Chapter 3

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We got lunch from the cafeteria and sat down at our usual table outside. “You guys my partner is Kalin” Darcy said with a massive grin spread across her face. “You mean the one you have had a major crush on for like ever but you’ve been to afraid to talk to him?” Ellie asked. “Yeah that’s the one” she admitted blush fiercely. “Oo Darc you really like him don’t you?” “Darcy has a crush! Darcy has a crush!” Ellie sang and made kissy faces at her. “Shut up El!” She said looking around making sure no one heard her. Then we all broke out into massive fits of laughter. Then all of a sudden Darcy and Ellie’s face went completely blank almost like they’ve seen a ghost. “Guys are you okay?” I asked extremely concerned. Then I realized they were looking behind me. I slowly turned around to see none other than Harry Styles coming toward our table. I turn back around as fast as I can. What do I do? Why is he coming over here? What does he want? I just eye Ellie and Darcy with a frightened look on my face. I could feel his presence behind. It scared me for some reason. “Hey Arley did you hear what scene we got?” He says as he sits down next to me. “HARRY!!” I heard Harmony yell from the “popular” area, which for some reason was the wheel chair ramp. It was the most random spot. “No Harry I didn’t check. And you shouldn’t stay long or else I think Harmony will start full on screaming and no one wants to hear that.” I say in a continual monotone voice. “HARRY!!!!” Harmony screams louder. I roll my eyes. Will he please go! I really don’t want her to come over here. “Well here’s a hint. Muahh Muahhh Muahh” he says as he makes kissy faces at me. A look of immense confusion spreads across my face as he gets up and walks away. I look up at Ellie and Darcy and they have the same look on there face. “Darcy can I borrow your laptop?” I say not changing my expression or ton of voice. She hands me her laptop and go on the school web site and scroll to the scene list. I see a lot of other names blah blah blah. Oh. NO! I stop when I see the name Harry. I read across the line to the name of the scene The Balcony Scene. No maybe I’m reading this wrong. “Guys what happens in the balcony scene?” “Is that your scene?” Ellie looks at me like she feels sorry for me almost. “Yeah why? What happens?” now with worry in my voice. Darcy and El look at each other with worry in their eyes and say in unison “That’s a kissing scene Arley.” They look like they’re waiting for me to either scream or burst into tears. But I did neither I just stared into space not blinking not moving and not uttering one word. “Arley? Arley are you okay?! Arley you look like your going to pass out.” After 5 minutes of no movement they got fed up and started to shake me profusely. Till I blinked back to reality. “Please tell me none of this is happening.” They just look at each other with worry in their eyes than back at me. They weren’t denying it. I decided to see how Harry was taking this and I looked behind me at the wheel chair ramp to see Harry looking strait at me with a crocked evil grin. Then he winked at me and made a kissy face with which I responded by quickly turning back in my seat. I closed my eyes hard and whispered to myself “this cant be happening. This cant be happening…” “I’m sorry Arley. It might not be that bad!” Darcy said. Maybe she was right maybe this wouldn’t be as bad as I thought. RING RING RING!!!! “Okay bye guys ill see you after school wanna hit up the mall after school?” “Yeah sure! See ya” they say and walk off in the opposite direction. I almost reach my Math class when someone pulls me back. And by this time the halls were cleared out because the bell would ring at any second. The person pulled me back and around the corner to the lockers. “Ahhh what the hell!?” I scream. As the release me I trip back and almost fall but arms find there way around my waist and pull me back up to safety with my feet on the floor. I turn around to see who had drug me here. The sight of two luscious green eyes make me hypnotized. “What was that for?” I ask with kinda snotty tone. “I wanted to ask you if you wanted to practice our scene tonight.” He had a smirk on his face but this wasn’t his usual smirk this was like a genuine kind smirk. I was shocked I had never seen this side of him before. It seems like without his posy he is actually a kindish person. “Um yeah sure. Would you come over to my house?” I ask. “Yeah sounds great how bout I’ll be at your house at 7:00?” “Sounds good!” “Okay we better get to class before people start suspecting things.” He winked. What could people be thinking of? Would they be thinking about Harry and me? Ha like that would ever happen. He is the king of all things popular and I’m well not. We walk back to class which we were now late for. As we walk in the whole class stops what their doing and stairs at us. Harry walks in and I just stand there frozen in my place. I don’t even know why but everyone’s eyes staring into me just makes me freeze. Then I feel a strong hand tug me over to an empty seat. I take a seat as well as Harry and we go about acting like nothing had happened. Periodically during the class Harry would look over at me. I could tell he was trying to be discrete but I could see him through the side of my eye. What was he looking at? Did I have something on my face? Wait why do I care? RING RING! The bell rings and I practically run out of the class not wanting to converse with Harry anymore then I had to. I rush to my locker where Ellie and Darcy are already waiting for me. “Hey Arley!” I can tell they notice my long face because they ask, “What’s wrong?” I sigh, “Nothing I guess. Well I don’t know.” “Okay lets go to the mall and you can tell us all about what your thinking then. And we can shop to ease your mind a little bit.” Ellie always had the best ways to cheer me up. I nod and smile and continue to collect my books from my locker. Then we make our way to Ellie’s car, or Ellie’s brother’s car. But he got it taken away because he was caught with a girl in it. In Ellie’s family they are extremely strict when it comes to the opposite gender alone with one of there children.

As we are leaving I turn the last corner and I slam into something rock solid. “Ughh!!” I sigh and look up to see those infamous green eyes looking back at me. “Oh sorry” I say and step aside to let him through. “Its alright love.” He says with that crooked grin and winks. Still gripping my hurting head I walk to El & Darcy who were still walking to the car. “Guys is it just me or does Harry always wink and grin when he looks at people?” I say really wanting to know if I was the only one or if her just does this with everyone. “Umm he doesn’t do that with me.” Darcy says “Yeah me either. I think its just you Arley!” She says and nudges me with her elbow and winks at me. “You guys it probable means nothing.” Darcy and Ellie look at each other and do that secret talking thing the do with their eyes and then they both nod as if to agree. 

Where it all starts...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora