that I really needed to know the answer for. “Ummm… well…because…I care about you.” He what? “Why? I’m an ugly retard.” His smile totally faltered to a look of sadness, anger and disbelief. “Why would you say that? You are beautiful and the smartest person I know.” I started blushing so hardcore. No one besides my parents had ever told me I was beautiful. “It’s just that Harmony told me that you told her that I was an ugly, retard.” Wow he started to get so angry I swear I saw steam coming from his ears. “WHAT THE HELL I NEVER SAID THAT!!” He was now yelling and honestly it kinda scared me and I think he could tell because he immediately calmed down. “Arley I would never ever say that. Harmony is just jealous.” “Jealous of what?” I just remembered what Sydney had said about the rumor that Harry dumped Harmony for me. But before he could say anything the door burst open to reveal my father mother and brothers. Oh God what are they doing here? A look of worry spread across all there faces when they saw me. “Arley what the hell happened?!?!” My father yells. As if that is going to help at this time. “AND YOU” He said pointing to Harry. “WHAT THAT THE HELL IS HE DOING HERE? ARLEY I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU NOT TO SEE HIM ANYMORE.” I could see the hurt in Harry’s face. “WELL DAD HE WAS ACTUALLY THE ONLY ONE WHO CARED ENOUGH TO HELP ME.” His face changed into a look of surprise. Serves him right for judging Harry so harshly. “Oh.” He said and walked out. He didn’t handle being wrong very well. “Hey sweetie pie how are you feeling?” My mom asked caringly “Well I’ve been better but I’m doing alright.” I give her a smile so she knows I am serious. Than she turns to Harry and back to me and asks “So this is the boy that helped you when no one else would?” “Yup.” I saying popping the p. Just as she was about to say something else the nurse walks in and says “Well you are heeling a lot faster than anyone thought you would. All thanks to you Harry. If you hadn’t brought her as quickly as you did she might have had a much worse recovery.” My mom looked shocked. But what she did next shocked me even more. She got up and went over to Harry and gave him a huge. A genuine huge and he hugged back. If only my dad would get along with him that well. I think my mom was crying because I heard a tiny sniffle then she said “Thank You Harry. Thank You so much.” He smiled. Then they pulled away. “I should probably get back to your father before he gets to angry.” She chuckles a little bit and leaves. “Oh and Arley we have no plans tonigh.” She winks. Oh goodness mom way to make me feel awkward. I don’t think I have ever blushed so much in my life. I try to cover my red stained checks with my hands but I don’t think it worked very well because Harry started to chuckle a little bit. “You know you’re cute when you blush.” He said knowing that would make me blush even more. I give him a friendly push and we both laugh. I think we were starting to become good friends. “Arley, are you doing anything this evening?” is he asking me out? “Umm… nope I think I’m free.” He laughs again because of course I wasn’t doing anything my mom just announced it. “Would you want to go somewhere with me?” “Well it depends. Where would we go?” “I have something up my sleeve but it’s a surprise.” “Ughh I hate surprises.” He chuckled and helped me out of the hospital bed. I was still wearing my P.E uniform because it was only my foot that needed working on. So I just slipped on my shoes and grabbed my crutches and we left.

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